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I wouldn't say dying 9 times is owning :shifty:

But neat! Vel'Koz is cool, but I do not play mid lane enough to get him.

Eh, I had 3 deaths in lane and about 7 kills. Fiddle was babysitting mid so much that the enemy top was asking us to report him for not ganking other lanes.

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An early top lane gank is what my friend, a jungle main, likes to do. He usually hits their red on the way up there if he has the chance too. He prefers to not gank mid unless he absolutely has to since he can potentially hit the other team's buffs by doing top and then bot. A bottom lane gank is totally based on positioning though, my friend will tell me to let them push towards tower so he can come in through the river and wait in the bushes for them to turn around.

I can't play this way at all, I'm terrible at jungle, but his strategy is really great as long as you have a competent mid laner.

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I think the most important thing i had to learn about ganking is that it´s not about the kill or doing dmg, it´s more buying some time for your laner (at least pre level 6) so if you just peek out and look at all the lanes while you are farming you already give your team a decent advantage in farm untill you outright kill the other guy/help to push the tower.

You have different champions, fiddle is fairly hard because you can just die a lot if you mess up, WW is extremly easy because you just hit people in the face with speed, lifesteal and more tankyness.

I tend to suck at ADC, i miss a ton of last hits i do laneing top and mid. I also need to make the range of champions i can play a bit bigger. I hardly play any mele for example and i cant play any of the burst or assasin champions properly. Fooled around a bit with Akali and LeBlanc but never got at a point to facerole with them as some players do.

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This game is so full of Ideots. I am currently in my promotion back up to Bronze three, last game people started rageing when someone did not ban Kassa, when i (as second pick) picked Teemo they all started rageing at me and wished me fun at loosing top and asked me in disbelieve why i was doing this in my promotion(i won with 0/0/0 and about 50 lasthits more than Shyvana) but at this point they had decided they needed to hate me no matter what. Leona even was convinced we would loose this game and tried to surrender over and over again (i guess because against kassa and with teemo you cant win, even if you lead with 5 kills a Barron and several dragons).

In the end i was 8/2/13, killed 7 towers and two inhibitors. Team was infuriated when i died and up to the last second of the match telling me how noob i was how this team sucks ect. ect. ect.

And no, i dident feed their rage.


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Oh wow, that is terrible. I had a pretty shitty game last night....but thankfully, the rest of the team carried (and only one person on their team was fed).

It started with Sona and I (jinx) guarding red buff....the mini invade came (their bot lane and their jungler)....we almost killed the jungler (he went in way early), but I was stupid and decided to chase....Xin is faster than Jinx :(

Got to lane, Vayne had pushed the minions to tower and I was still level 1, while she was approaching level 3. Sona was overly aggressive, got killed, blamed me (at this point, I am level 2. I am not going all in against Vayne). Thankfully, somehow, we pulled it out.

I am one win away from being put into a promo series.

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First game of today (unranked, draft pick) four people fight to go mid, afterward three people fight to go top, match abandoned by someone, next match, first pick calls mid, match abandoned, next pick, same again, next match i don´t even bother to click yes on accept match because it´s going to be most of these people again. o_O

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Yeah, thats what i did. Had a fun match as Jax and a fun match as Akali today. Both matches went "ok" but for some reason my opponents decided to go with Yasuo and Nidalee which i directly countered in both cases.

I can understand why many people play these champions, besides knowing when to go in to do DMG without dieing there dos not seem to be nearly as much skill needed compared to Champions that have skill shots and different combos than just free evade, kill and kill moah.

The Team builder thing looks interesting

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Yeah, thats what i did. Had a fun match as Jax and a fun match as Akali today. Both matches went "ok" but for some reason my opponents decided to go with Yasuo and Nidalee which i directly countered in both cases.

I can understand why many people play these champions, besides knowing when to go in to do DMG without dieing there dos not seem to be nearly as much skill needed compared to Champions that have skill shots and different combos than just free evade, kill and kill moah.

The Team builder thing looks interesting

In bronze, there is no counter.

Also, in a promo series to go to S5!

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I hear Silver 5 is terrible as well, full of people that got carried in their placement matches.

Even in Bronze there is counter. I think it varies from champion pair to champion pair and obviously less squishy ones dont feel it as bad. But take my tiny teemo as an example, the reason people hate it when he gets picked is that if you play him bad you will just feed like a maniac and it will be even worse if you face a jax, a renekton or a pantheon. Some of these pairings just increase the need of the countered player knowing what to do AND doing it properly to a notable level.

Stuff like me going Jax (i played 4 times by now i think) vs Yasuo and owning him effortless confirms that. And i also think it depends a lot on how much skill is required to counter. I have not yet played Vayne yet but it seems like for the full potential of his skills you need to do a shit ton more than with Jinxes point and shoot skills. So IF your vayne skills help to counter x dossent mean that you actualy will counter x while a champion with more "free hit" potential (lets say, leona, for example) counters their opponents far easier.

Grargas also is one of those champions that seem incredibly easy to me. Le Blanc on the other hand requires a bit more feeling to not just get slaughtert.

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