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Status Replies posted by OctoberRaven

  1. To Do List

    Date With Mschif
    Attend Brunch with John Cena regarding his future.
    Visit Adopted Mom’s grave with Adopted Father
    Attend & Ruin Wrestlemania 27

    1. OctoberRaven


      Give the positive answer of yes to a WWE contract

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. but why male models?


    1. OctoberRaven


      Because Vince just watched Zoolander for the first time.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Anyone seen GhostMachine lately?

  4. Curry Man v. American Dragon - who'd? book that

    1. OctoberRaven


      I don't know, doesn't seem like Jim Neidhart's bag.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. You load sixteen tons what do you get?

    Another day older and deeper in debt

    1. OctoberRaven


      I also get buckling knees, cripping back pain, and sprained ankles.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. If you like watching big lad graps but you're not watching sumo, I don't know what to tell you. The biggest of lads, the grappliest of graps.

    1. OctoberRaven


      This month's tournament was amazing. Literally down to the last matches.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. I am grey

    You can see me safely but if you get anywhere near me without a protective suit you will die in two minutes

    I cannot be contained

    Destroying me would come at a great cost

    What am I?

  8. I am grey

    You can see me safely but if you get anywhere near me without a protective suit you will die in two minutes

    I cannot be contained

    Destroying me would come at a great cost

    What am I?

    1. OctoberRaven


      Nobody's gonna guess?

      I'll add a hint: You probably see me almost every night.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Need a tag team name for Greg Valentine and Nailz.

  10. Decided to try and help Americans understand cricket, however, I fear it may confuse them more. :D

    1. OctoberRaven


      Cricket? Nobody understands cricket. You have to know what a crumpet is to understand cricket.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. So... the John Wick movies are comedies right? Parodies of action movies? Because these movies are just comically absurd.

    1. OctoberRaven


      Well no, but there's a middle ground between realism and Airplane!. And I love Airplane!, I do like the Wick movies, but I just don't think they meant to write Airplane!.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. So... the John Wick movies are comedies right? Parodies of action movies? Because these movies are just comically absurd.

    1. OctoberRaven


      Entire shootouts happen in crowds who DONT REACT AT ALL. I can forgive all the silent guns and bottomless mags but the fact that nobody in that city cares about being in a shootout is just where I start treating it as a comedy.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Bizarro is not Superman's evil doppelganger.

    Lobo is.

    1. OctoberRaven


      Superhuman physical abilities, nearly invincible, survivors of a dead planet who have come back from the dead.

      They've even fought to a draw.

  14. The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.

    1. OctoberRaven


      Oh: And pure individualism is an inherently authoritarian system, because nobody can do anything without the unanimous consent of everyone around them. The actions of one person inevitably effect others around them.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.

    1. OctoberRaven


      I believe, with good reason, the most unsympathetic Hollywood portrayal of Indians and what they did to the white man. They had no right to a country merely because they were born here and then acted like savages. The white man did not conquer this country. And you're a racist if you object, because it means you believe that certain men are entitled to something because of their race.[26] - Ayn Rand

      I’d rather vote for Bob Hope, the Marx Brothers, or Jerry Lewis. I don’t think they’re as funny as Professor Hospers and the Libertarian Party.
      —Ayn Rand[17]
      Ayn Rand's "philosophy" is nearly perfect in its immorality, which makes the size of her audience all the more ominous and symptomatic as we enter a curious new phase in our society… To justify and extol human greed and egotism is to my mind not only immoral, but evil.
      Gore Vidal, Esquire Magazine, 1961
    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. All things in moderation.

    1. OctoberRaven


      If you take all things in moderation, that means you're constantly doing things in moderation. Therefore you're not doing moderation moderately. Moderation is a thing. Ergo, it is impossible to take all things in moderation.

  17. I have no mouth, and I must scream.

    1. OctoberRaven


      There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the words AMERICAN MALES were engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one one billionth of the eggs I wykradly mumps at this micro instant for you.

  18. Did anyone ever tell Casey Jones that it's probably a bad idea to drive that train while high on cocaine? Of course there's trouble ahead, you're high on cocaine, Casey Jones. DUH.

    1. OctoberRaven


      They did warn him to watch his speed at least.

  19. 1. Secure the wrist
    2. Break the finger
    3. Break the wrist
    4. Break the elbow
    5. Break the jaw
    6. Smash the groin
    7. Break the nose
    8. Break the knee
    9. Break the ribs
    10. Re-stomp the groin
    11. Knee drop the pelvis
    12. Kick the head
    13. Stomp the head
    14. Stomp the back of the neck
    15. Re-stomp the groin
    16. And exit out 

    1. OctoberRaven


      You forgot to do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself about.

  20. Welcome to the 31 club @Skummy, But A Country! 🎉

    1. OctoberRaven


      Unfortunately I'm in it, and not even I would want to be in a club that would have a guy like me as a member.

      Happy B-Day Skummers

  21. What are the rules? 

    1. OctoberRaven


      Two robots enter, one robot leaves. And then the other one leaves after being declared the winner.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. Nintendo Announces New Corre Pokemon Game for Switch in 2019

  23. Fun fact; historians believed that Christ died March 30 33AD. Which means the first Easter happened on April 1st.

    1. OctoberRaven


      @JTHNumbers2018 No idea.

      Also, this was all just a joke anyway, historians ACTUALLY think he died around April 3 or 4.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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