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About Boogey131

  • Birthday 23/07/1987

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    Glasgow Scotland

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  1. That's a revelation for the characters but for viewers, we all knew this going in. I'm not WITH the people who didn't like it, I can just agree this wasn't a huge bombshell of a finale. I'm ok with that. I don't think every tv show has to adhere to the structure of a show ending with a massive bombshell. I can understand maybe, some people wanting a couple more threads(such as Merle) to either be tied off or continued but, this was not a typical season, it served as a preview for what the show can be and in that regard, I am pleased with it. They can always expand on things with Merle/Vatos/whatever but they closed off the season with our characters not knowing what's next, to me, that's a good place to end it. Shanes character is still one of the more interesting of the group and I think they would have jumped the gun if they followed the comic books version of the Lori/Rick/Shane triangle. I definitely want more scenes with Rick and Shane, without the leadership struggle and the secrets between friend and wife, we would have one less interesting character dynamic to tune in for. Great first series, I hate the long wait between seasons but fingers-crossed it'll be worth the wait. But we didn't though? I can understand what you're saying with everything else, but unless you've read the comic (and even then, I'm sorry, but apparently that's not going to help you know what's going on anymore) you have no idea what's happening. For all we knew, the guy at the CDC still being around meant that there could be others. It's a bit of a lame ending when you compare it to something super exciting, but if you don't it can stand alone well. I think all the people that have read the comics (well, apart from GoGo) need to take a step back and realise that this isn't going to be Watchmen levels of faithful (thank god). This is The Walking Dead as done by someone else. Maybe you'd prefer Kirkmans Walking Dead and that's fine, but that's not what this is. You can bitch and moan about things from the comic being better or this and that not being done as well, but at the end of the day I'd rather just forget about the comic, sit back and enjoy the show for what it is rather than what it's not. Was it perfect? Not really, but it was still fantastic television and something we've really never seen before on such a big budget scale. I'm hoping what Rick heard from the Doc wasn't the revelation that she's preggers (we can do that plenty of other ways and it'll be very interesting when the whole 'Is it Ricks or Shanes' comes into it. I can see that being what finally breaks Shane) but something more along the lines of a vital piece of information that Doc figured out. Something that could be the key to a cure. With that, they can give the characters and the viewers some hope for the future, that they could save the world if they can just find the right person to give the information to. Comic Spoilers for the next bit: Also hoping we have a bit more classic zombie scares next series when they have more episodes to play with. I love that we're focusing on characters and survival, but come on, it's a zombie TV show, we need a few more scares in the dark! I just didn't see it going anywhere else when the last episode he was making the drunken video log. In that moment we already knew that, as far as this character is aware, there was nobody out there. But the character was needed this early to take away the biggest piece of hope the survivors have had and change their goal from trying to find out what happened and how to cure it, to purely surviving in the world, so in that regard, yes the character and CDC was required and will (hopefully) change the mindset of the group. I agree about looking too much into what the comic does, I think a TV show like this has to become its own thing and not rely on the source material for its twists and characters. I'm really glad the tv show seems to be unafraid to completely alter the source material while still maintaining a similar tone, to me, that's the best way to do a adaptation. Watchmen was a great adaptation but on its own, was a pretty average movie and if it comes down to it, Id suggest people just read the book. With this? I'd be more hard pressed to pick one over the other as they both offer different experiences. I find it weird that the physical special effects can look amazing but when it comes to CGI everything begins to look like a made-for-Sy-fy movie. I can live with it since I doubt we'll see a building implode on itself often but, just a weird contrast tot he amazing zombie make-up.
  2. That's a revelation for the characters but for viewers, we all knew this going in. I'm not WITH the people who didn't like it, I can just agree this wasn't a huge bombshell of a finale. I'm ok with that. I don't think every tv show has to adhere to the structure of a show ending with a massive bombshell. I can understand maybe, some people wanting a couple more threads(such as Merle) to either be tied off or continued but, this was not a typical season, it served as a preview for what the show can be and in that regard, I am pleased with it. They can always expand on things with Merle/Vatos/whatever but they closed off the season with our characters not knowing what's next, to me, that's a good place to end it. Shanes character is still one of the more interesting of the group and I think they would have jumped the gun if they followed the comic books version of the Lori/Rick/Shane triangle. I definitely want more scenes with Rick and Shane, without the leadership struggle and the secrets between friend and wife, we would have one less interesting character dynamic to tune in for. Great first series, I hate the long wait between seasons but fingers-crossed it'll be worth the wait.
  3. I think this movie will bomb too, of all the video game adaptations I thought Prince of Persia would have been the one to become a huge success just because it was advertised as a Jerry Bruckheimer thrill-ride style movie and had a big name lead but I don't recall that doing well compared to the budget. To me, that's a perfect example of how hard it is to sell these adaptations to the general audience. Basing it on the trailers POP looked like the Mummy/PotC and depending on the marketing of Uncharted I'm sure it could be comparable to National Treasure/Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider. I don't have a fuckin' clue why Mark Wahlberg has the good fortune of having studios faith in leading roles, but he does and I'm guessing they're hoping his name alone will draw in the Shooter crowd. As somebody said though, I'm glad Fillion is actually working, I know he wanted this role(from his tweets) but he can sit happy knowing one of the shows he was involved in wasn't cancelled right away.
  4. EDIT: Fucked up and made a double post, my bad.
  5. I love Nathan Fillion, and think he was perfect for the role but he has no mainstream backing. Serenity had all the nerd cred and still did next to nothing in the box office. Mark Wahlberg for whatever reason has become a household name, he's a safer bet for the studios, which is so fucking sad, but I can totally understand Hollywood not taking a risk with Fillion as their star.
  6. With the exception of: The Lovely Bones The Happening Max Payne Rock Star Planet of the Apes Fear Etc. He's capable of strong performances, but he is NOT the action star that Hollywood has been trying to make him for years now. Nathan Fillion was the only right casting choice for this role. From a creative standpoint, totally, but Nathan Fillion realistically couldn't carry a big-budget action movie on his own. I knew he wasn't going to get the job, I just was hoping they'd go with somebody that has a TINY bit of charisma for the role. Mark Wahlberg is terrible in any serious role. His only good performance is in Boogie Nights and even then, he had a good script and direction to work with. I've never played the games but was still looking forward to what could've been a good movie but my disdain for Wahlberg has pretty much guaranteed I won't see it now.
  7. I get how people don't like how Shane has been portrayed, personally I do, he is portrayed exactly as I saw him in the comics. He is a leader for the group and until Rick showed up the appointed "sheriff" who is confronted with the fallout for his actions. Criticising the show though for the instincts of the survivors isn't fair though. Smart TV does not mean every character is going to be smart, or that smart people only make smart choices. It wasn't smart for Lori and Shane to sneak off into the woods, but in a bleak world like this, they need relief. Sex clouds peoples judgement everyday and I imagine the idea of sneaking off away into dangerous territory(although in their minds not TOO dangerous considering as mentioned in the last episode, the zombie hadn't made it that far out so far) only strengthened the thrill of it. As for Andrea not unlocking her safety, it doesn't matter how long the apocalypse has lasted, not everybody is going to know how to handle a gun properly, especially in stressful situations. I think you can criticise how little depth there are for some characters, but I didn't see any of the characters carrying Max Brooks Zombie Survival Guide, so, just like in traumatic situations like this, people are going to continue to make poor choices.
  8. There was no clamouring, he vaulted over and had the mental capacity to know how to swing his legs over the top in a way that he would land on his feet. I wasn't lying earlier when I said I couldn't climb over a chain link fence, I guess you can say it says more about my athleticism than it does a zombies when a rotting corpse can do what I can't.
  9. As long as we don't get into Land of the Dead territory where the zombies begin to regain logic and structure, I'm good. The TV show should never be limited to what was seen in the comics, so though I didn't expect to see it and it brought me out of the moment a little, I appreciate the fact they're at least attempting to differentiate themselves from the books and it was not a big enough problem that it changes my opinion that, it's a fuckin' great show so far and I'm in for the long haul.
  10. I enjoy a lot of zombie media but, other than appreciating the fact Romero created what your average person sees when they think of zombie, I dint hold those films in high regard. To me, I enjoy zombies being clumsy, bumbling creatures that at a couple of a time and in an open space are easily avoidable but in large numbers or a more claustrophobic setting are dangerous as all hell. I am not the kind if person who holds this standard as what all zombie stories should be since I do like DOTD(2004), 28 Days Later, Dead Set where the zombies run etc it's just, weird for me to see out of 50 or so zombies a single one nimbly climb a chain link fence. To show that sort of comprehension just took me out of the moment personally. I'm not going to condemn the show though, if they're going to continually show those sort of things I'll hopefully get used to it but just a little jarring to see.
  11. The new characters added to the show are so one-dimensional(so far) I do want the show to be it's own thing eventually and having its own characters is a good way to set itself apart from the comic series, but ...T-Dog? Ugh. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt though, I did enjoy the last ten minutes a hell of a lot, especially with Dixon being left how he was, pretty flat characters but they can be easily developed with more scenes like that. With a few exceptions, I always felt The Walking Dead comics were the same, it always takes me a few issues/scenes with a new character before I can get a sense of a 3rd dimension to their characters. Personally, I'm ok with the casting of Shane. Dale, Glenn, Rick, Lori and to a lesser extent Andrea(Im not too keen on the actress playing her but she's not been bad so far) are all perfectly cast. I didn't see Rick in Andrew Lincoln at first but the Dixon/T-Dog fight scene helped set my mind at ease and though he still doesn't match what I see in Rick visually, he's definitely a good choice. Oh...a pet peeve - Zombies with bricks and zombies climbing chain link fences = little annoying. I don't think I could climb a chain link fence so it just seemed off to see it. And zombies should not be able to use weapons, even if only against a door. I know it's pathetic to expect 'realism' in a story about the dead coming back to life as mindless cannibals, but, I still cringe when I think of the zombies using bricks to smash in the door, it shows some sort of coherent thought because there is no reason for two zombies to just happen to have large blocks of cement. I'm hoping they keep this sort of thing to a minimum, it really does take me out of it.
  12. I loved this episode(s?), it felt more like 24: Redemption than a regular season opener. It could easily stand on its own as a story starring House. Like you said though the show tends to threaten to shake up status quo, conveniently towards the end and opening of seasons so we'll see how this will change who House is and how he treats his co-workers/patients long-term. House is my favourite procedural so I will most likely stick around even if the show returns to its standard-format but I really really would like for some real changes to take place in the characters, every supporting character in this one story felt more fleshed out and interesting than the main supporting cast have in ages. With House falling for the German chick, only to have it end how it did, I'm hoping the experience has soured him on relationships, especially those that involve Cuddy, I just don't think those two being together improves the show. I'm looking forward to the next episode and came away more interested in the character of House, you really can't ask for a better opener than that.
  13. Flight of the Conchords UK tour? Yes, please!

  14. I loved the demo, the brawling combat is simple but, seeing the counters and the finishing blows in slow-mo is real satisfying, plus the free-flow combat does what the whole game is aiming for by making you feel like Batman taking on a bunch of nameless goons. I think I'll be in the detective mode for most of the game, it's got the same appeal as say the glowing light trail in the newest POP or the directional display thing from Dead Space in that, it'll merely point you in the right direction but this obviously takes it to a new level with some puzzle elements and hidden areas(I'm guessing there's no way to blow out the wall after the Zsaz confrontation in the demo?) The stealth areas really shine, the first area with armed-enemies was easy, as it was still teaching the player the mechanic but it was still really fun to pick them off one by one silently and then on the next area where the enemies were patrolling I really enjoyed having to work out in which order/the time/which method to disarm them all. I fudged it up the first time with a glide kick but second play through I managed to get by easily without alerting anybody of my presence, made me feel really badass. I'll be interested to see how the boss battles work though, I imagine something a little closer to the stealth combat with more swinging to gargoyles or using the environment more since I can't conceive Batman taking on somebody the size of Killer Croc in hand to hand, really wish the demo ran just a little longer to alleviate any fears I may have. Lastly the presentation in this game is what it should be, the atmosphere of the Asylum reminds me a lot of Dead Space's ship which I thought did a great job of creating an environment that fit hand in hand with the gameplay. The voice acting is top notch, I've been re-playing Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and find a lot of the voice work to be too cheesy, but I think the voice actors involved in Arkham Asylum are managing to walk that line between over-the-top and cheesy really well, as somebody who never watched the animated series I'm really impressed. I am now overly excited about this game, I can't wait to get my hands on it.
  15. It all started with that Raconteurs record he rushed out and wasn't very good. And honestly, it gets to a point to where White's demeanor is more offputting towards his music, even if it shouldn't really be that way. I still remember recently that White derided Guitar Hero and Rock Band because he said that it was depressing that so many people are only knowing about music through video games. And to me, that's a dickish attitude to this whole purist B.S. about music in the first place. That suddenly a song loses value from being put out in mainstream culture or that some kid playing "Immigrant Song" on Guitar Hero 5 is less valid than if he stole his dad's copy of Led Zeppelin III. Yes, I realize this has nothing to do with The Dead Weather, but I think there's a valid reason why White doing a side project is almost seen as a sort of "meh" thing now, and it's because the music isn't backing up the attitude. I agree with Jack White, as much as I personally enjoy Rock Band type games it's not how I want to experience new music. It just doesn't compare to listening to a record/CD/MP3. The game isn't created in a way to give the songs sound quality justice, only to help create an experience for a player, not a listener. I don't think he was attacking the games just making a comment on how music is consumed these days. It's not dickish at all to have nostalgia, I embrace the whole digital downloads and ever growing music-genre of video games but still, i can see his point entirely. As for The Dead Weather, I have't listened to enough to say but, I still find myself getting caught up in the Jack White buzz so I'll definitely check it out whenever I find time.
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