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Status Updates posted by stokeriño

  1. Current mood: Portishead

  2. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

    1. stokeriño
    2. Sousa


      James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher.

  3. It occurs to me that I've never done the member name tag/mention thing in a post before and have no idea how. >_>

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Meacon Keaton
    3. Benji


      It can be temperamental sometimes.

    4. Lineker


      When you type @ wait a few seconds, then a dropdown menu will start appearing as you type the username.

  4. MOAR POP PROM (voting for Revolution #8, that is)

  5. Revolution episode 7 posted in The Pop Prom. Kaboom, yo.

    1. TEOL


      More like Hyrwyddo poblogrwydd AMIRITE

  6. Revolution episode #7 - card up and ready for voting in TPP

  7. The Welsh have arrived: Revolution episode 6 results in The Pop Prom, now.

  8. Head to The Pop Prom for the results of Revolution Episode 5!

  9. Vote on the latest episode of Revolution in The Pop Prom... Welsh and English and Aussies collide, AND we have a Soul on a Pole match. How can you resist?

  10. Revolution episode 4 posted in The Pop Prom, now with 100% more beatdowns.

  11. VOTING NOW OPEN for Episode 4 of Revolution, only in The Pop Prom!

  12. The first new episode of Revolution is UP AND POSTED in The Pop Prom!

    1. Kyle


      System is best brand. >_>

  13. Will spend the next fortnight trying to figure out which club to start an FM14 diary with...

  14. Irked that my most recent status update is 14 months old, so...um, I have a new Dome diary, read it! (Or don't. Whatever.)

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      It's been a while since we could enjoy your artistic talents.

  15. In a perfect world Men In Black 3 would contain at least one cameo of Adam Buxton saying "WHOA LOOK AT DA SKILLZ ON DIS GUY! HE MUST BE A ALIEN OR SUTIN."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OctoberRaven


      Well, the animated series was alright.

      The Universal ride < King Kong ride though.

    3. Benji


      In a perfect world, Will Smith never gave birth to daughter Willow, and thus inflicting the world with "I whip my hair back and forth".

    4. Dingle


      Or he raised her to shut the fuck up and not sing shitty pop songs.

  16. Wedding in T minus 189 hours. That probably covers a fair proportion of why.

    Also, holidays.

  17. Well all FM diaries are irritating in one way or another...

  18. Uh, possibly. For maybe 2 minutes in a "EWB is broken, right?" kind of way.

  19. Which begs the question of what compelled you to contemplate stalking me in the first place.

  20. Good luck with that - I never do anything interesting there. ¬_¬

  21. You say that without even knowing on what day(s) I was PM'd the new information, hmm?

  22. I suck for what now? ¬_¬

  23. Not unless annoying Kliq is a heel turn these days.

  24. I'm watching your every move.


  25. I counter Kou's last statement by drawing his attention to the existence of 'AIR', which is at least seventy times more boring. >_>

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