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AMC's "The Walking Dead"


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Great episode. I actually gave a damn about Milton which is something I couldn't really say until tonight.

No matter how much I didn't like Andrea for a good deal of this season I know I still cared. Was so sad when she pulled her jacket back. They did really good holding up on the gunshot. I was tensing up the whole time just waiting for it. I'll miss you Andrea :(

Surprised the Governor made it out but not upset with it. So glad Tyrese is finally where he belongs too :)

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The most absolutely brilliant thing about the finale (COMIC SPOILERS FORTHCOMING);

Andrea's death scene in the show in almost exactly Dale's death scene in the comic, except with Michonne in Andrea's place.


Annoyed that the Governor is going to come back. In a weird way delighted that Cesar will come back. I've grown fond of Cesar.

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Man, I really wanted to like that finale more. Those three key moments were all fantastic, but there was so much more they could've done. All three of those moments could've been done amidst something with so much more potential. I guess that's what really disappointed me. The sheer potential this episode could've reached.

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I think for me, as great as the episode was, the disapointment comes from the fact that

we have been gearing up for a Prison vs Woodbury epic showdown since the mid season finale, and theyve been building towards it and hyping it and all of a sudden all we get is one scene of Woodbury guards roaming an empty prison and all of a sudden Glenn and Maggie shoot back. That was the fight?

It felt like an entire waste of build nd this episode shuldve happened earlier in the season as opposed to being used as a finale.

Andrea dying was a powerful scene, but they were just rebuilding her character so this was a let down to me.

I have a feeling Carl will play a huge role next season, almost as a "villain" to Rick... Like forcing the father to choose between his son and his people.

And i am very disappointed that The Governor lived. That was a waste and it seems as though he has to come back. The story just isnt finished.

Again it was a fantastic episode, just a lowsy finale.

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They weren't building to what you thought they were building to. Fan expectation does not the actual story make.

From the very start, it was made clear that 90% of Woodbury's residents were completely and totally incapable of fighting, and in fact were clearly sheltered from the harsh realities of the world they were living in. The contrast, from the start, was the mostly softer residents of Woodbury to the group, who had been hardened by the time they spent in between season two and season three on the road.

The other theme this season is the parallel trajectories of Rick and The Governor as leaders. The Governor's failure to organize a large group of said relatively skittish, not battle-tested people with the exceptions of Cesar and the hilariously-named Shumpert meant that he finally lost his shit flat-out and killed 90% of them.

Both recurring themes got their payoffs tonight. Rick succeeded as a leader, The Governor failed. That's the story.

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While I was hoping for a big ol' super action packed finale, I enjoyed this episode. It did pretty much everything right.

Andrea's death? The Governor going crazy and shooting his people? Carl becoming a stone cold killer? All great.

Although, I don't know how I feel about having about 20 new people in the group. They are just going to be there as cannon fodder.

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I'm kind of amused at how fan speculation ran rampant when we heard "27 characters get killed off!", and then it turns out to be 26 nameless schmucks and Andrea.

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I'm kind of amused at how fan speculation ran rampant when we heard "27 characters get killed off!", and then it turns out to be 26 nameless schmucks and Andrea.


25 nameless schmucks, Milton (though really, that was no shock at all) and Andrea.

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That was an awesome ending, really. It didn't end with a bang, but the episode was good. As stated, the theme of how Rick and the Gov lead their groups came to an end in the way it should. Andrea's death was sad, they did that well. While I'm here, Merle's death the episode before was also sad, really well done. Loved how he went out, and Daryl finding him was emotional. I have a feeling they wont be staying in the prison long next season. 2-4 episodes max before the Gov charges in with what's left and some heavy fire power. That'll kill off most of the new settlers in the prison, and move the story on beyond the prison - it'll also be a massive start to a new season.

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It was a very understated episode and I think it all worked. I think it was Alan Sepinwall that mentioned that it was ironic how Milton died, considering his research and he was still convinced that the biters retained some of who they were after turning.

The Governor getting away and the retreat of Woodbury does kind of tie in with how Woodbury/Prison battle went in the comics and how the Governor kept his people in the dark.

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While watching the demise of Milton and Andrea, I couldn't help but think of the recurring conversations in Breaking Bad of half measures and full measures. TWD's writers painted that thematic picture as well with Milton "looking the other way" and Andrea "wanting to save everybody." The real death this season was Andrea and Milton's "compromise" where season two's real casualty was Dale's "compassion."

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One of the funniest things about this to me is that in the comics...

The Governor and Rick don't have a "big showdown" either. The Governor is killed by his own people.

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One of the funniest things about this to me is that in the comics...

The Governor and Rick don't have a "big showdown" either. The Governor is killed by his own people.

the show still needed to give people something more than a Monty Python sketch style attack of "Charge! Run Away!"

They spent so much time building up to nothing that it's hard to be anything but disappointed.

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I wonder how much of this was planed before show runner changed again. Since there are a ton of iconic Prison Arc moments that are missing.

Also record ratings. It´s amazing how much success this show has despite it´s bottom of the barrel writing class. Maybe stupid people just because there are more stupid people than people that actualy can follow good writing that chalanges you every now and than. This show is such a train wreck.


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