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I might have to give up on the 200 normal wins gambit.

I cannot handle this game being played like it is team deathmatch.

Surely people do it differently in ranked...


The best thing to do: get a duo partner. That way you have someone to count on. Or play a big play/carry champ. Like Maokai!

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That includes a loss with on a 5 man that had 2 people who hadn't played the game in a long long time and a game as support. He's so so strong, Last 4 games on him:


7/11/4 (My entire team got wrecked, the enemy top laner was like 12/1 or something)



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I might have to give up on the 200 normal wins gambit.

I cannot handle this game being played like it is team deathmatch.

Surely people do it differently in ranked...


The best thing to do: get a duo partner. That way you have someone to count on. Or play a big play/carry champ. Like Maokai!

Hard to carry as a support :P

Matzat started the day on ZERO points. He didn't sub out Kori who left MYM, and blanked on his midlane. he scored 151 points in NALCS Day 1 and now Ruki is losing.

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I might have to give up on the 200 normal wins gambit.

I cannot handle this game being played like it is team deathmatch.

Surely people do it differently in ranked...


The best thing to do: get a duo partner. That way you have someone to count on. Or play a big play/carry champ. Like Maokai!

Hard to carry as a support :P

Matzat started the day on ZERO points. He didn't sub out Kori who left MYM, and blanked on his midlane. he scored 151 points in NALCS Day 1 and now Ruki is losing.

Move into a carry position. That's why I went top.

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Tried a supp I could turn into a carry if things went bad, we got rolled as Annie.

Played Ocean Week champions until I had 3 wins, so I could get my name on the statue >_<

Lost back-to-back on Lee Sin before finally getting a win on him to clinch statue. Then won another on Veigar - went 4-0-2. I selected Veigar to counter the plague of Fizz we're getting in ocean week. Naturally, laning against Zed. My Jungler camped my lane early, and that Zed fed him and me hardcore :D

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I try not to get too bothered about things like that. Had them happen to me and against me so I just move on.

It does seem to happen in bunches though. Especially on Sundays - not sure why but Sunday seems to be "even more toxic" day.

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Blizzard is now selling Heros of the Storm Beta Access. A whooping 35€. Considering how the exclusive LoL skins from the PreOrder Pack gained in value that might not even be a bad deal, than again there will be a ton more people buying than LoL 4-5 (?) years ago.

Still looking forward to that game very much. But i don´t think i will pay 35 for it (even if thats a 40% discount on the stuff you get ingame... sounds pretty fucking expensive if thats a 40% cut on 3 skins and a pet)

I actually wanted to trade that dude of my team but he was already logged in when i got to it. I am sort of expecting to win out fantasy LCS, i am the girl you play fantasy football with. She has no clue about anything but in the end wins for some reason. Hi Ruki!

Edited by Herr Matzat
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Started ranked, 2-2 so far, I had to ADC one game and sucked, but oh well. Taric may be my main, because, he's great.

Caught up on NA day 1

Was 104 points behind after EU, meaning Altec, Aphro, Shiphtur and Meteos had to outscore Dyrus by that much, and day 1 my four got 99 points, so I'm only 21 points behind now!

Strange week with so many subs, but if Winterfox gets their regular roster, they could be suprisingly scary.

Edited by Azazel
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Blizzard is now selling Heros of the Storm Beta Access. A whooping 35€. Considering how the exclusive LoL skins from the PreOrder Pack gained in value that might not even be a bad deal, than again there will be a ton more people buying than LoL 4-5 (?) years ago.

Still looking forward to that game very much. But i don´t think i will pay 35 for it (even if thats a 40% discount on the stuff you get ingame... sounds pretty fucking expensive if thats a 40% cut on 3 skins and a pet)

I actually wanted to trade that dude of my team but he was already logged in when i got to it. I am sort of expecting to win out fantasy LCS, i am the girl you play fantasy football with. She has no clue about anything but in the end wins for some reason. Hi Ruki!

I've had the HotS beta for a while but didn't really enjoy it. The game modes seemed a bit silly.

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I am too good for bronze.

Just went 13-5-24 as Maokai. Fucking DOMINATED. The other team was asking me to go AFK because I could 1v9.

3-2 in my placements.

Top: 2-0

Mid: 0-1

ADC: 1-1

Support/Jungle: 0-0

Welp...my first loss top. Up against a Nasus, jungler never comes top to help apply pressure, had a first time Thresh on my team. Bleh.

Top: 2-1

Mid: 0-1

ADC: 1-1

Support/Jungle: 0-0

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I tried a top lane Darius for the first time in ranked because I'm an idiot/

Died 6 minutes in to Renekton because I didnt expect the damage. Nocturne ganked me and I was 0-2 at 8 minutes... Vi finally helps and we killed Renekton, he comes back, I kill him again like 40 seconds later to make our brawling a little even now. Finally I go big ass play, kill Nocturne trying to gank me, recall, get Brutalizer to go with Ravenous Hydra, TP to dragon and triple dunk them, run back top, kill Renekton. Pick up Black Cleaver and officially become a monster. Nocturne would dive our ACD in team fights and run ring into my axe and a quick death. Ended up 11-6-6, so Daruis and Maokai may be my main top laners.

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Ended up with last pick ADC. Went Tristana. Absolutely mangled them. 8-3-8. Two deaths were because I rocket jumped IN, hoping to get a kill and a reset. Died basically on landing. So if i'd not been greedy, 8-1-8. I was down on CS early because Blitz was landing hooks a lot on my support Trundle. Caught up late in the laning phase, but Jinx had basically left by then because I got a double kill in lane, then a jump-in kill, reset, second kill onto Lee Sin, second reset onto Blitzcrank who then put on his speed and I could have caught him but Orianna appeared. I turned around and Vi went in and killed her as Blitz got away, I got my third reset on the assist and bailed out and i'm pretty sure Vi got out as well.

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So I just discovered a more accurate version of my stats. (IE I opened my match history then did a ctrl-f on my champion names) I knew i'd played waaaayyy more than 9 games on Sona. (turns out it's actually 38)

Stats need a bit of a rework.

I am now sub-.500 :(

141-145 overall

90-84 Support

16-23 Top

7-9 Mid

9-6 ADCarry

19-23 Jungle

My best champions (again by WL ratio, minimum 3 games played)

Tristana 3-0

Nami 3-1

Garen 2-1

Leona 36-20

Alistar 6-4, Braum 3-2, Veigar 3-2

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