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Interesting. I put Taric on a tier with Swain and Urgot as the most horribly unplayable champions in the game. I have never seen a Taric threaten anyone ever, either with me or against me. I'm impressed you piloted it so well!

Really? Taric is actually pretty amazing. If I didn't like Leona so much, he'd be my main tank support.

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Taric isn't a threat by himself, its when he can give your team like 30 bonus armour, reduce enemy armour by 40-45 and give allies 35 bonus ad or ap all in one. Plus he can stun, and heal, oh and in team fights his passive reduces his cooldowns a lot with a bit of AOE damage to help a little.

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Interesting. I put Taric on a tier with Swain and Urgot as the most horribly unplayable champions in the game. I have never seen a Taric threaten anyone ever, either with me or against me. I'm impressed you piloted it so well!

Swain is actually pretty good :/

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Interesting. I put Taric on a tier with Swain and Urgot as the most horribly unplayable champions in the game. I have never seen a Taric threaten anyone ever, either with me or against me. I'm impressed you piloted it so well!

Really? Taric is actually pretty amazing. If I didn't like Leona so much, he'd be my main tank support.

1) He's a strictly worse Leona. And Braum. And especially El Tigre Braum :P In fact, which Tank Supports is he BETTER than? Like, Nunu if you still consider him a support instead of a jungler?

2) He's also unplayable in metas where Trinity Force ADC's like Kog'Maw and Corki are so strong - his abilities are basically irrelevant to them. Even Ezreal is starting to make a comeback, and 3 of his abilities deal Magic Damage as well.

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Woah Swain is fantastic if you can play him. I've seen him wreck just about any and every "OP" mid lane champ.

Taric is money and harder to counter than Leona.

I don't think there are any truly unplayable champions, there are champions that have fucked up the meta (Kassadin! Rengar! Talon!) and champions that only work well when the rest of the team can play to their strengths (Soraka before rework, Yorick, Galio). As much as toxic players try to say so, there is no champ that is a first blood gg. There are however champs that cannot catch up when they fall behind, and need the rest of their team to help out a ton. And then there are champs, Fiora comes to mind, who have one super easy way to counter them (Thornmail in this case).

All told in my experience I think the champion balance is better in League but it's because of the forced meta. There is no prioritization for kills in League, maybe there should be but until there is it's hard to really pinpoint any champion as off-limits.

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Interesting. I put Taric on a tier with Swain and Urgot as the most horribly unplayable champions in the game. I have never seen a Taric threaten anyone ever, either with me or against me. I'm impressed you piloted it so well!

Really? Taric is actually pretty amazing. If I didn't like Leona so much, he'd be my main tank support.

1) He's a strictly worse Leona. And Braum. And especially El Tigre Braum :P In fact, which Tank Supports is he BETTER than? Like, Nunu if you still consider him a support instead of a jungler?

2) He's also unplayable in metas where Trinity Force ADC's like Kog'Maw and Corki are so strong - his abilities are basically irrelevant to them. Even Ezreal is starting to make a comeback, and 3 of his abilities deal Magic Damage as well.

I'm not sure if you're talking about pro play (I don't really watch it) but Ezreal has always been played way more than Kog'Maw at Gold/Silver/Bronze ELO. On EUW at least I see Ezreal fairly often and have done since the start of S3, Kog'Maw is one of the least picked ADC's.

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I was referring to competitive tier, which tends to affect lower ELO as the influence trickles down through the ranks. Big-picture, anyway.

I can fully see why Kog'Maw would be barely picked at all in SoloQ - he's a late game hyper-carry with no natural escape (compare to Tristana who at least has Rocket Jump) that requires the team to pick champs capable of protecting him (See the comp Team Liquid put together for KeithMcBrief, no matter how much he tries to claim that it was not a protect the Kog'Maw team comp). How many SoloQ'ers are prepared to commit to either side of that?

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Team comp in lower ELO is something that is extremely rare from what I've experienced. Usually most people have small champion pools which isn't surprising as getting to a high level on a lot champions (even in just one or two lanes) is difficult enough, ignoring the fact that they then have to get that lane.

It's why I usually ignore what is happening in competitive play. These guys sink 14 hours a day into practicing the game and usually in one specific role, most of them have mastered the mechanics of many champions. SoloQ (G/S/B especially) is never going to mimic that so champions that require a good team comp aren't usually a good pick. The amount of times I've played (high silver/low gold) on a team with 5 glass cannons and no tank is ridiculous.

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Team comp in lower ELO is something that is extremely rare from what I've experienced. Usually most people have small champion pools which isn't surprising as getting to a high level on a lot champions (even in just one or two lanes) is difficult enough, ignoring the fact that they then have to get that lane.

It's why I usually ignore what is happening in competitive play. These guys sink 14 hours a day into practicing the game and usually in one specific role, most of them have mastered the mechanics of many champions. SoloQ (G/S/B especially) is never going to mimic that so champions that require a good team comp aren't usually a good pick. The amount of times I've played (high silver/low gold) on a team with 5 glass cannons and no tank is ridiculous.

I must have insane normal MMR then because my teammates almost never complain if I ask them to go an AP top or Midlaner to suit the comp - (it helps when I point out i've just gone a tank supp because we have no other tank or similar)

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Might happen in normals, I barely ever play them these days unless I'm dicking around with friends. Just TeamBuilder and ranked. Very rarely happens in ranked, everyone thinks they can carry in ranked so they'll pick a carry no matter what lane.

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I am almost don with this game. After placements i almost lost every match again and it just issent fun. Last match i get a soraka mid, well, okok, why not if she ca... wait a second 60 farm at 30 Minutes! Wow! - Meanwhile last pick riven (who made our team all AD with the words "no problem i am great) Rages about how rengar is a smurf and everyone including him needs to be reported.
Later in the game we get someone killed right before drake spawns, 3 people at drake already, so ful hp full mana soraka rather teleports home instead of helping with drake....


these people

this match makeing. It´s so terrible.

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Well 4 AD and a champ that hardly is a DMG dealer in AP... i dunno why i would consider that combo as easy to counter with armor.

Team setup barely makes a difference Gold 3 and below. The skill level isn't high enough for it to have any impact. At lower levels, you're far better off picking your best champ, than countering or picking for a team comp, with a champ you cant play, just for the sake of it.

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We won btw. My support went in without pings, then when i'd be like "NOPE NOT TURNING A 0-1 INTO A 1-2" they'd be like "This Lucian". It's almost like they didn't realize that if I get 300 gold, but the enemy ADC gets 600 then i'm still getting crushed by said ADC. So the Syndra went about feeding and I went on trashing her for not warding. Because I warded the most. Again. As ADCarry. Then their 26/8/4 Kat dc'd and 10 mins later they surrendered. HUZZAH~!

Swain was OK, had the most kills but it really was XZ who carried us long enough to win >_<

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Well 4 AD and a champ that hardly is a DMG dealer in AP... i dunno why i would consider that combo as easy to counter with armor.

Team setup barely makes a difference Gold 3 and below. The skill level isn't high enough for it to have any impact. At lower levels, you're far better off picking your best champ, than countering or picking for a team comp, with a champ you cant play, just for the sake of it.

I dont think so. I think the qualety of players greatly varies and picking all AD can be very bad for you if there is just on guy on the other team that points it out and has his team actualy buy a item or two to counter that. If i get a full AD team vs Amumu i can probably get three or more kills out of a 5 v 1 with my full build.

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