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Pregame fountain: WW I am a bit inexperienced with melee midlaners so some early care would be great.

I 1v1 Yasuo twice, both junglers camp midlane but their blitz can't hit hooks. The two times he does I just....shred him.


Me at the end, after ult-E'ing in and just deleting a full-health gnar and yas:

"RIP in Pepperonis"


EDIT: That 6CS per minute is also by far my best ever against humans.

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Queued up for a game, I couldn't see chat or type in anything. I just picked Taric and hoped nobody else wanted support or we had a duo bot. We ended up winning because setting up for Dragon, I go to ward a bush and I get a 5 man Ultimate spree on me so my team had no issue destroying them.

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I've never played Talon before. Maybe he'll be my next pick-up.

But asking a WW for early care is silly. He can't do much pre-6.

The second bit is harsh. Unless you've thoroughly redefined what "care" means and restructured my sentence to say "gank pls early and often" - there's a reason I didn't ask for a gank, and that's because I wanted him to keep an eye on me, not gank early and often. I was laning vs Yasuo, who is also a melee champ, but has a cost-free "ranged" ability to farm, whereas Talon's rake, if over-used, can lead to mana problems (hence why I start with a flask because i'm bad enough at CS'ing that I need the help from Rake) So if Blitz comes when I'm low on mana or up to the wave CS'ing then i'm in some trouble. So I mostly wanted him to keep an eye on mid so he could countergank if needed.

Besides, WW can do plenty pre-6 with an assassin, particularly Talon's kit. Sure, WW doesn't have the blink of his ult as a gap-closer, but if he can get into range to deal damage with his Q and a basic attack or 2, then I can drop the hammer with my E-Q (plus basics) combo, then I can close the deal with W as he tries to escape. In fact, that's what got me my first assist. (It helped that Yasuo tried to tower dive me low, that got me a kill, but as Blitz tried to finish the job thanks to Yasuo taking the turret aggro for him, I retreated towards WW who closed blitz out because I mistimed my gap-closer)

As for Talon in general, he's kind of like an easier-to-play Zed. I find Zed to be really hard to play when your opponent doesn't just go "omg a Zed! Panic! PANIC!" His passive means you have a lot of ways to engage onto an enemy based on how you choose to order your abilities - for instance both your E and W slow (mind you the E slow is only for a quarter of a second so you need to launch that basic attack immediately) so you can structure your abilities based on how close you are to exploit the 10% damage buff from his passive. Also his ultimate is really good both as an execute and an escape. 2.5 seconds of stealth is great - either you throw them off the trail and can gain time to escape or even if they follow you, the blades plowing through them discourage an extended chase.

I hate playing a jungler that needs to rush to 6 to be useful and people asking/pinging ganks before 6.

So you only like junglers that can gank pre-6...without being asked?

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The only thing worse is the ADC who doesn't know what cooldown is and is screaming at the support for not healing.

I have literally never done this >_< Maybe it's because I main support, but if I go in for a kill, I do it knowing i'm taking damage. If I die, I fucked up, I underestimated their damage, or likely both.

As a dedicate fan of Trinimortal videos, I take the Last Pick Alistar approach to botlane trading "You are not obligated to save your teammates from dumb shit. If they wanna die; let them die." So I don't peel for my ADC if he does something stupid (that's just feeding them a double) and I also don't expect my support to come in and feed them a double if I do something stupid.

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Oh yeah getting people to upgrade their trinkets is a chore.

I usually only end up doing it after my 3rd or 4th item (if I have the spare money).

Although, this will make things interesting...do I get a sweeper to clear enemy vision (I usually get a sweeper as an ADC after a few backs) or upgrade my vision trinket!? Too many options!

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I wanted to try out zz'rot portal yesterday, I finally got it and I placed it before we went to contest dragon and the other team threw the game so hard that it didn't get to do anything. Master Yi tried to ult and charge in to steal it, but I'm Taric, he didn't make it past the crab.

Mind you, the same game seemed to snowball out of control when I was just sitting in lane bush and Draven/Blitz wandered close to me and Radiance/Shatter with Graves throwing Buckshot/Collateral Damage 100%ed both of them.

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