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Trying to carry to gold, I feel like I deserve more than 16LP for this:


Rengar didn't connect until I was 8/0 either.

Your farm is shit!

...also, that Voli build...

Eh, 117 farm in 20 minutes isn't terrible. Especially on Xerath with 14 kills.

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Trying to carry to gold, I feel like I deserve more than 16LP for this:


Rengar didn't connect until I was 8/0 either.

Your farm is shit!

...also, that Voli build...

Eh, 117 farm in 20 minutes isn't terrible. Especially on Xerath with 14 kills.

Was it only 20 minutes? Then that isn't too terrible.

I need to learn how to farm better as a midlaner. I also played my first game as Talon yesterday....for the first half of the game I was terrible, no idea how to do anything. Then I ended up with a bunch of kills (still, no idea how). And I'm starting to get really solid at Kassadin. I am the mid lane assassin!

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Trying to carry to gold, I feel like I deserve more than 16LP for this:


Rengar didn't connect until I was 8/0 either.

Your farm is shit!

...also, that Voli build...

Eh, 117 farm in 20 minutes isn't terrible. Especially on Xerath with 14 kills.

Was it only 20 minutes? Then that isn't too terrible.

23 minutes I think. Thresh is level 9!

I spent a lot of time drifting bot too as I was ahead in mid and bot struggled until the jungler connected.

I tend to use spells to clear the wave with Xerath as his mana-regen passive and low cooldowns help.

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Also...yesterday...a ranked game...we went against a 2-1-2 comp. No smite. And we LOST. Was hard for me to get going in top lane as Gangplank.

Double also...played Irelia again for the first time in forever. Forgot how fun she was. Gonna have to practice her up so I can bring her into my ranked rotation.

Current ranked rotation:

Top: Maokai, Gangplank and Vlad (considering bringing in Irelia for the carry and Gnar for the plays)

Jungle: Vi

Mid: Annie, Malz, and gonna be breaking out the Kassadin

ADC: Tristana, MF, Jinx

Support: Leona and Sona. That's all I will ever need.

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I think i'm ready for ranked. Last two games, smashed my lane opponent hard...lost the game due to just some atrocious rotations, objective control and teamfighting.

...to be honest, sounds like i'm already in ranked >_< #matzat.

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Okay for a newbie to this sort of thing, how accomodating are the players? I'm told DOTA as a game is pretty unforgiving and this is a little bit more forgiving so gets the nod for now. As with all player bases there'll be a level of arsehole players to contend with but if I'm in a random PUG what are the odds of coming across a foul mouthed 8 year old who rants because an AOE spell was three pixels out of where he wanted it?

I'm crap at every game known to man so I want to at least be able to enjoy it when I do boot it up.

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You'll get someone being a dickhead in 75% of your games if you're not carrying. Using the mute function is really good, if you find that everyone on your team are toxic then type into chat /mute all and you won't have to deal with them.

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Been playing top Maokai more, I seem to do better than with Darius or Renekton. Laned against Garen, we litterally just watched each other farm since we couldn't to anything to each other. I would often just punch him to make it look like a fight. The only advantage I got out of it was their jungle cho gath would show up, do nothing, try to leave and I would run up and punch Garen again so he would start to come back and waste a bit of time.

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You'll get someone being a dickhead in 75% of your games if you're not carrying.

And if you are you get a dickhead in at least 25% of your games blaming you either for the losse (since you should have owned all) or for not giving them kills, comming to help their loosing ass more often.

This game is packed with love. Get used to it or leave. Right now i am fairly happy with me leaving still.

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I get the shit ganked out of me on my Xerath :(

First thing you want to do is ban Ahri, a good Ahri is horrific after 6 if you're playing Xerath. If they have a jungler who can get on you quickly (Vi, J4, Rengar, Yi, Warwick etc) you want to play extra safe, poke the mid-laner down with your W and Q combo but don't move from around your tower. Always save your stun incase of a gank or to secure a kill. If it's a tough matchup you want to regen mana by attack the minions, only hit the champ if it's safe. You only want to ult when you're in a safe area too, don't do it in the middle of the lane because the jungler could come fuck you up while you're trying to hit them with it.

I go all-in damage on Xerath, got full damage/mana runes for him. He's the kinda champ that you have to really, you want to outrange your opponent not trade with them.

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