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At my elo I seem so much better at skillshots than most. So I pick Ez and people just gleefully eat shots to the face. This overextended Nidalee runs away, cougar-leaps the wall and thinks she's safe. She's taking the most obvious path out though, so I Trueshot Barrage her. Like...the hell?!

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Went on a huge win streak with Support Nautilus, I think I finally understand how to maximize his usefulness. Streak ended but in the last week i'm 6-2 on him, so no complaints there.

I've shyed away from Blitz due to the "change", I won both my games with him but he feels so slow now. Rocket Grab is still a massive threat, but outside that he doesn't offer much anymore. On the plus side, my extensive skill with Blitz has given me good tactics with Nautilus hooks as well. I have no idea why I haven't tried Thresh yet, I just hate him for some reason.

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Thresh is significantly harder to play, especially in SoloQ, especially-especially at lower elo. And while a lot of that is due to being able to use the champion, a heavy consideration is your ADC's ability to work with any given Thresh, and your individual style of Thresh. I spam him in normals because I want to add him to my ranked pool but there are times I can see that there are situations where I should be able to make particular plays but I just don't see it developing in time to make the play. There are times when I fuck-up hitting "The Krepo" (i'm sure it's not actually called this in the same way that you have the inSec kick and the Madlife hook, but Krepo is the only person i've seen make a point of making that play on stream or in pro games etc) The other problem, particularly at high bronze/low silver is that people tend to view the lantern like a moth to a flame and run into stupid situations to click it. Most commonly:

When I throw it into the minion wave to safely collect souls.

When I throw it prior to landing a hook, intending to re-activate Q and have us both swoop in and they grab the lantern before the hook is landed and the play is now useless.

Add all that onto that Thresh's hook really doesn't move them *that* far, it's more useful as a root-shift-root really so that you can hit skillshots reliably and get effective trades in lane. Blitz is much better for SoloQ a lot of the time because you know that if you hit a hook they're going to eat a power fist AND be badly out of position. It's less reliant on your ADC reading your mind and more considerate of them reacting to a hit hook.

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Blitz is so much easier to play against conversely. He's useless unless he can hit his hook, whereas Thresh still serves a good purpose without landing it. Nautilus is a good middle ground between them and my personal favorite, he works better in jungle but can hold his own as a support.

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Been going nuts with support Nautilus this week and I think I finally have him figured out. My record with him this week alone is 10-3. I just pick spots in lane to go aggro since I run a ton of armor runes and the shield is just so strong. Glad I didn't give up on him when I was doing awful last month.

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