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New worst game ever.

First Pick Fizz. Thrid Pick Kassa screaming "ME MID ME MID ME MID" followed by Kata Jungle and Maokai + Kata being afk. Kata joined us at minute 25 to intentionaly feed going "Lol Lol LOl" after we actualy held a decent match 3 v 5 before.

Result for me? -20LP. Fuck you riot. -.- This games comunety is so toxic...

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As a jungler main I hate this change, it's making things easier for what reason? I liked how you needed to use your brain before.

You can do simple math. Yay!

This just makes one less thing you have to book keep (you already have to keep track of your opponents wards, summoners, skills, and such), so you can focus on more important things.

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As a jungler main I hate this change, it's making things easier for what reason? I liked how you needed to use your brain before.

You don´t have to look at it you know. Besides a ton of people moded it in to be displayed in chat anyway so this evens it ingame a bit.

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So yeah. This happens. First game back in Bronze 2. Yay. Random first Pick Dude Picks Vayne Top. Not that usual but something i have seen often. Third Pick Diana decides to mute everyone right away and proceeds to be only mid (including not covering blue, not helping drake) while the two last picks totally snap and bring Malphite as ADC and Ryze as Supp because LOLOLOLOL if he takes an ADC top we play TOP as Botlane.

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I thought you didn't like this game :shifty:

You can play it in single player....you just have to create a custom game with you, 4 bots on your team vs 5 bots on their team. or you could have it so it's you vs one AI so you don't have to worry about that other stuff.

Problem with that though, is that you won't be getting any XP to level up (get new summoner spells, unlock different tiers of runes, and be able to play ranked at 30) or IP (in game currency to buy runes and champions).

I will say this right now: Do NOT buy Tier 1 or Tier 2 runes. They are a waste of IP. At level 20 start buying your Tier 3's. Until then, save up your IP/buy champions.

If you'd like any champion advice, I'd love to give it to you (and if I don't know the champion, I can look up a guide and break down it down so that it is a little easier to understand for a new player)

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