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I'm now at the point where I'm like OH GOD BOT AI WHAT ARE YOU DOING oh look and now i'm dead. See what just happened because you retreated at 2/3rds health in a 2v2 fight. Probably won't have time to play tonight, so I definitely think i'll be going into the world of real people tomorrow night.

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You'll hate it at first, once you get used to the toxic community you'll be fine though.

Expect dickheads, people telling you or others that they want mom's to get cancer, lots of swearing, people who die on purpose, people who blame teammates for everything etc.

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I'm on a 6 game ranked winning streak and just had the nicest team I've played with in a long time. We all had a pre-game chat about being up at such a stupid time then played well as a team, forcing a surrender at 20.

Edited by Dan
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Nice. Learning with bots issent to bad, just to know what a champ can do, how he needs to hit to last hit. But in the end ranked is a hell lot more competetiv. Dont spend to much time on bots, once you know a bunch of chamapions go all in and play humans to level up, you will need that skill.

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I think I played with bots until 4 or 5, then jumped into human play. Best thing to do...you will learn so much more.

Also, man, just had a fucking shitty night last night. First game I was great (I think 4-0-1 to start?), and then our jungler (Shaco) AFK'd because he had to poo....needless to say, we lost our momentum and lost. Next game, we won when we shouldn't have (Annie carried). Next game, I got fucked by Darius up top, and the game after the ADC fed Lucian.

Still in Silver 1, thankfully.

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But in the end ranked is a hell lot more competetiv.

Not something i'm after.

Dont spend to much time on bots, once you know a bunch of chamapions go all in and play humans to level up, you will need that skill.

...for what? What would I need the skill for?

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5 terrible ranked teams in a row....what the fuck. Gonna end up with 0LP.

My Vayne is 5-14. Fed Trist 3 early kills, but I got blamed for not going in <_<

Edit: It seems League decided to skip 0LP and just drop me back in Silver 2. Fuck me. A ranked losing streak of like 5-6 games. I haven't been perfect in all of those, but fuck me, there was at least one toxic scumbag in all of those.

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5 terrible ranked teams in a row....what the fuck. Gonna end up with 0LP.

My Vayne is 5-14. Fed Trist 3 early kills, but I got blamed for not going in <_<

Edit: It seems League decided to skip 0LP and just drop me back in Silver 2. Fuck me. A ranked losing streak of like 5-6 games. I haven't been perfect in all of those, but fuck me, there was at least one toxic scumbag in all of those.

Honestly, this is what makes it so hard to climb. The nature of the game is that one toxic player can ruin it for everyone. I do try and just ignore it and try and calm everyone down, but in the end there's only so much peacemaking you can do.

One thing I am going to change, is to start taking hard cc champs. I play Nidalee an awful lot, and I'm very good with her. Problem is, at my ELO, people don't know how to play with a Nidalee. It's much easier to play with the likes of Amumu, Lux, Warwick, Leona, Veigar, Vi, Yasuo etc, as it doesnt matrer how your team engage, you can still win a fight almost single handedly.

As f5oe Tristana, no idea. But she is so, so easy to play. I think it's her late game. Her passive gives her a ridiculous attack speed advantage. Plus her W makes her almost ungankable.

Edited by Whisper in the Wind
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But in the end ranked is a hell lot more competetiv.

Not something i'm after.

Dont spend to much time on bots, once you know a bunch of chamapions go all in and play humans to level up, you will need that skill.

...for what? What would I need the skill for?

If you ever want to play human vs human you will get violently raped if you only played bots before.

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Things turned around!

Did a ranked game....I went 3-3-15 or so, Lee Sin calling me trash because I was turtling (You don't duel a Lee Sin early game...especially when you're Irelia, who isn't a good duelist until 5/6). My duo partner went like...10-1-10 or something. And I once teleported in, died, but got Lucian a Pentakill.

One win away form a promo :D

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I always love when people shout at you post game "1V1 ME1!!"... it´s a team game bitches, if you find a way to murder your counter by feeding of others you win. Sure you can beat poor teemo up with Renekton in a pure 1 v 1 game if your not a complete Ideot… but who gives a shit?

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Yeah... the worst is during games... "OMG babysit... you need help to kill me".

Imagine using your team mates in a team game. The horror.

In other news... 99lp is annoying. Though at least I'm on the verge of another shot at promo to silver 2. 3-0 now with Tristana and a rare game (and win!) with Lissandra.

Edited by Whisper in the Wind
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