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Decide to do some ranked after taking a few days off. Lose two in a row. I had a shitty Diana game, followed by a pretty good Leona game (apparently up against two plat smurfs?).

Don't think I'll be hitting Gold by October.

Edit: Game 3...I go 7-1-1 in lane (I am really good with MF guys)....and we still lose :(

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Guys I won I won! My first PVP and I won! :)


13-7-1 as solo top, spent most of the game against 2 and sometimes even 3! I had to be sooo careful. Also I hit 2 Demacian Justices that left them with less than 50 health and I was just like DANGIT.

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That Voli/Poppy build!

But! Congrats on the win! My only suggestion would be to focus more on tank, especially against a 100% AD team. Sunfire is a good first item, and then against that comp? Follow it up with Thornmail. Ghostblade isn't that good on Garen.

And where the hell are your boots?!

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I wanted AD and cooldown.

Also I didn't feel I needed boots. If I ever needed to run I could decisive strike out of trouble.

Edit: I basically did most of the build by feel. I clean forgot frozen mallet which is a huge favourite of mine especially on garen. That would have helped a lot and tbh would have been better than the ghostblade.

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If you have boots of Swiftness, you would run even faster (and have CC reduction)....great for catching people. Always have boots.

And if you wanted cooldown, get the Spirits Visage. It gives you CDR, and Magic Resist (which isn't really needed too heavily against that comp), which works for Garen. AD isn't really a stat he needs (as he will still do plenty of damage), and you definitely don't want crit on him.

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Nope. Garen is a front line tank. You go full tank (Sunfire, Randuins, Thornmail, Spirits Visage and/or Warmogs), and get MAYBE one AD item (Black Cleaver).

Edit: Down to 0LP now. Then did a teambuilder.....went 6-1-1 in lane as Vayne....lost >_>

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I lost my first six matches in Bronze 1 and now am back in Bronze 2. In one of these six matches i had terrible states with morde (but i won my lane before i got reaten by feed champions) and in the others i did good in a way that made me look like the only usefull player (see my last post for the few matches i talked about how i had an assist in every or almost every kill)

This hardly is fair. What am i suposed to do in bronze 1? Carrie every match 40-5-10 with akali?

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And only looses after that.


There is no Elo Hell

i just won mid by 70 (!) lasthits with morde vs akali.

Team tells me i am a noob feeder when i start dieing to the champions they feed once we move to teamfights. Yeah right.

There is no Elo Hell

I only won 1 of the past 12 matches i played during the last week. Most of wich i had the best/only positiv states of my team in.

The only other time i had a negative streak like this was when i hit bronze 1 promos the last time. This needs to be on the match makeing.

What the fuck.

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And only looses after that.


There is no Elo Hell

i just won mid by 70 (!) lasthits with morde vs akali.

Team tells me i am a noob feeder when i start dieing to the champions they feed once we move to teamfights. Yeah right.

There is no Elo Hell

I only won 1 of the past 12 matches i played during the last week. Most of wich i had the best/only positiv states of my team in.

The only other time i had a negative streak like this was when i hit bronze 1 promos the last time. This needs to be on the match makeing.

What the fuck.

Not that impressive. Morde is SOOOOO easy to farm with...and against Akali? Any time she goes in for farm you can poke her and scare her off.

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Issent that the point of being able to counterpick? (and doing it, and makeing the champion you do it with work)

Anyway. Finaly won another with fiddle. had 17 kills 13 assists out of 52 teamkills, several dragons and a solo barron, obviusly no honnor by anyone but at least i got 19lp+ instead of when i carried with akali and only got 15LP. Riot clearly dossent think i should be anywere near bronze 1.

I also love midlane DCing all the time and complaining about me not ganking every after killing her oponent twice...

Also, doing the triangle: solo Dragon -> Fiddle Ult into midlane -> Tripple Kill -> Barron is one of these moments i remember why i deal with all the shit >_>

Edited by Herr Matzat
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That looks like so much fun. I almost don´t want him to triger rage.

And again riot absolutly hates me. I just had a match with Amumu, least deaths on team, most assists on team, outfarming everyone on my team by 100+. Kennen (11 deaths) mid and Anevia/trist (both 14 deaths) bot feeding hard. I won two of the last 13 matches and i swear to god i might have been a terrible player in two of these matches at most. Bronze 2 Zero points.

Edited by Herr Matzat
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I literally just spent an entire game feeding as bot ADC and somehow we won. I'm not good at ADC but called last so had to.

I went 1/17/9 and my supp (Lux) hit me with her W LESS than I got killed. I mean, I played badly but my support was non-existant.

Somehow, our Teemo (as the only one alive) took down two of theirs, then we all respawned within five seconds. I came late to the party, but absolutely NAILED two of them with Ashe's R from halfway across the map. We pushed up mid and into their base while they had one back, who soon died, and Jax who for some reason was trying to race four of us to take out the nexus instead of recalling to delay us for long enough for their three dead guys to respawn.

...and we won despite being down over 5K gold at the time and me being absolutely stone-cold awful. It was unfreakingpossible. A mere five mins earlier I'd voted yes in a surrender vote that got beaten 3-2. Just wow.

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Plubby can you not play Team Builder yet? I'm all about that, despite the wait times, just so I can guarantee myself my role.

While team builder is nice (been practicing my Vayne, and refresher on Riven last night....5-3-17 or something. Why did I stop playing her?), it's nice to learn other roles. And the best way to do that is to be forced out of your comfort zone.

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