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I was under the general impression that despite how good or bad your teammates are there sort of is a natural cap based on your quality of play when it comes to what league you are stuck in. Till now i had the problem of being outplayed often when i reached Bronze 2.

But holy shit is Bronze 5 terrible. I played with supports that constantly pushed the lane, took kills and kills and kills, put down not a single ward, had a guy getting players to rage quit in team select several times by bullshiting them about how they all suck and should not even play at all if they are in bronze 5 (it took like 5 games till it finaly got a match started, no kidding) and just now i had my very first intentional feeder who after switching from mid to bot after noticing he dos not want to play vs the other mid champion went bot, wanted to become ADC and when i left (morgana) to take mid started running into the enemies tower over and over again until he decided to gain some levels and constantly take red buff so and just stand around afterwards if he dident find the mood to feed it to the other team.

Dont get me wrong, i am far from a good player, but wow these games are so much less fun than in 3/2. Wow. Just wow. If i could drop a monthly fee of 5€ to play in an adult league i would do it right away.

Issent there some kind of option were smart cast is cast after you let go the button? I dident find it, but i saw someone talking about it. Otherwise it´s brilliant, makes your game so much fast.

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Is Bronze V seriously that bad? Jeeze....I fell all the way to B4 before climbing back up to B1, but never had something like that happen. I've had ragers and quitters and baddies, but never intentional feeders (although, one time there was a guy who threatened to feed if anyone, including the jungler, went close to his lane)...somehow managed to win that one.

But, currently 3-2 in my placement matches...all three wins were as a support (Sona x 2 and Janna). The most recent game was stupid...I duo'd with a friend, and we decided to go bot....me as Jinx, him as support Urgot (mostly as a laugh, partly to see if the poke would work). Surprisingly, we weren't the feeders. The jungler raged, and top lane fed, but overall...not a super terrible game for us in bot lane.

Also, there is an option that smart casting activates when you release the button (I think it's located at the bottom of the menu screen...something like 'show range' or some such), but I've noticed there is a delay. It's not overly long, maybe .1 or .2 seconds, but it is noticeable, and your spells will be more inaccurate. And I've noticed that since using Smart Cast I am using my item actives a whole lot more (specifically, BotRK)

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I have improved to 4-2! All wins as support! My duo partner and I freaking WRECKED a bot lane Siver/Annie (Siver had 3cs by the time she was level 3. We were level 8 before they were level 6). The only threat we had was a fed Kha'Zix (Yi fed him up top), but we had a fed Ahri, fed Lucian and a fed Sona (Lich Bane means I will 1 v 1 their ADC and win).

Edit: RAGE! Wen 18-6 with Katarina....and still lost. 4-3

Edit: Duo-Q! I am now 5-3! Went 2-0-4 with Gangplank top. They surrounded right at 20, which was weird, because they weren't doing that bad. It was really anticlimactic.

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Everybody dies so much in Bronze V.

So, I went 5-5 in my placements (last two games I had an entirely shitty, attitude wise, team. And the last game, we had a negative Zac, and I didn't play too great). Ended up in Bronze III. Not the lowest I've been, but I gotta climb my way into silver.

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So, went on a winning streak, got into a promo series to go from B3 to B1....went 1-2 in that, sadly. And since then? The most negative teammates you could imagine. Doesn't help that I was support all those games, so I couldn't carry :/

Freaking annoying.

Edit: One day later...I go 1-3 in ranked. Fuck. I am starting to fall hard :(

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TRIPLE POST (maybe I will get the glorious PENTAPOST)

So, over the weekend I've found two new champion loves. Jax in the top lane (he just WRECKS towers, his stun is awesome, and he's just fun overall. Don't much care for his ult besides the passive), and Soraka in the mid lane.

...no, seriously, Soraka in the mid-lane is awesome. Especially against melee farmers. They get close to minions? Silence, starcall, banana, and there is 25-50% of their life gone. I've used solo lane Soraka four times and I've gone 4-0. This works! No one knows how to counter it yet.

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Damn :(

I haven't tried Sheen/Lich Bane on Soraka, so her banana's do nothing for me. I usually like going for the Rod Of Ages (AP/Health/Mana) or Tear of the Goddess (Mana, which boosts the damage on the silence), and then follow it up with Rylai's Crystal Scepter (HP/AP, AND an AOE slow on Starcall)

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The joy of death in learning a new champion. Bought Kog Maw and Akali. Kog Maw mostly because no one plays him and i hope if i master him that unknowenship wins me some free games as ADC (but it´s double hard because ADC is the role i played the least) and Akali mostly for the carry thing you just mentioned. She is not easy though, but also might be due to the fact that i rarly ever played mele champions.

I would pay 5€ per month to play on a server without crybabys of all ages.

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I played Kog Maw once or twice...he seems ok, but not my kinda champ. For ADC, I prefer Jinx above all else.

And Akali? She's a champion I would LOVE to get good with (I even have a skin for her, got it in a mystery gift), but every time I play her I just completely suck. Why can't I be like those Akali's who go 30-0?!

But yeah...I REALLY need to learn to play more 'carry' heavy champions. The only one I play with regularity is Riven...hoping Jax could become that as well.

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I read Akali mostly is a OP Champion because the unskilled lower level players dont know how to handle her burst DMG. Kog Maws ult seems to suck at lower level play, it dos not do to much dmg, can cost a ton of mana... i think a certain level of skill might help, including players actually using the vision he grands with his ult. On the other hand Morgana usually requires a good team to but i can handle her to a level were i actually transitioned from supp to carry... I think at bronze 5 everything is possible once you master a champion. - Kog Maws Base abiletys are fairly fun, especialy his bonus range on W helps keeping you save later on in team fights and might just get that extra inch to kill a fleeing champion in laneing.

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Just went 20/2/13 with Nidalee in a ranked game :)

Not doing quite so well this season though. Less than 50% win ratio off the 40 or so ranked games I've played. 10 wins, 11 losses with Nidalee which sucks compared to my near 100:70 ratio with her last season. Everyone says it I know, but I've had some horrible teams just lately, more so than normal. This MMR just seems full of guys who AFK/intentionally feed because they don't get the lane they want. Went on a horrific losing run and got demoted back to Silver 5. Seems like I've turned it around a bit now though, 3 wins in my last 4 and on to 98 LP.

re: Akali - She's OP because there's nothing you can do about her burst mid game, once she's gotten an item or two. An Akali can go 0-4 in lane and still carry the game easily if she snipes a kill or two. She's especially popular at low ratings because people get caught out of position so often mid/late game.

Edited by Whisper in the Wind
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