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Garren + Skin - I used it on EUW.


If it dossent work its the one you get free for following them on twitter. I dident know this one yet. I asume you all know free Riot Girl Triss and the Alistair one to?




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I told these fuckers in Champion Select already how we cant go to lategame because they will be to tanky... biggest throw in a while. Ad a Cho DC to that and promo goes to match three. :(


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I only sell my boots very rarely - and when I do I wait until I still have 40% CDR anyway before I sell them.

However this game was wacky though - they were ignoring me in teamfights. Someone walked straight past me while I had sub 50% health trying to combo our kiting ADC. So I Q'd him into Power Chord and he died. Sona is squishy as all *bleep*, so if he combo'd me I quite possibly would have died myself. Something like half the kills I got were I was behind our first line (Malphite/Zac), trying to Q up some extra damage on the two of them, but still staying close enough to Caitlyn to give her the boost too. But they kept trying to burst past Malphite and Zac and into Caitlyn, so they were close enough to me that they'd take a ton of damage from Z/M and then waltz into Q range and then my Q would just kill them. That's why they have so many assists. Anyone that got past them would die to me, or Yi would mop up.

Sure, I went from 40% to 25% CDR for the last like..two or three minutes by selling the boots, and I didn't have the ability to burst about the map as quickly, but I turned them into Lich Bane (and then we took a tower so I got enough leftover to buy the tome as well) and this was what I felt we needed - the only way we were going to lose this game that we were so disgustingly ahead in was by getting Aced, and then marching through mid into our base while we're all dead. So at this point in the game I wanted to AP up to improve my Q and W to make sure we would win the skirmishes in their base.

Now, we'd won them all previously so it was highly unlikely that we would have lost them anyway - maybe I didn't need to do it. I just felt that this would make sure that we wouldn't lose the game on something boneheaded.

EDIT: Again, though - this is one of only two situations where i'd look to sell my boots - being where we're either disgustingly ahead and i'm looking to avoid us losing, or disgustingly behind and like...I need to try and build six tank items so that I can stay alive long enough to launch spells so I can't spare an item slot on boots.

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