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Only asians could have such a passive bodylanguage after winning a world title. The MVP being interviewed by random hot chick is barly able to look at her during the entire interview. o_O

Culturally it's considered rude to consistently look at someone while you're talking.

SSW were going to win from the start, best team in the world. Season 5 will change things so we'll see if they can adapt.

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Only asians could have such a passive bodylanguage after winning a world title. The MVP being interviewed by random hot chick is barly able to look at her during the entire interview. o_O

Culturally it's considered rude to consistently look at someone while you're talking.

SSW were going to win from the start, best team in the world. Season 5 will change things so we'll see if they can adapt.

He was starring away from her in a 90 degree angle.

SoloQ is good to me today, lots of wins, in Promo to S1 again after... 2 or three weeks i think. THis gold will happen. And than i am taking a hollyday of this game.

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So i lost my promo. Lost won lost. Both loses were fair, i know the mistakes we made but it was nothing like all lanes outrageously feeding the game into impossible.

Still it pains me a lot when i go five kills and 30 assists out of 43 teamkills, gettong the drake 5 times and panth and jinx go to town on me after the match how i ruined it (esp after a match in wich they constantly focused Maokai and thresh over the three dmg dealers becuase....) ... http://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/1757431572/41826632

Edited by Herr Matzat
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I should be able to sit on my gold rank until I get my skin, so that makes me happy.

Speaking if skins, I figured after playing LoL off and on for a while I could give them some money, here is a list of the skins I can remember that I have...

Definately Not Blitzcank (1st skin bought during its original release, since it is amazing and at the time I played Blitz 95% of the time)

Totemic Maokai

Pharoh Amumu

Vancouver Amumu (Random Skin, I use everytime I play Amumu now)

Judgement Kayle (I think this was given free since I didn't play for so long)

Unmasked Kayle (Random Skin)

White Mage Veiger

Rune Wars Renekton

Pool Party Renekton (Random Skin, never use)

Reverse Annie (Random Skin)

Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate

Woad Ashe

Frejlord Rammus (Random Skin)

Victorious Jarvan IV

Myrmidion Pantheon

Hired Gun Graves

Cowboy Miss Fortune

Sherriff Caitlyn

Muse Sona (Randon Skin)

Giant Enemy Crabgot

Creator Viktor

Battlecast Xerath

I'm pretty sure the only ones I paid full price are are DN Blitzcrank, Rune Wars Renekton, Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate and Woad Ashe. Everything else was bought on sale or through Random Skins.

If I do buy more RP I'm likely to get Reaper Hecarim and Woad Darius. I also would like skins for Morgana (though the Victorious skin is likely her), Braum (don't want to pay for Dragonslayer), Nocturne (once a decent one is on sale) and Varus/Jinx/Taric if they ever release a skin I like.

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Silver 1 62 Points Bitches - THIS GOLD IS GONNA HAPPEN!

I actually like the Emumu skin most right now, but i play sad robot a lot to. The Vancouver one is a nice catch, i think it´s only on sale for a few days in winder or spring.

There actually is a site that you can sinq your account to have a full overview over your skins and have the value put together in points or something.

Edit: S1 84 Points - That Promo will happen Tomorrow!

Edited by Herr Matzat
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I was substituting at a middle school today. Video games came up with the class and I mentioned I play LOL. It came up I was Bronze I and a 12-year-old kid, without even asking why, just said "you should never play solo q."

He could never be more correct. If only I would duo every game I'd be close to gold.

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I played tons of SoloQ. DuoQ can drag you down just as much if your with the wrong person.

I am still comming up with theories of how matchmaking works. But looking at how i started cruising upwards after just a few games that were won AND i had good states in i am certain your teammates are selected in a way that you get people that are rising just as much as you are if you "prove to be worthy of rising".

Just as my loosing streaks often begann with teams that gave me two early afks or feeders, i lost, i had bad stats, i got more bad teams.

So my theorie is, if Matchmaking wants to drop your buddy because he had bad states in one or two matches he might drag you down more than he helps you, just because he might result in bad teammembers. Obviusly the solution is to win 1-2 games with him getting good states to fix that wich should be posssible if he actualy is good but it also might ruin your "MMR".

Nothing of this is proven to be true. Just my theories.

Solo Q can work. I meet a ton of nice people since Saturday. It´s amazing how different the world can look and i still refuse to believe that this is pure coincident.

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I dont think you get stronger oponents by default. What you get is a Duo on the other Team aswell and if they are a propper duo you and your buddy just plaing together as palls might hurt your team more. If you solo q you might get that great duo on your team, if you yourself are also plaing on a good level thats 3 good players and often thats enough to carry a game.

Only duo with people you trust to carry. Especially try to avoid one of you being Supp or going PreMade Bot unless you are very very secure about the fact you will win bot. (advantage of not being stuck in one lane is that you or your pal can still save the other - while if you loose bot together you are both fucked)

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Depents on your Supp. Morgana, Fiddle, Alistair, Thresh. There are a ton of Supps you can rebuild to carry a game with DMG. When you are 100% sure that you can do it just see that you get farm, clear lanes, take jungle, get gold, build a DMG build and go to town. Don it before. Not nice, no meta, but if it wins the game they wont hate you.

There even is a cool Leona bruiser build out there, also tried that on Taric.

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Taric top lane is great and, yes, you can build a strong bruiser out of him on support. I try not to carry as support especially since the ADC can go from bad to toxic.

You can carry as a support without stealing kills. One of my recent ranked games I carried as Blitz, got 28 or so assists. You set up the plays, you get other people kills (learn to not steal a kill when they are within range, and take it when it's likely the enemy will escape otherwise).

Also, bad ADCs, it's why I moved away from support to top/ADC. That way you can try to carry yourself.

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