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Wanna know how you deal with a fed Akali?

Rengar. He has just as much burst (double Q all day, everyday), and his ult can let him sniff out any enemy....or, if used in a team fight, can be used to assassinate the enemy squishy.

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I on the other hand played 7 games today (yes, i should stop ever plaing this again) and lost a whooping 6 of them rarely ever thinking it is my fault/being outplayed.

It´s extremely strange, you got the top inhibitor down, three people decide to fight barron while the other two are dead and despite pinging top lane no one decides that maybe porting back is a good to save the nexus tower might be a good idea... Bronze 5 is hell. I have no Idea how to get out of there. Maybe i should just Spam teemo no matter what lane is open. With him at least i can put in a decent mark late game.

I went on with my Kog Maw plan, i like him a lot and doing better as i was in my few ez games. But still the amount of people getting supp and not buying a single ward or even useing their trinked is astounding.

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I think, because my MMR is slightly higher than the league I'm in, I'm getting first pick a lot. And also, the higher MMR you get, the more inclined people are to actually pick properly.

I'm not bad with Nidalee - she's by far my best champ, but then I've played over 100 ranked games more with her than any other champ. I decided last season that I wanted to try and master one champ and I found Nidalee a lot of fun. So I watched a load of streams, played her every chance I got. It's the same as any champ. You learn when and where you can do different things. I'm sure there are better champs than Nidalee to master but I haven't come across one I find as enjoyable yet. People sometimes complain if I pick her vs a supposed counter but I don't really think counter picks matter at my level. We aren't really good enough to make it count.

The more I play he game though, the more I feel that it's all about farm, especially at low MMRs. All I do early game is try to farm. Not overly interested in killing my opponent as long as I'm out farming them. I suck at taking that attitude into mid game though. End up getting a bit greedy at times.

But yeah, I'd love to be one of these guys who can play any lane to a high standard but i'm a useless jungler and ADC. Luckily, at Silver level you can get away playing Nidalee mid, top and support.

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I know my MMR is a bit higher than the league I am in....if I get promoted (one more game until I am in a series), I will jump from B3 to B1.

Also, a tip for mid-laners....against melee farmers? Pick Soraka or Morde....their Q/E can fuck people up whenever they come in to farm. You deny them so much farm, it's wonderful.

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Today has been the worst day i ever had in this game since i started playing and had no clue what i am doing. I won like 2 out of 12 matches or something like that... i think all the loosing was what kept me going... played since i came home in the afternoon... i give up for a few days. I know i am not the best player but this was just beyond...

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Select teemo, in team chat they tell you mid, in game after you bought your items they tell you go supp only to send you top next were you face your direct counter in wukong who already is 10 kills and a level ahead. I will never get out of Bronze 5.

Just tell them to fuck off and do what you want to do.

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I have this crazy idea that in a team game you should actually try to play in a team instead of just running about doing what you want. I know thats naive considering the the average age of players seems to be below 18 and we have more like a schoolyard soccer situation in which everyone wants to be the striker and score all the goals.... but i still got this crazy idea that in a team were everybody plays their best things would work out nicely.

On the other hand, useing lol nexus... the amount of players that enters ranked matches with champions they never played before... well... i even meet this one guy who was just like "i dont care, i got zero points anyway so why would it bother me if i loose more"... da hum.

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Things are looking up for me :D

First, I bought Darius today...and in my first game I WRECKED with him.

Second, did a random 3 v 3 ranked with my team....we got crushed early, but because Jax/Kog'Maw are late game, we came back and won it.

Thirdly, did a soloQ ranked, ended up going ADC....but the enemy mid/support went AFK, and we won in under 20 minutes. Got me into a promo

Fourthly, did another soloQ, and our team was down early....like....10-3, and they had both top towers. I also had 4 or 5 kills early and then began the 'Sona Carry' game. Rumble, Diana, Ashe, and Sona? Sooooooo much CC. Team fights were a breeze. Plus, had Kha'zix to mop up all the kills. Bam! Win one in promo series.

All of this with random lag spikes.

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Stared plaing again, feel like a beaten down junky must feal.... first game went 14/6 with teemo lost due to dipshit team. Second match just starting, i am first pick, say top, two people ask me what lane, other guy picks top and now tries to hijake the lane.

And the second game after that again. You dident say top! Will hijack lane now!

Maybe i need to try that.


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Yeah, try those hints.

Also, play more 'carry' champs. Someone who can carry the entire enemy team, who can 2 v 1 their backline by yourself. For ADC, I'd say that's Jinx, Vayne, and Twitch. Midlane- Akali, Diana (I wanna buy her), Fizz, Kass. Top lane, the super tank meta is strong right now....so I say Mundo/Shyvana/Renekton are safe picks. They can do damage AND they are impossible to kill. For more damage-y top laners, look at Riven and Jax (he is terrible early game, focus on farm).

In the jungle? I would probably say Udyr or Xin. Both tanky and hard to kill. (Have you ever tried to take down a late-game Udyr? Good luck with that)

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Yeah best tip for getting out of bronze 4/5 is to pick a champ that can not only carry if they get fed, but that is mobile enough to roam and carry other lanes. Khazix, Akali, Katarina are all great low level picks. As is a jungler like Vi or Jarvan. Pantheon and Twisted Fate work too with their ults.

Your primary aim in low bronze should be to repeatedly gank the weakest player on the other team so that they go 0-8, get inevitably flamed by their team mates, and either go afk or make others do it.

That's the stance I took. No matter what you read on the forums, it's very tough to carry a bad team unless your true rating is somewhere high Gold and above.

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