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It was definitely that. It wasn't my skill at Kassadin, that's 100%. I've never put forward this performance at any role, let alone mid lane which is by far my worst role.

Lee Sin got me two early kills (well I solo killed the second time, but Lee being in the brush gave me the confidence to go for the second one). I was 3-1-1 inside like 10-12 minutes and from there I was basically unstoppable. I legit carried the game, just going ballistic in teamfights. For one fleeting moment, I felt like Bjergsen or Faker. They couldn't touch me.

I don't mean to sound cocky - because like I said, i'm a terrible midlaner. It was just a sweet mix of a not-very-good Akali (which I think is already not a good matchup for the Akali), me being unusually on my game in terms of skirmishing (at the cost of an awful CS) and understanding how to play out team fights in the context of both team comps.

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Just a general top laner. His E does a huge chunk of damage, and his Q gives you so much sustain. Plus, after 5 auto attacks, a free spell....so mana isn't really a problem. Plus, he's great at chasing people down, and his ult can be DEADLY (I walked under the enemy tower and just let Riven have it :D).

I build him Rod of Ages into Mobi Boots (gotta keep up) into Sunfire Cap into other tanky items. My first game with him I grabbed the Luden's Echo as well, which was great (even more damage), but I don't think it's a must buy. I think he'd also benefit from a CDR item or two.

If you try him smite/TP, be prepared to be camped HARD. His lack of escapes make him an easy target.

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You can Challenging Smite one and E the other and you should be fine though. But I think I like him without smite particularly on your build.

What do you think about a Nashor's Tooth on the build? Goes well with Bloodboiling yourself and grants great CDR?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought the Fnatic Janna skin and was trying it out. I was on red side, and my Lux was REAL low being chased by Lee Sin from mid into Blue side's blue buff jungle. I ran to Lux from the blue side Top 2 Tower to try and help. Just as Lee got to wolves, he connected with the Sonic Wave half of his Q onto Lux. I saw the Q but Lee Sin was still in the fog of war for me. I reflexively hit my ultimate, and CONNECTED WITH LEE SIN IN MID-RESONATING STRIKE and blew him BACK OVER the wall into the wolf pit. I put an E-shield on Lux and she got out cleanly.


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I bought the Fnatic Janna skin and was trying it out. I was on red side, and my Lux was REAL low being chased by Lee Sin from mid into Blue side's blue buff jungle. I ran to Lux from the blue side Top 2 Tower to try and help. Just as Lee got to wolves, he connected with the Sonic Wave half of his Q onto Lux. I saw the Q but Lee Sin was still in the fog of war for me. I reflexively hit my ultimate, and CONNECTED WITH LEE SIN IN MID-RESONATING STRIKE and blew him BACK OVER the wall into the wolf pit. I put an E-shield on Lux and she got out cleanly.


That's why Janna is the best.

Edit: And TSM is about to face Fnatic....I am hyped!


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I found a new thing that I like that I'll likely play for a few days and eventually stop playing (like....Nunu top, Kass, Gangplank, etc)......Mundo top with TP/smite! He just gets so tanky.

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So what's good at the moment EWB?

I haven't played for a few months and I want to het back into ranked. Gonna play a few normal games to get back into it. Are there any important changes I need to be aware of (I have played since the map change)?

Played 3 last night. A couple with my old favourite Nidalee (can't get to grips with her early jungle though) and one with Graves.

I'm looking to get one 'main' champ for each lane, preferably ones that aren't banned all the time. In the past it has been something like;

Mid: Nidalee / Lux / Diana

ADC: Graves

Jungle: Amumu / Nidalee

Support: Blitz / Vel'Koz

Top: ?? Used to be Gnar but haven't played him in forever.

So, what's good at the moment folks?

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Graves may be banned, although he had a brief peak and now he's sort of on the decline again. I'd pick up an auto-attack based champion like Jinx. ADCasters are sort of hiding a bit because Sivir's so prevalent.

The lower your elo, the less this is true because low-elo adcarries don't play as much Sivir because you can't 1v5 with her like you can with say Vayne.

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Right now it's a tank meta. A popular thing to do is to take teleport/smite top lane with someone who is super tanky (Shyvana/Mundo, etc..). Why? Because you can build the Cinderhulk out of the Hunters Machete. It acts like a Sunfire Cape that gives you a lot of bonus health.

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Yes, we get it, you play that other game now that has no laning phase which is great for you because you feed like a motherfucker in laning phase.

Oh, and you were stuck in ELO hell cos it was your teammates :shifty:

Man, I love op.gg...

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