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Pubby, you have to hit rock bottom before you can make your climb! I started off my ranked career in B1...almost to silver, then fell...then climbed, then fell. At my lowest, I was at B4. Then the next season I started at B3, all the way to Silver 1...almost gold...but no. Fell back down to S4. Then the next season started at B1, and now, here I am, Gold 3.


You can do it! 

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Given the fact that we started horrid and was like 10-7 at 20, thought it wasnt gonna get anywhere with how Wukong died twice within 3 minutes. How we came back I dont know, but holy fuck was it fun. 

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Pubby, you have to hit rock bottom before you can make your climb! I started off my ranked career in B1...almost to silver, then fell...then climbed, then fell. At my lowest, I was at B4. Then the next season I started at B3, all the way to Silver 1...almost gold...but no. Fell back down to S4. Then the next season started at B1, and now, here I am, Gold 3.


You can do it! 

I no can do it :(

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To elaborate: My next-best role is top or ADCarry - I can play a teamfighting tank top at this elo. My Gnar is not bad. I can't stop a Nasus farming for instance, but he won't go any more than +1 kill on me, and I can generally maintain about 5CS/min unless i'm derping tremendously. But there's never any deep wards to teleport to, my team won't take advantage of any flanks or CC I create so there's no point playing Gnar.

I think my supporting is quite good - but my biggest problem when I ADCarry is that if I play like *i'm* the support, then I get the guy who plays Thresh in bronze and throws hooks whenever it's off cooldown, so when *we* get engaged on he is OOM...so then i'm like "No. Just no. I'm going to play Sivir. And i'm just going to farm. And if you wanna engage, then you can die. I'm not giving up 50 CS and 3 deaths to play this when you likely can't do your job."

And then I get the YOLO Leona who E's in with a wave stacked, eats hard CC and a MOUNTAIN of minion aggro and then blames me :\ and of course i'm just trying to thin this wave so it doesn't crash into our turret...but still... "This Jinx/Sivir"

So recently i've thought "I know, i'll jungle! My strength is in game knowledge and map movements/rotations so I can use that and my vision control to gain advantages! (I'm basically the Bronze Hai.)" - Most recently I played Nunu. I started 2-1-2. My Darius claims he asked for two early ganks. (In champ select allegedly. He didn't.) I came up top once early, he was in no position for us to start a gank (again, wave not thinned, minion aggro means it's a fair fight and i'm a pre-6 Nunu). So I just farmed Krugs and based. I ganked mid twice and bot once (or vice versa) in the first 10 minutes, and was still outfarming the enemy jungler AND took a dragon. Darius brawled in that aformentioned wave, died. Came back with items, died again thanks to a gank (because ofc) and then blamed me for the rest of the match. I pointed out that it's not my job to win his lane, and that of his first three deaths, two were outside of tower range. 12 minutes in the midlaner is like "Nunu, all three lanes are losing"...as if somehow that's my fault. A PRE-SIX Nunu ganks three times in the first ten minutes, is 2-1-2 WITH a dragon and somehow they manage to lose ALL OF THE LANES! I get that we all have bad games, but that's not the jungler's fault! The number of times i've also had to (as support) defend a jungler from the laners who claim that it's his fault they lose lane is just mind boggling!

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It's called solo queue for a reason...you gotta learn to carry yourself, especially in bronze. You have to shot call for the team, let them know what's what (which is hard to do, I know)...just gotta be nice about it. Let the support know that you want to play passive, tell the lanes that you are farming up to 6 (I do that with Nunu/WW).


The best thing to do? Be the tanky-top laner who has all the CC who can dive the enemy backline and not die. My go to? Mundo and Maokai. Learn to farm up and go even with your lane opponent. And then capitalize on their bronzie mistakes. The fact that you KNOW the game will be a boon for you, the mechanics and such will come with practice.

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Just play Amumu in jungle, carried me from Bronze 5 to Gold 5. I don´t know what has been patched over the last few month but when you survive the early game without falling behind you are a game changer in team fights (the ult is devastating if your hit it properly and your team reacts acordingly) and even are able to solo larger groups of enemies (even solo penta if they decide to run into you one after another)

Also buy the Emumu Skin, it´s awsome.

Also, all come play HOTS with me. (needed to justify rage towards me, this is how good i am to you <3 )

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Ruki, what was your win ratio like to get up to gold? I'm winning over half my games just now, which has always been a steady rise. It's just such a long slog when you're winning 55-60%. Just into promos for Silver 2 and curious what your win rate was when you got promoted.

Think I'm at 50% overall, but something like 60% since I started playing again.

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55% and you will climb, unless you have the worst MMR-hell-based-gains.


I am going to do this in norms a bunch to refine it, but I think i've got my ticket out of B5:




Support Teemo. It's legit.

Edited by Plubby
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Ruki, what was your win ratio like to get up to gold? I'm winning over half my games just now, which has always been a steady rise. It's just such a long slog when you're winning 55-60%. Just into promos for Silver 2 and curious what your win rate was when you got promoted.

Think I'm at 50% overall, but something like 60% since I started playing again.

I think this season I have about a ~60% win rate? If I remember when I'm home I'll let you know. As long as you are earning more points than losing, you'll eventually climb.

55% and you will climb, unless you have the worst MMR-hell-based-gains.


I am going to do this in norms a bunch to refine it, but I think i've got my ticket out of B5:




Support Teemo. It's legit.

....please don't do that.

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Best way to get out of Bronze 5 is learn a champ that snowballs. Diana was my preference when I was down there. Learned to play her semi-well and was able to carry pretty easily at that elo, even as a very average Silver player.

Not dying and farming are how I started to pull myself up. Sounds obvious I know, but your average Bronze player's farm will not be great. That Kata might be 3-0, but she'll likely have less than 80 cs at 20 minutes. She'll also start going all in and trading kills 1 for 1. Stay alive, double their farm and slaughter them mid/late game.

Mechanically I'm not great at this game - and I don't put the time in to learn everything about it. I basically play one champion (Nidalee) to a decent standard, and get by on looking after myself, not dying and keeping up on farm. I'll never make Plat, but playing that way was enough to drag my ass out of Bronze and continue climbing through Silver.

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55% and you will climb, unless you have the worst MMR-hell-based-gains.


I am going to do this in norms a bunch to refine it, but I think i've got my ticket out of B5:




Support Teemo. It's legit.

....please don't do that.

I'm definitely going to do it. Think about his kit and look at his ratios. It's quite useful at low elo. Plus it tilts motherfuckers.

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Not if you talk to them about it first. Your team needs to know what to expect from you. It's a really good lane so long as you play to not "fight" them straight up in a 2v2 engage. You hit level 2, ping your adc, pop out of camo and auto-Q-auto the enemy ADC and he's going back to base. You don't follow in for a fight, you just hit them, and toddle away. If he doesn't base, you do it again, smash him in the face with ignite and that's a guaranteed kill. Teemo's early-game harrass is unreal once I learned how to do it. Most supports I play influence the lane by where you're standing and moving - if they ward the brush and you're standing in it, then it influences how they position. Teemo ignores that. He influences the lane simply by whenever you can't see him. After the first time you pop out of camo, they always have to be wary about where you may or may not be standing. It's kind of like having a Teemo ADC, except your botlane partner actually does damage.


Post-laning phase, the Shrooms offer fantastic objective control as you can shroom up Dragon and Baron, and you can set up picks by shrooming the paths they use to rotate between lanes. This all seems like standard Teemo play but to have it coming from support basically means that you're trading the "Hard" CC from typical supports like Leona, Morgana or Nami for fantastic damage, great pick potential and unparalleled warding (Shrooms are wards too, and they last for ten minutes) and objective control. Also the blind is just fantastic against champs like Lucian, Sivir and Vayne. Also it means I can splitpush from the support role because Shrooms can clear the wave and Nashor's gives me decent turret damage.

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2 rather excellent games last night in my promo series.

First playing Nidalee jungle, got first blood on their mid Syndra after 3 minutes. Then camped bot and got Corki super fed. Won it in 28 minutes and I finished 8/3/9.

Second game I got support, so played my first Leona game in forever. Jinx and I stomped all over their Gold Thresh and Lucian in lane, and I just ended up roaming - helping our Lux beat Zed in lane. They surrendered after 23 minutes. I finished 2-1-17 - 63% kill contribution :)

Oh hai Silver 2. Inb4 5 losses in a row now.

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