It was the first episode I watched, and convinced me to watch the first few series, so I'll always have a soft spot.
There's a few post-peak Simpsons episodes that are still great. I was talking to my brother recently about how several of my favourite Simpsons gags are in New Kids On The Blecch - "the Statue of Liberty, where are we?", "Lieutenant LT Smash", "superliminal advertising", and "YVAN EHT NIOJ".
Not so much "actually like", but I'm doing a Twin Peaks rewatch, and just got to the Diane Keaton-directed episode in Series 2, that's pretty universally seen as a low point. It suffers from being focused on a James Hurley storyline that nobody cares about, and the awful Ben Horne Civil War stuff, but some of the directing choices are more authentically Lynchian than anything not touched by Lynch in the rest of the series (there's a scene where a cop is questioning someone, and when they walk away they're followed by two smaller, silent cops walking extremely close together, and it's pointless and weird and silly in all the ways Lynch is), and Miguel Ferrer is an absolute delight in it. It's not good by any stretch, but it's not measurably worse than any of the other episodes in a pretty dismal slog.