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About Hailtothechimp

  • Birthday 25/12/1987

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  1. The same group is also doing Attack on Titan: Abridged as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDm5TwfPg3I
  2. Nisekoi is quite good. I went and watched it after reading this and found myself quite entertained by it. The premise is very layered but the people who are in charge of the show did a fantastic job of setting it all up. The art is really interesting too. It's one of the brighter animes I've ever watched and they go out of their way to make it very colorful and happy looking.
  3. Here's what I got so far for what I'm watching this season. Buddy Complex: Not really game changing or anything like that, but I enjoyed it a lot. There's a lot of everything Sunrise has done to this point in here as far as the giant robot genre goes, but I really enjoyed all of the characters so I'll probably stick with it. Nobunaga The Fool: They throw a ton of stuff at you from the word go but it's pretty neat. Feels a lot like Escaflowne and I loves me some Escaflowne so I'll probably keep up with this too. Space Dandy: I really have no words to describe this show. I'm not sure if I liked it or not, but I am intrigued. They throw a lot of non-sense at you, but I think there is a main plot point in there somewhere that the whole show will revolve around. Thursday can't get here fast enough though. I want more Silver Spoon damnit!
  4. I can see the outrage. I don't think I've ever seen an anime character's transformation be less slutty. Its like they are breaking some sort of unwritten rule.
  5. Winter looks pretty good. Not a whole lot jumped out at me, but I already knew I'd be watching Space Dandy & Silver Spoons Season 2. Buddy Complex and Nobunaga The Fool sound fun though so I'll probably end up giving those a whirl if I can ever catch up on my huge backlog from this last season.
  6. Looks good and it should be pretty awesome. The Justice League stuff from the New 52 has been pretty good IMO.
  7. I'm with you on this buddy. The episode wasn't all that great, but they at least tried to make Skye somewhat more interesting beside pretty hacker lady. Ward is really the only person I don't like all that much. I liked Scorch a whole lot though. I'll spoil the rest of my post though, cause spoilers.
  8. I wish I came to this part of the board more. I'm totally in if this gets started back up again!
  9. So Samurai Flamenco is pretty awesome.
  10. If it wasn't for nostalgia, Aladdin wouldn't be as good for me, so I totally got where Skummy was coming from. Aladdin does, however, have some wonderful songs in it still. I've been dreading Skummy watching Hercules though. I love it so much and I'm quite sure that Hercules isn't going to be Skum's thing.
  11. Episode 3 was pretty neat. I think a lot of the characters are starting to find their stride, we got a little bit of development for everybody involved and... Major, major, major, major, major spoiler!!!
  12. Also just watched the first episode of Origins. It is pretty damn awesome. I tried to warn you away from Yuusha Ruki!
  13. So, I started watching some of the new stuff that came out this week. Yuusha ni Narenakatta: I liked the premise, but the show is over the top fan servicey, which really ruined the show for me personally. Don't think I'll be keeping up with this one. Kill La Kill: I don't know what the hell I just witnessed, but I think I liked it? The show has this insane pace that crams a lot of stuff into twenty something minutes. I don't know about it saving anime, but it is different. I'll give it that. Coppelion: It's like post-apocalyptic Charlie's Angels. I also really, really liked the art in the show.
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