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Status Updates posted by Azazel

  1. Had a wonderful dream ruined by Dasher Hatfield waking me up with all these questions about dryers

    1. Sousa


      I hope he was wearing his mask and full rasslin' gear at the time. Certain guys I like to imagine never wear street clothes, Dasher and Jervis among them.

  2. In 1 hour we are watching some indy wrestling show and I am looking for all sorts of feeback, good and bad! http://www.instasynch.com/rooms/CecilNyx

    1. Azazel


      Starting in approx 10 minutes.

  3. Come play Pokemon Island in the Cube! Raise a team and race to get all the badges 1st!

    1. Gazz


      No, Pokemon is for gimps.



      How do you get Pikachu on a bus?


  4. Just thought of an idea for an EWB list, should I run it?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Josh


      EWB's List of the Top 25 Listless Listeners

    3. Walker


      EWB Top 25 Lists That Haven't Been Listed Yet. Winner gets its own list!

    4. gunnar hendershow

      gunnar hendershow

      We can do Walker's list and then do Top 25 EWB Members Who Haven't Done a List Yet! Winner of the first gets to do the list that won the second.

  5. Random Question: Anybody live in Ottawa or Eastern Ontario that I can hard sell indy wrestling to?

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