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Argh. What Movie Is This.


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I remember waking up early one Saturday morning and not being able to get back to sleep. Anyways, I turned on the television and started watching this movie, but I never found out the name of it and that bothers me along. Here's the details I can remember, but it was so long ago.... i'm not sure if it'll be enough.

- It was set in a small rural town in Texas, or some barren spot along those lines.

- The main character was a woman who drove a school bus, and the main problem and villian was that the children of the town were being picked off one by one by a stranger in a dark colored car. You never actually got to see him, but the car would speed off and pick up a child and then speed back off.

- In the end the woman took things into her own hands and ended up chasing the guy in the car with her school bus. I believe it ends when the car drives into an abandoned mine quarry and aapparently kills the driver.

Meh, is that enough?

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