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Final Fantasy 12

MalaCloudy Black

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Anyone seen the screenshots for it? I'll probably buy it (mostly because of the combatant system overhaul, the new one is drawing comparisons to my new favorite RPG ever, Xenosaga)

But really, have you seen the screens? The main character looks like a fucking poof :pinch: at first, I only saw a screen of his head and thought it was a female :ph34r:

If you want to see some screens, 1up.com has a ton of them.

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Bishi is short for bishounen. A japanese word, the literal translation of which: 'pretty boy'.

Know all those RPG villains/anti-heroes that just look flouncy or have long girly hair and whatnot? Those are bishi.

And thus originates the oft-played guessing game in the world of anime..."Girl or boy?"

Edited by stokeriño
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Bishi is short for bishounen. A japanese word, the literal translation of which: 'pretty boy'.

Know all those RPG villains/anti-heroes that just look flouncy or have long girly hair and whatnot? Those are bishi.

And thus originates the oft-played guessing game in the world of anime..."Girl or boy?"

Ah ok.......cheers for clearing that up.

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I haven't checked into it enough though to be honest. Is it on PS2? If so, is it more online bullshit or just a game? Hopefully not online as that just doesn't appeal to me for some reason.

Back to the single player RPG format, although I wanted - and still want - to try out FF11.

It's on PS2.

Current release date: 4/4/05

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I would say import it, but there's the whole PAL/NTSC thing, isn't there? Isn't there a workaround for that?

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Anyway I'm not too sure if I'm going to like the changes to the battle system and all but I'll probably still give her a try.

What isn't there to like?! Xenosaga: Episode I's battle system was terrific. On-screen enemies, items in the environment affecting the enemy (like shooting a barrel of gas near an enemy and going into battle, with the enemy suffering from fire effects/damage.)

It's a HELL of a lot better than "take a step on the map, battle. take another two steps, another battle. take another ste -- battle!"

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Monolith came from Square, so Squares the original. Xenogears was the greatest RPG of all time hands down, no one has dethroned it yet in the 'omfg it just blew my mind' department. Story and system wise, Square has yet to surpass it. I hope it isn't a battle system like Chrono Cross trying to inhibit Xenogears. That just totally sucks. From what i've seen of FF12 i don't think i'll like it. Especially with a male gay leading role, as that sort of creeps me out (I'm sure my friend from Scotland will mark out for it, that's probably why I don't want that to be the case).

Anyways, I'll buy it purely because i"m a fan of FF, and Xenogears. And if there's anything in it like Xenogears then I'll be a happy camper.

Yes, for all you who love Xenosaga try Xenogears ^^ the original 'part' of the series. Xenosaga was a 'remake' basicly of the Xenogears universe. Supposedly yet to be known, whether or not Episode V or VI(People actually debate on this -.-) will be the same, as Xenogears.

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I'm not too interested in FF12, from the screenshots I've seen so far.

I want a sequel to FF 7, or an FFX sequel that's actually worth playing!!

Regarding Xenosaga....apparently the characters from Xenosaga are only supposed to be in the first three games. So I'd say there's a pretty good chance that V will be Xenogears.

(Iirc, for legal reasons they can't come right out and say that Xenosaga is part of the Xenogears universe, although everyone knows that it is. So its quite possible that there may not be a remake of Xenogears when they get that far ahead. Xenosaga I and II (and most likely III) supposedly take place something like 1,000 years before Xenogears, according to what I've read.)

I'm hopefully going to be getting Xenosaga II in the next week or so. I don't like the fact that they changed animation styles, and I'm really not happy they changed composers. (I have the Xenosaga OST - 2 cd set)

And if anyone who reads this has Xenosaga II already....PLEASE tell me that they didn't use Sherry Lynn for MOMO's voice again.

Edited by GhostMachine
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Provided FF12 isn't as bad as FFX or its even worse sequel then its definately a step up in the series.

Im becoming more nitpicky with my RPGs though now, particularly after playing a lot of PC ones such as Deus Ex, Fallout and Baldurs Gate I thought I had almost gone off the entire FF series. But then I played FF7 and 9 again and I was corrected.

I still don't like the direction Square is taking in recent years though. FFX was completely shit, Star Ocean 3 only had an awesome combat system going for it, and they still flat out refuse to remake FF7.

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I disagree.

I think FF8 has many more flaws including a shittier story ("OMG~! ALL TEH CHARACTERS WERE ALL AT TEH SAME ORPHANAGE AS KIDS BUT FORGOT ABOUT IT BECAUSE OF GFS SWERVE~!") and a bunch of characters that are either annoying or just generally assholes. And don't get me started on that fucking card game.

But yeah. FF7 is overrated. But I still think its a great game.

I like FF9 more though.

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FF7 is horribly overrated.


Bullshit. It was good, but VIII was better.

I have to say it is over-rated, but it doesn't stop it being an amazing game that is still at least second best in the series IMO. My personal favourite was FF9 and, when put together, FFX and FFX-2, FF9 because it's swerve was so subtle to begin with, it built up to it rather than thrusting it in the picture randomly.

FFXII looks to be a mediocre game, I can't stand on-screen battles, to me an RPG is all about the random battling, it's part of that desperate scramble when near death to escape to a save point that makes the game fun a lot of the time :)

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FF7 is horribly overrated.


Bullshit. It was good, but VIII was better.


You speak the truth my good man.

7 was a good game but 8 was outstanding, easily my favourite rpg of all time (closely followed by FFX and Deus Ex). I loved the story in 8, the whole garden thing was excellent.

I actually didn't mind FFX-2 to be honest, it was something different at least and I found the story quite interesting on the second playthrough. (I missed alot on the first and only really concentrated on the stuff which continued from FFX.)

EDIT ~ Since i'm here and this isn't really worthy of a new topic. Unlimited Saga, anyone played it? And if so, did you enjoy it? I bought it about 6 months ago but haven't played it properly till now, finding it a bit hard to understand some parts of the levelling system but i'm getting into it.

Edited by Whisper in the Wind
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