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I haven't seen a topic like this here so...if this is still old, then sorry.

So, anyone make music around here? It can be any kind, a band or you and your computer and your program...just interested to hear from you.

I make music with my computer, using Reason, Rebirth, Fruity Loops and sound editing programs like Audicity, plus my microfon, which really sucks and I need to get a new one...mostly techno & noise and other electronic music, although I'd really like to sing in a punk band or do reggae, singing (I've practised the accent, believe it or not :P )and the instruments (although I can't play any...).

So? :)

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Jukes, once I come back, you'll need to learn to play the guitar or something. Then we can form a two-member noisepunkband.

I don't personally make ORIGINAL music, but I like to mix and shuffle different tracks into new ones. Haven't been able to do it in a long time since my comp's back in Finland, but once I get back I expect to begin anew.

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I sing in a Punk band that is constantly changing it's name (Because we suck at names).. However we normally keep on coming back to either "Evil Incarnate" or "Citizen#1578" before realising they suck and try and think of something new. We did some local gigs at bars and shit over the summer and since then we were planning on going in to record some tracks. However our guitarist had a falling out with his guitar teacher (Who's studio we were going to go to record) and they were and still are at the stage of "I don't want to give that shit any money" and "I don't want that shit to give me any money". The recording was relaly just going to be a memento, we've been 'jamming' together for a few years and 3 of us were planning to go away to uni next school year (Though now it appears 2 of us are having a year out) so it was just a way to remember the times we had.

As far as instruments go I suck. I was originally going to play bass in said band (I used to 'play'. Now i've forgotten everything pretty much) but the singer fucked off so I sang (As I had the best voice, plus I can actually scream Strike Anywhere style which makes me c00 :shifty:. Plus I doubt we'll ever need it but I can pull off some badass Opeth style growls.) and we got a new bassist.

For some reason i've always wanted to sing in a funk band. With slap basses and trumpets, saxaphones and shit (Tower of Power, Earth Wind and Fire style).

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There is no one here who wants to play in an actual band...so I've been meaning to pick up a guitar for cheap somewhere, grab a music mixing program and just start making my own music...which I can later use again if I find a band to play with.

Currently, I use Audacity to record myself singing other peoples' songs as a way for me to show potential band-members that I can in fact sing a little bit.

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Guest George

I do make music. I play mostly bass, but I pick up the guitar from time to time.

Right now, I'm in two bands.... both of them are "semi-active", meaning we rarely rehearse.... and in one of them I'm the only one who actually practices at home and I can play better than the others....

I want a band with at least a guitarist that can do a solo and a drummer who can keep a good rhythm =\. I have been unlucky so far.

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