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Samurai Champloo

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I can't do this show justice with mere words, if you like anime and you didn't catch this show, for shame. It's so awesome I was like "Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit!" the entire time.

Favorite quote..

Mugen: "If living means bowing to the likes of you bastards, I'd rather die on my knees with my head held high!"

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I haven't seen a TV show that rocked my world so thoroughly since I first saw Cowboy Bebop, which shouldn't be surprising, considering both shows have the same creative staff. Both shows even have the same guy doing the main character voice. Having recently finished reading Musashi, I dug the reference to the Yagyu style of swordfighting.

My favorite quote(s) was:

Jean: He doesn't know the meaning of restraint.

Mugen: Kiss my ass!

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It is indeed fucking awesome. Shinichiro Watanabe still has his usual habit of pissing about with filler episodes for most of the series, then throwing all the plot together in the last few episodes (cough, Bebop, cough). However this time he does that and actually manages to get it done properly as well, rather than casting half the characters' subplots aside like Faye or Ed in Bebop...uh, yeah, anyway the series rules.

The dub's probably atrocious, but I haven't seen it. The inclusion of the phrase "kiss my ass" doesn't fill me with hope. :shifty: You say the same guy does Mugen's voice as did Spike's? Come on, we know they look similar (Fuu also looks like Faye...), but that's taking the piss.

Episode 14 is godly, I swear. I don't know how many you people have seen (from the quotes, probably only the first or maybe first two episodes)...but believe me, episode 14 is my favourite.

And if you want something closer to look forward to - the scene at the beginning of episode 3 with the crossroads had me laughing for minutes on end.

Hell, I could almost bring back my incredibly iffy self-made Champloo signiture that I had for about a fortnight last December:


ph34r it...

Edited by stokeriño
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Yeah, it just premiered on AdultSwim tonight. *I* didn't think the dub was bad.

EDIT, for anyone who cares, the repeat is on right now. It'll also repeat on Thursday.

Edited by Cloudy
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It wasn't bad. I probably set the standards too high, though.

As it stands, I don't care for the turntable scratch transitions and it had a lot of "Wait, WHAT?" moments, but the fight scenes were wicked cool. It merits further watching.

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I'm not really an anime fan, although I do love the look of most of the characters, but saw the first episode and I think this show will have me hooked. It was just awesome.

It was especially cool how they kept switching from Mugen to 'Gene' (?, if that's just how it's spelled..pretty odd for a anime name) in the beginning. And Mugen overall looks to be kickass character.

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The turntable scratch transitions do not survive beyond the first episode.

Except for maybe once or twice more throughout the rest of the series, but I can't quite remember.

Thank god. It still needs to not quite be so non sequitur and "Set-up line followed by stylish one-liner" with the dialogue, but if they bust out fight scenes like the one from last night all the time it won't quite matter.

The opening theme and ending theme aren't that great, though, which is unfortunate.

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I like the ending theme...the opening theme does admittedly suck, but for some reason it grew on me over time.

Though there are a few other ending themes in the series: one for episode 17, where the series originally cut off due to being thrown off the air...one for episode 23, aka 'the baseball episode', and one for episode 26, naturally.

I like the episode 17 one the best. Maybe it's because it's accompanied by some gorgeous background scenery, but it's all just very, very pretty.

But then episodes 13 - 21 are just pure brilliance anyway.

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Excellent stuff on it. I knew it would be decent after purchasing some of the series from my last purchasing spree. I'm just waiting for episodes 18-26 to get on the air so I can copy them and not have to deal with Stokerino being a mean meanybakahead and not sharing his copies of those episodes...but I digress. Anyway: Champloo good. Hopefully the other new series coming to Saturday will be good, but I'm not sure (haven't seen Paranoia Agent yet, and I personally abhor s-Cry-ed.)

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