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Right, I know Bond has the battle with Oddjob, but who actually defuses the bomb? Was it Bond or an American?

Also, what happens to Goldfinger? I can't for the life of me remember.

I ask because I have a Film Studies exam tomorrow, and after missing the end of the film in class it's been a long time since I've actually seen it, and the ending's just... gone.

Thanks in advance.

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Ahhh, sorry this took so long, but beter late than never right?

* Who diffused the bomb?

When Oddjob throws Kisch over the railing to his death, Bond sees the key in his pocket and moves the trolly that he's handcuffed to over to the body. Oddjob notices this and starts running down the stairs to try and catch him before he can do it. Oddjob throws his hat, Bond ducks and finally gets the key. There's a fight scene between them, including where Oddjob throws his hat again, severing an electrical cable. Later in the fight scene, Bond throws the hat. When Oddjob tuirns around to get it, Bond touches the severed cable to the bars. When Odd touches the hat, he gets a shock and dies.

After this, Bond returns to the trolly and trys smashing the lids open on the bomb with two gold ingots. He keeps working on it, finally opening it as the bomb is at around 30 seconds. Bond then tries to stop the bomb the best that he can, he tries to stop the mechanism and begans prying at some of the wires. The whole time, soldiers and a scientist are racing down the steps. As the timer on the bomb gets to around 9 seconds and below, another hand reaches in and flips a switch. The scientist stopped the bomb and Bond does a "What took you so long?" routine.

* What happened to Goldfinger?

You might remember that throughtout the Bond thing, Goldfinger pulls a routine where he shoots some of his own men, and some American army men in the guise of an American troop. After the failed attempt, we assume that he's dead or arrested without mention. Bond is put on a plane to the White House and as he sits there, thinking the whole ordeal is done a curtain opens and there's Goldfinger, in the military uniform and holding the gold revolver. It then shows that crewmen were tied up in the hangar, with gags in their mouths and what not. Bond and Goldfinger engage in the usual witty banter, during which Goldfinger makes it clear that he is on his way to Cuba.

Whn Goldfinger gestures, Bond grabs his arm and tries for the gun. Goldfinger strikes him twice with the gun and then throws him into a seat. The scuffle some more and the gun accidently fires, busting a window on the plane. All the meters in the cockpit drop and Bond clings for life onto the railing along the side of the plane. Goldfinger isn't so lucky however. He gets... sucked out of the plane window feet first. He then slowly makes his way to the cockpit where Pussy Galore is flying the plan. They both try to stabalize the plane, but it ends up crashing into the water below. We cut to helicopters looking for them. When one flys close over a forrested area, we see Galore waving a white jacket of them. Bond says something to the effect of "Oh no you don't" and pulls her back under a parachute. We now know how they survived.


And that is that. A little late, my friend, however I love the movie and wanted to type that out for some reason.

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