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New Seether CD - Karma and Effect


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I just heard the entire CD and I like it. I think it's an improvement over their debut album, Disclaimer/Disclaimer II. While that was good, this is much better. Their first single off of it, "Remedy" is pretty good. But I like "The Gift" a lot.

Has anyone else heard the complete CD yet, or perhaps just "Remedy?" Any thoughts of either of them?

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I am not sure if you'd enjoy it or not. To be honest, I have no clue what you really like anyways, so I can't say if you'd like it more or less. So, all I can really say is just listen through it. I enjoy it a lot, but we probably don't like the same type of music.

Anyway, I can understand him a lot better. He doesn't yell as much as he did on Disclaimer. He seems to have learned that he was never really good at that. But when you was singing, you couldn't understand him anyways. He seems to have gotten better at singing on this.

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I am not sure if you'd enjoy it or not. To be honest, I have no clue what you really like anyways, so I can't say if you'd like it more or less. So, all I can really say is just listen through it. I enjoy it a lot, but we probably don't like the same type of music.

Anyway, I can understand him a lot better. He doesn't yell as much as he did on Disclaimer. He seems to have learned that he was never really good at that. But when you was singing, you couldn't understand him anyways. He seems to have gotten better at singing on this.

Well, considering I like a lot of music, I can pretty much get into anything. I just wondered how far they'd gone away from the 1st albums blue-print.

And why do you assume that we don't like the same type of music? If I remember rightly from a lot of your posts, I like similar music, but perhaps a little heavier stuff at the end of the day than you.

I might see about getting around to checking it out, but I don't like a lot of bands who seem to follow the "post-grunge" style of music, although there are some exceptions. I didn't like thier first album, but they are the sort of band which I believe could entice me depending on how they may change the sound for future releases.

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It's good music if you go into it with an open mind. It's no Pig Destroyer or anything, but it's just solid radio rock. Nothing more, nothing less.

I enjoy Remedy quite alot, actually. I might check out the album, I don't know yet.

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Just heard Remedy kickass song and a cool video aswell.

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