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Good Gore/Horror Flicks


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Yeah, so I have $25, and I'm looking for a good gorey movie, you know? I want Battle Royale, but my local Hastings doesn't have it in stock, so that's a no-go right off the bat.

In an ideal world, I'd love a japanese movie with a good plot and awesome violence, but I'll take generic plot and fabulous violence if I have to.

So, yeah, anything? Please, refrain from suggesting shit like Friday The 13th and all that bullshit.

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Versus is fantastic.

I wouldn't really call BR a horror, but it is quite violent.

If you want a more brutal and weird film with an Eastern flavour go for Oldboy.

That is if you fancy eating a live octopus, dental torture with a claw hammer and cutting off a tongue.

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If you're looking for something with some gore and some horror (not enough of either to be stupid, but the right amount) go with 28 Days Later. Or the first or second Nightmare on Elm Street.

BTW, avoid the original Dawn of the Dead like the plague, if you're looking for a gorey, horror flick.

Plot Summary For Versus (From imdb.com)

A pair of escaped convicts meet up with a group of gangsters by a remote forest road. After an arguement over a girl the mobsters have kidnapped, shots are fired and one of the gangsters is killed. The standoff is cut short, however, when the dead man suddenly springs to life and starts trying to kill his former friends. The zombie eventually goes down in a hail bullets, but their problems aren't over. It seems the gangsters have been using this forest to dispose of of their victims, all of whom are now looking to settle some old scores. Even if they get through this mess, there is still the question of why they've arranged to meet the convicts out here, and why they've brought along the girl. How are they connected to the dead bodies coming back to life?

Edited by The Hardcore Canuck
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Honestly, I didn't like Versus. Dunno why people praise it so much, but I dunno, it never quite captured my attention and well, I just didn't like it.

BR, however, was a different story. Do your best to get it. Now.

And stay away from Nightmare On Elm Street 2. That's the worst of the bunch, IMHO. The first one is great, but the second one... Avoid it.

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