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Universal Wrestling Alliance

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Time: 16:30pm

Date: Friday 15th July 2005

Place: A small fruit factory

I grabbed my bag from my locker and slung it over my shoulder

as I made my way outside.

Half way across the parking lot I stopped to the sound of

my name being called, it was Frank one of my Co-workers.

Frank: "Hey Stevie! The boss wants you up in the office!"

I wasn't really surprised; this was becoming a routine.

Every Friday the “Fat Controller” (as I nick named him due to his uncanny resemblance to the Fat controller character in the old kids TV show Thomas the Tank engine) would drag me up into the office for a verbal thrashing.

I walked up the few steps and into the office to the familiar sight of

the Fat controller sitting at his desk (not that you could see it due to

the messy stacks of paper and week old fast food wrapper) sat back

in his chair fiddling with his thick black moustache.

Me:"You wanted to see me?"

FC: "Yes Steve"

He stood up out of his chair.

FC: "Its not working out. You’ve

been here three months and you’ve shown no improvement what so ever."

Me: "Wha..."

FC: "You stand on the production

line completely oblivious to what is going on around you

Barely doing a thing, and when you do get going you seem to get

slower as the days go by."

Me: "But..."

FC: "I mean you’ve gone from

the speed expected from somebody new to the job and have just

got slower and slower as the days have passed."

Me: "Yeah but...."

FC: "You mind’s just not on the job."

Me: "I..."

FC: "And it’s no good coming to work if your mind is elsewhere."

Me: "But the..."

FC: "I’m not paying you to stand around to do nothing Steve, I’m going to have to let you go."

Me: "......"

I walked out of the office feeling pretty damn awful, but I knew

what he said was true, my mind wasn’t on the job. I was more

concerned about getting home and jumping on the computer to

find out where and when the next local indy show was.

Wrestling...that was my passion.

Ever since my Grandfather took me to my first show as a little boy I’ve been hooked, the moves, the characters, the athleticism, the showmanship, everything about it just amazed me.

It was like a religion.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve never felt the desire to jump

in the ring and wrestle (I had attended a few training sessions

with my friend, a local indy wrestler named Andy Noble and it

was pretty much obvious then that I wasn’t wrestler material,

I mean jeez, I got a beer belly the Sandman would be jealous of)

but I’ve always had a secret desire to be involved somehow.

As I walked through the parking lot and out of the main gates of the factory,

I was completely unaware that this was the first chapter in the new life of

Steve Taylor.

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Guest Ricc

Will be interesting to see, either A) where the money to start a promotion comes from, or B) how'd he'd get a job as a booker with no experience.

Either way, decent start. I'll be back.

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Backstory part2

Time: 13:27PM

Date: Monday 18th July 2005

Place: outside a small grocery store

I had been out job hunting under the hot summer sun since 10am and decided to stop at a near by store for a drink to quench my thirst.

Whilst I was at the counter paying for my drink I decided to pick up a pack of cigarettes as I was starting to run low. As much as I hated smoking, nothing helped me relieve stress like a thin, white cancer stick.

I walked out the store unwrapping my smokes and popped one in my mouth, while not looking where I was walking I accidentally bumped into to a passer by.

Me: "Woah!? Sorry pal...Andy?"

Andy: "Hey Steve, how’s things?"

It was my buddy, indy wrestler Andy Noble. I hadn’t seen Andy for a while, Infact the last

time I did see him he was working a show by his and his brother’s old promotion the Curtis Gillford Wrestling Alliance (CGWA).

It was a small promotion, only working local venues (give or take a few miles) before it closed down roughly about 7 months ago due to Andy’s brother Steve Noble quitting wrestling and moving to Spain

with his wife and kids.

It was a shame really because it could of really took off and made (if only a slight) impact on the wrestling world.

Why did it close you ask?

Money wise it was easy to run because Andy’s father (Derrick Noble) owned a chain of saw mills up and down the country and was even drawing up plans to open up saw mills abroad in several other countries but before deal’s could be finalised Andy’s father passed away and his company was left to his wife who scrapped the international plan’s losing the business millions. Eventually Derrick’s wife

realised she couldn’t run the Company successfully and sold it. She left 20% of the money to be shared between Andy and Steve then moved away to another country, I’m not sure which he never told me.

Long story short, financially the promotion was fine.

The problem was, after the brother’s got their money, Steve’s wife decided it was time for him to quit wrestling and settle down with his family thus moving to Spain, so that left Andy to deal with the business and the booking of CGWA.

At first it was fine but eventually Andy got burnt out, he just couldn’t take the stress anymore so he had no option but to close his baby down.

I’ve always thought that for Andy, that was a chapter in his life he found very hard to close.

Me: "I’m good man, you still working the indy’s man?"

Andy: "Yeah, I’m still working the odd show here and there but its just not the same since I had to close the CG, (his pet name for his CGWA) you know what I mean?"

Me: "Yeah, I get ya man, I get ya."

Of coarse I didn’t have clue because I’ve never worked a proper match or run a wrestling promotion so I just agreed, as you do.

Me: "I do miss coming to the shows. It’s a real shame it had to close, it could have been huge."

Andy: "Heh, I don't know about huge but I guess it was starting to gather a reasonable fan base."

Me: "I guess we’ll never know, but personally I do think it would have gotten a lot bigger.You had some good talent in there, like Stu.... umm, man what was his name?"

Andy: "Stu Odyssey?"

Me: "Yeah that’s it!"

Andy: "Yeah Oddy was a great find, he really busted his ass out there for the fans"

Me: "What’s he doing these days's anyway?"

Andy: "I have no idea, I never really kept in contact with him after the CG closed down"

I sparked up my cigarette and looked at Andy, he just stared back like he was going to say something but couldn’t let it out. I took a deep puff off my cigarette then Andy spoke breaking what was becoming an uncomfortable silence.

Andy: "I’m thinking about starting a new promotion."

It took a few seconds for Andy’s words to register, then I realised what he said and felt a sudden rush of excitement.

Me: "Awsome! Like a CGWA rebirth or something?"

Andy: "No no no, I wouldn’t do that, that would be like ECW reopening, it just wouldn’t be the same, wouldn’t feel the same. I’m talking about a whole new promotion, a fresh start kind of thing"

Me: "well, you probably got the money to back it."

Andy: "Well I do have a fair bit of that money my Mother left me before she moved away, but if I do go ahead with it, it’s not gonna be like the CG, I’ll only be putting a limited amount into it and if it flops, well...it flops."

Me: "Well’s it’s your money man."

Andy: "The only problem is, well, I’m not going to be able to book and run the business side of thing’s myself, also I just cant get anybody interested cause they seem to think I’m gonna fold it when the going gets tough, like what happened with the CG. My girlfriend Sophie could more than handle the research needed but as far as business and booking, she wouldn’t have a clue."

I don’t know what came over me, but I suddenly felt this urge building up inside.

Then it just came out

Me: "I can do it!"

Andy looked at me.

Andy: "you??..."

I could feel the excitement running through my body, a rush like nothing I had ever felt, the adrenaline pumping so hard it felt as if my head was going to burst.

Andy opened his mouth

Andy: "Riiiiiiiiiiiiight, good one heh heh!"

Me: "no I’m serious"

Andy: "Heh heh, look I know you got a good head on those shoulders and I know you mean well, but I don’t think your really what I need right now, I mean no offence, you know your wrestling inside out but you’ve never really been in the business, I’m sorry buddy."

Me: "oh.... ok..... then"

Andy: "listen, it’s been good to see you buddy, but I really got to go. I’ll give you a call sometime."

Me: "ok, ummm...laters."

Andy: "see ya Buddy!"

Andy jumped into his car and disappeared in what seemed like seconds.

I took a slow walk home, I couldn’t help but feel down, feel disappointed,


Edited by khaoz_theory
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Backstory Part3

Time: 21:17PM

Date: Wednesday 20th July 2005

Location: My friends apartment

I was at my friend Jay's apartment.

We often got togetheron a Wednesday night to watch wrestling tapes and drink a few beers.

Jay was a DJ at a local radio station,and an awful DJ at that.

He way constantly forgetting record names and letting cuss words slip out on air, he also would promote wrestling show's even if his boss would tell him not to.

One time after they had an argument Jay locked his booth and played a live WWE PPV over the air which led to his boss calling the local police to break in to his booth and escort him off the premises for about the third time,well the third time he told me about anyway God knows the amount of times he hasn't told me about.

The broadcast was quickly shut down by his boss out of fear the WWE would find out and file a lawsuit.

Yep Jay was certainly a strange one, and a Yokozuna mark at that.

Jay, to this very day, believe's Yoko pulled an 'Elvis' by faked his own death and disappearing into the unknown, how Yokozuna would have disappeared into the unknown would have been a mystery in itself.

We where watching Sting's Squadron vs the Dangerous Alliance in a War games matchfrom Wrestle war 92.

I turned to Jay.

Me:" I saw Andy the other day"

Jay:" Andy??"

Me: "Noble"

Jay: "Noble?"

Me: "Andy Noble"

Jay: "Andy Noble?"

man he really did have a terrible memory

Me: "yes Andy Noble,wrester Andy, the guy you worked with for 4 year at that Fed ex place,you lived in the same apartment building for 8 years.....he gave you free ticket's to his shows"

Jay: "ohhhhhhhh that Andy Nobbly"

Me: " close enough"

Jay: "what he doing these days?? he still wrestling?"

Me: "yeah, he said he wanted to give running a promotion another try"

Jay: "cool like a CGWA 2 or somthing??"

Me: "No like a whole new promotion kinda thing, but he's having trouble finding another booker to help him, I said ~I'd give him a hand''

Jay:"What he say??"

Me:''he basically laughed in my face''

Jay: ''that suck's man, you've alway wanted to do that type of thing, just think.....you could of had a Yokozuna come back special!!! and I could have called the action with my announcing skill's"

Me: "uhh......yeah...that's ...yeah...." (why do I hang with this guy??)

Jay: "I can have a talk with Andy if you want man"

Me: "no, just dont worry about it"

Jay: "whatever man, I'm gonna go get me another beer, you want one??''

Me:" yeah I suppose''

Jay pulled himself up out of his chair and staggerd toward's the kitchen.

I pulled a cigarette from my pack,lit it up and took a deep puff.

I couldn't stop thinking how bad I wanted Andy to give me a chance, it seemed so close yet so far away.

I lent right back into my chair, puffing on my cigarette, thinking about what it would have been like to live my secret dream.

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Backstory Final part

Time: 21:57pm

Date: Saturday 23rd July 2005

Place: My Apartment

I couldn’t stop thinking that maybe I should have asked Jay to speak Andy for me.

Maybe he could swing things my way or at least get Andy to give me a chance. I almost called Jay a few hours ago but thought it was too late to change my mind on his offer.

With my mouse in my right had and a cigarette in my left, I sat browsing the net soaking up the latest wrestling news.

Whilst in the middle of an article about the on going Blue Meanie and “bully” Bradshaw saga, my phone rang, it was Andy.

Andy: "Hey Steve, what’s up?"

Me: "Not too much man, just browsing the net"

Andy: "Steve, I want to apologise for like...."

Me: "Laughing in my face?"

Andy: "Heh, Yeah"

Me: "its ok man, I understand. If you don’t need my help its fine, it’s your call; you’re the boss."

Andy: "Well that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I’ve decided to go ahead with the promotion and well, I’m gonna give you a shot at booking for me".

Me: "What made you change your mind?"

Andy: "Well I thought about it and it’s not like we gonna have TV or anything so I thought maybe you might be able to handle it. Also...umm.... well..."

Me: "You couldn’t find anyone else?"

Andy: "Yep!"

Me: "well I’m glad you couldn’t! You have no idea how bad I’ve wanted you to give me a chance"

Andy: "Well your getting your chance, but Steve.."

Me: "Yeah?"

Andy: "I don’t want any messing around, I want serious dedication, and if I don’t think you can handle it or I don’t think your booking is good I’m gonna have to let you go."

Me: "It’s a deal, if you think I suck you can get rid of me"

Andy: "I’ll have Sophie fax you the information you’ll need in the morning and I’ll leave a few Internet links of local worker databases so you can search for some cheap talent to book"

Me: "Ok man, I’ll get straight to it."

Andy: "Oh and Steve..."

Me: "Yeah?"

Andy: "if you’re going to work for me your going to throw those cigarettes away."

Me: "grrrr, ok"

Andy: "I’m serious, those things have to go, it’s not big and it’s not clever."

Me: "Ok ok, I understand ."

Andy: "Oh, one other thing, I need you to help get sponsors"

Me: "How many we need?"

Andy: "Well my cousin writes a column for IGN.com and the owner of Pizza Pizza is a friend of the family so I have been able to get deals with them but we need about two more."

Me: "Leave it to me, I know a few places we might be able to do business with."

Andy: "Ok good. I’m gonna have to go now buddy, I’ll call you in a few days."

Me: "A few days? why?"

Andy: "I rented an Office for us, like a headquarters I suppose, I gotta go move all the furniture in and set thing’s up."

Me: "An office, cool!"

Andy: "Look, I really gotta go, I’ll call you in a few days."

Me: "Ok man...Andy...."

Andy: "Yeah?"

Me: "Thanks"

Andy: "No problem buddy. Just remember, no messing."

Me: "I know I know, I’ll give it my best"

Andy: "Good, see ya Buddy."

Me: "Laters"


I couldn’t believe it; it felt like a dream or something.

I was going to do everything he said and make sure I did it better than anyone else, well, except maybe the cigarette part.


The next morning I woke up to the sound of my fax machine.

I almost vomited with excitement as I jumped out of bed to get the fax.

I pulled it from the machine and took a look.

Universal Wrestling Alliance

Size: Small

Funds: $500,000

Public Image: 30%

Sponsors so far: IGN.com

                          Pizza Pizza

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Time: 16:55pm

Date: Tuesday 26th July 2005

Location: My Apartment

I sat at my computer running through the list of available workers.

I had managed to secure sponsorship deals with the local burger place Hardee’s

and Dave Meltzer’s wrestling newsletter the Observer.

I had also acquired some talent for the promotion but was still working on a gimmicks and things

as I didn’t want a roster full of bland nobody’s that the crowd wouldn’t give a crap about.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

It was Jay.

Me: "Hey Jay, what’s up man?"

Jay: "Not much bro, not much at all. Hows you? you keeping busy?"

Me: "Yeah.... how’d you guess?"

Jay: "Well let’s just say a little birdie told me you received an offer you’ve been waiting for."

Me: "Jay...You speak to Andy lately?"

Jay: "Well I kind of gave him a call after you left my place the other night."

Me: "Ha! I had a feeling you might of had something to do with that! I owe you one man."

Jay: "No. You owe me two."

Me: "Ok then, I owe you two."

Jay: "Damn right you owe me two and first thing you can do I try and get me an announcing job at

your new wrestling 'Fed'."

Me: "An announcing job? what about your DJ job?"

Jay: "Well, as soon as I found out Andy had hired you I figured if anybody can get me an announcing job, you can. So I left."

Me: "You say ‘left’ you sure you don’t mean..."

Jay: "OK OK I got fired.........again."

Me: "Heh, typical Jay. Ok man I’ll see what I can do, but I’m not promising anything."

Jay: "Cheers bro, call me when you get an answer from Andy."

Me: "Ok, will do."

Jay: "Cool, c ya bro."

Me: "Laters."

Jay? an announcer? that would be.......interesting.

I thought about it and decided I’d try and get him in, after all he did speak to Andy about giving me a chance.

I leaned back in my chair, aching for a cigarette.

This was turning out to be harder than I thought, but I wasn’t ready to quit just yet.

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Guest Ricc

We have't even got to the hiring of wrestlers or shows, or anything..and yet, still, this is an excellent read.

I've often found stories that are great to read, I tend to lose a little interest when it comes to shows (believe it or not) I'm hoping this isn't the case here.

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Time: 18:37pm

Date: Friday 29th July 2005

Location: Outside my apartment

As I approached the door of my apartment, the ringing of a telephone caught my attention.

Realising it was mine; I quickly unlocked my door and picked up the receiver before whoever it was could hang up. It was Andy...

Andy: “Hey buddy!”

Me: “Hey man, how’s things going?”

Andy: “Things are going great! I got your Email about the sponsorship deals, that was some great work.”

Me: “Thanks man, how’s things coming along your end?”

Andy: “The office is just about set up, Sophie emailed your an hour or so ago with the address.Also, I got a few old buddy’s from the CGWA days to act as temporary Referee’s, road agents and things until we get this thing up off the ground, well, that is if it doesn’t flop.”

Me: “Heh, It won’t flop man, I’ll make sure of it.”

Andy: “will see buddy, we’ll see. Oh! I almost forgot. I got in contact with Oddy and he said he’d work a few shows for us.”

Me: “Cool! That’s great news!”

Andy: “Yep, indeed it is, how’s the talent search going, you got anything for me?”

Me: “I’m faxing the info through as we speak. Hey listen, I couldn’t any announcers interested.”

Andy: “Damn, that’s a bit of a blow.”

Me: “Well not exactly, There is one guy interested.”

Andy: “Who?”

Me: “Jay.”

Andy: “Radio DJ Jay?”

Me: “Yeah...”

There was a slight pause.

I started to worry thinking Andy could sense that I hadn’t contacted any announcers at all....as a favour

for Jay.

Andy: “Ok, we’ll give him a try, but you better tell him I don’t want any screw up’s.”

Me: “Hey look, if he screws up, I’ll take full responsibility.”

Andy: “Ok, deal.”

Me: “Thanks man, you get that fax yet?”

Andy: “Yeah I’m going through it now.”

Me: “what do you think?”

Andy: “This is some impressive work Steve, a few odd characters, but impressive stuff.”

Me: "Odd characters? is that bad?”

Andy: “Nah, we’ll give them a shot, if they stink we’ll drop em.”

Me: “Ok cool.”

Andy: “Right buddy, I’m gonna go get on with this paper work. I’ll need you to come down to the office next week to set your stuff up and help me sort out this show.”

Me: “Show?”

Andy: “Oh yeah, heh sorry. I hired out the local gym for the 21st of August, that’s going to be our first show.”

Me: “Cool, we gonna have a title tournament or something?”

Andy: “No, we won’t have a belt done till our second show. I thought we’d just use the first show to see what the talent is like.”

Me: “Ok man, good idea. What day you want me at the office?”

Andy: “ummm, let’s say....Wednesday?”

Me: “Great, I’ll be there.”

Andy: “Ok good, I’ll see you there.”

Me: “Ok man, Laters.”

Andy: “See ya buddy.”

This was getting better and better. Not only did we have a decent roster, but also Andy got Stu to come work for us, and on top of that, I got to repay Jay for his favour, well.... one of the two I owed him.

I went to bed that night feeling great.

I couldn’t wait to get in the office and set up, not to mention how excited I was after hearing the date of our first show.

For the first time in months, I actually felt.... Happy.

The next morning I got an updated roster list from Sophie.

Andy Noble (Face)

A good all rounder leaning slightly more towards a technical style.

Uses a Double arm implant DDT as a finisher.

Stu Odyssey (Face)

Another good all rounder. Not quite the Technician as Andy Noble but makes

up for it with good brawling skills.

Uses the Tiger Bomb as a finisher.

Robbie Royce (Heel)

To muscular to be a lightweight, yet just to small to be a heavyweight,

Robbie is an average brawler with some decent flying skills, not to bad on the Mic either.

Uses the Rolls Royce (Roll the Dice) as a finisher.

Great British Hero ‘GBH’ (Face)

Weighing in at 386lbs, GBH isn’t the greatest worker in the world but has an intimidating size to his advantage.

Uses the Big Daddy Splash as a finisher.

Flash Christian (Face)

This talented European is a great flyer and also a good technical wrestler.

Unfortunately he hardly speaks a word of English so it looks like he won’t be going on the Mic too much.

Uses the frog splash and the TKO as finishers.

Cory Diamond (Heel)

This cocky young man, although still a bit green is a adverage worker with some good Mic skills and charisma.

Uses the Diamond Drill (Corkscrew Tombstone) and Diamond cutter as finishers.

World’s Most Dangerous Mailman (Heel)

Another adverage all rounder with some decent charisma.

I’m confident he could pull this rather odd gimmick off.

Uses the Parcel Bomb (Fisherman’s Buster) And the Special delivery (Springboard fist drop)

as Finishers.

Chris Blackheart (Heel)

Solid Technician, Hard as nails, cold as ice.

Chris Blackheart can match anybody when it comes up to a straight up wrestling match.

Uses the Cold Clutch (Hangman's Clutch) and Blackout (complete shot) as finishers

Captain Cutthroat (Heel)

Not a great worker but cheap, easy to work with and plays his gimmick well.

Uses the Walk the plank (Rope walk Leg drop) as a finisher.

Bling Bling Chaz Rivell (Heel)

A 300lbs Brawler that plays a crap white rapper gimmick.

I’m not convinced he plays it that well, I guess we’ll have to see how it works out.

Uses the Bling Bling Boom (Baldo Bomb) as a finisher.

‘Mighty’ Mike Hughes (Face)

With an impressive physic and basic all round skills this guy has generic babyface

written all over him.

Uses the Mighty Boot (Yakuza Kick) as a Finisher

Amanda Shae. (Face)

A friend of Sophie’s, mainly hired for eye candy and crowd motivation.

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Time: 11:23am

Date: Wednesday 3rd August 2005

Location: Outside the UWA office.

The address Sophie gave me checked out, this was the place.

It looked pretty run down, like it hadn’t been used in quite some time. As I got closer I noticed the door was just about clinging on to its hinges with huge cracks in its paintwork.

I carefully opened the door and walked in to an empty reception area.

“Man, it’s hot in here!” I thought to myself. Obviously there was no air conditioning, but that wasn’t surprising considering the state of the place, though to be fair, the interior wasn't half as bad as i thought it would be after seeing the outside of the building.

Across the room was another door, I walked in through it to find the main office.

In the room Andy and Stu Odyssey were leaning against a desk talking, than Andy noticed me.

Andy: “Hey Buddy! you found it then! what you think?”

Me: “Yeah.. Um...It’s a start I guess.”

Andy: “Heh, that’s what I thought. Stu this is Steve, the kid i told you about.”

Stu: “Aight mate.”

Me: “Hey man.”

I reached out to shake his hand. As I did I realised he was a lot taller than I remembered and he also had

grown a thick, dark goatee giving him a meaner look since I had seen him.

He gave me a quick handshake before pulling his hand away.

Stu: “So, your gonna be helping Andy run show.”

Me: “Yeah, I’m looking forward to it”

Stu: “I hope you realise boy that this isn’t going to be easy, especially considering you’ve never done this kind of thing before.”

Me: “I’m aware of that, but don’t worry man, I’ll be putting 110% into this I promise you that.”

Stu: “You’re going to have to. You see mate, you’re going to be dealing with a lot of ego’s behind that curtain and it’s up to you to control them and keep them happy.”

Me: “I know man and thanks for the pointers but I....”

Stu: “There’s no thanks about it. If you’re just going to use this as your own personal fantasy playground, then the guys aren't going to like it, and to be honest I’m not 100% sure you should even be here to begin with.”

I stopped for a brief second and thought about what he said.

Maybe he was right, maybe I didn’t have any business being here at all.

Andy jumped in.

Andy: “Hey look, I got to go pick Sophie up from her mothers. Stu you want a ride?”

Stu: “Ok mate, that would be good.”

Andy: “Alright. Steve I shouldn’t be too long, you go set up whatever it is you have to at that desk over there and I’ll catch you a bit later.”

Me: “Ok man, laters.”

As they left I noticed Stu giving me a dirty look out of the corner of my eye, but I pretended not to notice as I moved over to my new desk.

On it was a computer, it wasn’t that good but was good enough for me to do my work on.

I looked at the screen; it was logged on to the news section at WWE.com. Obviously Andy had been reading an article on there, I took a look.

World Wrestling Entertainment has come to agreements on the release of the following Superstars and staff members. WWE would like to wish them the best in their future endeavours.

Gene Snitsky

CW Anderson

Kid Kash

Tommy Dreamer

Matt Morgan

Lance Storm

Sgt Slaughter

Dean Malenko

Ted Dibiase

Bruce Pritchard

Michael Hayes

Josh Matthews

Gene Okerland

Lillian Garcia

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Time: 14:02pm

Date: Monday 15th August 2005

Place: UWA Office

I had spoken to Andy a few days earlier about how Stu spoke to me when I met him in the office, Andy said that I should just forget about it and things would be fine, so that’s what I did, besides, I didn’t really have time to be doubting myself.

It had been a busy week in the office, Andy and I was going over a few things and comparing notes for the show when Sophie buzzed through from reception.

Me: “Yes?”

Sophie: “There’s a gentleman out here that says he is interested in working for us, you want me to send him in?”

Interested in working for us?

That seemed kind of strange considering we hadn’t even put a show on yet.

Maybe the hefty sum Andy invested in our advertising was actually paying off.

Me: “Yeah, send him in.”

The door swung open and a rather oddly shaped young man swaggered in.

He didn’t look much like a wrestler with his tight tank top revealing his small saggy man breasts and a stomach looking kinda like a deflated balloon.

He also had one of the strangest haircuts I had ever seen, it could only be described as a failed attempted of growing an afro.

Andy looked at him, then looked at me with a ‘What the hell?’ expression on his face.

Andy: “I’ve got to go meet with the owner of the gym about the show. Steve, I’m sure you can deal with this gentleman here.”

Andy (While trying not to laugh) grabbed his jacket and a stack of papers before making an exit.

I turned to this ‘gentleman’...

Me: “So, you want to work for us?”

Guy: “Do I want to work for you? Ha! sonny, you NEED me to work for you.”

Me: “I ‘Need’ you to work for me?”

Guy: “Yes, you NEED me to work for you. You see matey, without a talented superstar of my calibur this promotion is going nowhere.”

The ‘Superstar’ pulled a chair from the back of the room and set it at my desk. He parked his chunky ass on the chair before putting his feet up on my desk knocking a stack of paper and a cup full of pens to the floor in the process.

One thing was for certain.... This guy was a prick.

Me: “um..Ok then.”

I picked the paper up off the floor and started to put them back in order.

Me: “Let me ask you something. If you’re such a superstar, how come I’ve never heard of you?”

Guy: “Ahhhh, well you see a lot of people have never heard of me, and you know why?”

Me: “No, that’s why I asked,”

Guy: “Fear! Fear that a superior talent like myself could steal other guy’s spotlight.

You see matey, you’re looking at the next Ric Flair.... Infact! scrap that, I’m far better than the nature boy could ever be! That is why ROH wouldn’t book me, why the promoters in Japan won’t book me and why Triple H begged Vince McMahon not to employ me at the WWE! I’m just too damn good.You see,it's because of jealousy and fear that i haven't had the chance to showcase my greatness. Also! If being the greatest wrestler on this earth isn’t enough; I can make ANY character you can give me believable. All you have to do is give me a Mic and point me to the camera.

Was this guy for real?

Did he really think I would believe this out of shape, frizzy haired kid was better than Ric Flair?

Guy: “So, I take it we have a deal. Oh, and don’t worry about not being able to afford me because just for you I think I can come up with some kind of special discount.”

He named a rather cheap price per appearance.

If I wasn’t desperate for a few more guys to add to our roster, I would have thrown him out of here before he even opened his mouth.

But I needed guys to get this thing rolling.

Me: “You say you can play ANY gimmick?”

Guy: “Yes, To perfection”

Me: “Ok your hired.”

Guy: “Matey, you have just made the decision of a lifetime,I'll make every single one of the guys you hire.You won’t be disappointed.”

Me: “umm...Ok, I’ll be faxing you details of your character in the next few days.”

Guy: “Ok, no problem. but one thing matey. If you hired me you hire my manager, kind of a package deal if you catch my drift.”

Me: “Is he any good?”

Guy: “She! Is the best.”

Me: “Ok whatever.”

The guy lifted his feet off my desk knocking my cell phone to the floor, luckily it wasn’t damaged.

He got up out of his chair and swaggered towards my office door.

Me: “Hey wait! You never game me your name!”

The Guy turned around in the doorway, raised his arms and tilted his head slightly in a cocky manner.


As he left the office I picked my cell phone up off the floor and called Andy.

Andy: “Hey buddy.”

Me: “Hey Andy, say, you know that gimmick we were messing around with the other night?”

Andy: “Ha Ha, yeah?”

Me: “Heh...I got just the guy.”

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Time: 19:00pm (1 Hour before the show)

Date: Sunday 21st August 2005

Location: The locker rooms at the local gym.

Andy and I walked in to the locker room where the guys where getting warmed up for tonight’s show. I was feeling nervous about two things tonight, I was worried about doing a good job to impress Andy, but I was probably even more worried about how the boys would react to me telling them what to do and how to do it considering I was new to the business.

Andy called out to get everybody’s attention.

Andy: “Ok boys, this is the first show for the Universal Wrestling Alliance and I want everybody to go out there and give the fans their money’s worth. I’m gonna be out there busting my ass and I expect every one of you to do the same, because if you decide your gonna half ass it for an easy pay day you wont be asked back to work here again. Tonight Steve and me will be watching everything you do out there and if you do well, you might just end up with a secure spot on our roster.”

The guys looked around at each other, some nodding their heads.

Andy: “Stu, We’ve decide your going to be a bad ass style heel, sorry its such short notice but we think it would suit you better. As for the rest of you, nothing else has changed. Right then, lets have some fun tonight and give the fans a show to talk about.”

As Andy walked off to get changed and mix with the other guys, I noticed Stu walking towards me.

Stu: “Hey.”

Me: “Yeah?”

Stu: “It was you wasn’t it!”

Me: “What you mean Stu?”

Stu: “I ALWAYS play the babyface, but you have to go and fucking convince Andy to make me heel.”

ME: “No, me and Andy both agreed that...”

Stu: “Bullshit! Don’t go and give me that ‘Me and Andy’ Crap! You KNOW I always play babyface and you want to change that to purposley fuck me around! What’s your problem? Did I make you cry after telling you I didn’t think you should even be here? Is that it? Is it some kind of revenge thing? Well guess what, I still don’t think you should be here! And soon.... You’ll wish you weren’t either.”

I had to admit, at this point was crapping myself.

Andy: “Hey! What are you guys talking about.”

Thank God for Andy! I thought Stu was going to beat my ass there and then!

Stu: “Nothing mate! Steve was just giving me some idea’s on my new character, wasn’t you Stevie.”

Me: “um....Y-Yeah.”

Andy: "Oh,well you are gonna have to cut it short cause i need you over here Stu, we gotta go through this match."

Stu: "Ok mate, will do."

Stu waited until Andy turned and gave me an evil look before walking over to Andy to go over their match. I started to to take deep breaths to calm myself, Suddenly, I felt somebody tapping on my shoulder. It was Kriss Sprules...

Sprules: “Hey matey, about this gimmick, I don’t think this is a good idea. I’m far too good for something like this.”

Me: “Hey, Didn’t you say you could play ANY gimmick to perfection?”

Sprules: “Well yeah but...”

Me: “Then if you want a job, go do it.”

Sprules: “Grrrr, fine, I’ll play the stupid gimmick!”

Me: “Oh and Kriss, here’s a can of hair dye, Make sure you get every last strand.”

Sprules: “Pink!? For fucks sake!”

Kriss stormed off kicking at the floor, usually I would laugh my ass off at the thought of what he would be doing later on, but I was more concerned about what Stu was planning in that head of his.

“I’m gonna wish I wasn’t here”? What did he mean? What was he going to do?

As I stood there thinking, Jay came up behind me and gave me a shove.

Jay: “Yo!”

Me: “Hey man, you finally made it, I was getting worried you wouldn’t turn up.”

Jay: “Well, it’s not like its going to be on TV or anything so you don’t really need me that much.”

Me: “Yeah I suppose that’s true, but if we ever did get TV you’d have to get here a lot earlier.”

Jay: “Yeah, I know. So what am I doing tonight then?”

While I told Jay his part in the show, I couldn’t stop wondering what was going on in Stu’s head.

I just hoped that tonight would run smoothly without any problems, this was my dream come true and I wasn’t planning on it turning into a nightmare.

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Sunday 21st August 2005

UWA Summer Shock

Announcer Jay Harman and Amanda Shae are standing in the ring, each with a mic in hand.

Jay: “Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Universal Wrestling Alliance’s first ever show, Summer Shock!!!”

*Crowd gives a Small round of applause*

Jay: “My name Jay Harman, I am your announcer for the evening and standing next to me is the gorgeous Amanda Shae!”

*Male’s in the crowd blow a few wolf whistles*

Amanda: “Hey everybody!!”

Jay: “Tonight you will see some great wrestling action! Tonight......”

Jay is interrupted by the sound of ‘The kids aren't alright’ by the Offspring as Cory Diamond Makes his way towards the ring. Cory is not in his wrestling gear; instead he is wearing black leather pants, a black tank top and blue tinted sunglasses.

Cory Climbs up on to the apron and looks down his nose at the crowd with a cocky grin on his face before slipping between the ropes and snatching the Mic from Amanda’s hand causing her to take a few steps back.

As the Music fades out, and the crowd settle down, Cory begins to speak.

Cory: “You know something Jayman! You hit it right on the mark when you said there was going to be some great wrestling action tonight. However, what you forgot to mention to these under achieving monkey’s is that CORY DIAMOND IS HERE LIIIIIIIIIVE TONIGHT!”

*Cory raises his arms in the air as the crowd boos*

Cory: “Now I know those boo’s are only from the jealous males here tonight because lets face it fellas, not a single one of you could ever amount to half the man Cory Diamond is. *Cory Pauses to laugh at the crowd who are booing him with a few shouting a random ‘Faggot’ in his direction* And ladies, You know if you had the chance to get Cory in the sack that you’d never look back because everybody knows, Diamonds last forever!”

Cory Looks at Amanda as he tilts his sunglasses.

Cory: “Baby, any other day of the week Cory would happily take you to heaven and back but not tonight, because you see Cory is a little upset, you want to know why Cory is upset? Because instead of A soon to be legend like myself opening up The UWA’s first show, they stick an overweight slop and a skank like you out here!”

A look of disgust appears across Amanda’s face as Cory takes a few steps towards her. Jay tried to defend Amanda but Cory quickly stop’s him with a hard right hand.

Cory: “Oh Amanananada! It looks like the Jayman must of slipped up, and judging by his disgusting obesity I don't think he’ll be able to get to his feet any time soon, so it looks like its just you and me...”

‘Rule Britannia’ hits the speaker making Cory look towards the aisle as from behind the curtain comes the 380+lbs Great British Hero!

The crowd give off slight cheers as GBH Climbs up in to the ring and picks Jay’s Mic up off the floor.

GBH: “Cory Diamond! you walk out here and tell these people that they aren’t half the man you are? Well let me tell you something boy, I’m twice the man you are! And I could squash you like a bug without breaking a sweat! *Crowd cheers* You want to come out here and pick on this fine young woman? why don’t you try picking on me!”

Cory: “Well big man, I must say your are quite literarily twice the man I am, but squashing me like a bug without breaking a sweat? Ha! I bet your fat ass sweats just picking up the TV remote!”

GBH throws his Mic to one side and starts to go for Cory who backs of into a corner trying to beg GBH not to hurt him. GBH gets a few inches away from Cory when suddenly Captain Cutthroat from out of nowhere Breaks the stick of his Jolly Roger flag across the back of GBH’s neck causing him to fall down to his hand and knee.

Cory see’s an opportunity and delivers a swift stiff kick to GBH’s rib’s before leaving the ring with Captain Cutthroat. As they get half way down the aisle GBH picks up the Mic.

GBH (Breathing Heavy): “Where do you think.......you two cowards.....are going?

Cory and Captain Cutthroat point and laugh at GBH.

GBH: “I’ll tell you what, I’ll take both of you pansies on tonight in a match, two on one! what do you say?”

GBH throws the Mic outside the ring, Cory walks over to it then backs back up the aisle to Captain Cutthroat.

Cory: “Ha! You couldn’t handle Cory on his own, what makes you think you could handle both of us? I’ll tell you what; I can tell you want this match fat man so Cory says we’ll let the Captain decide. What do you say Cap-e-tan?”

Cory holds the Mic to Captain Cutthroat.


Cory: “I Guess you got your match, We’ll see you later masturbator!”

Cory tosses the Mic aside as he and Cutthroat walk backstage.


Amanda gained 1 point overness

GBH gained 3 points overness

Cory Diamond Gained 3 points overness

Captain Cutthroat gained 2 points overness

Overall: 45%


Chris Blackheart vs Flash Christian

Chris Blackheart comes out to the sound of “killing in the name of” by RATM.

He slowly walks towards the ring while giving the crowd a cold hard stare; he slides in and stands in the middle cracking his knuckles waiting for his opponent.

Some European techno music hits as Flash Christian runs down to the ring, he slides straight in and plays to the crowd briefly as the bell sounds.

They lock up, Flash slips behind Blackheart for a waistlock which Blackheart reverse only to be reversed again by Flash. Blackheart goes for an elbow to the face, which Flash avoids then, slaps on a side headlock. Blackheart pulls Flash towards the ropes by his long hair causing the ref to break the hold, this give Blackheart a chance to cheap shot Flash with a forearm to his neck. Blackheart goes to send Flash off the ropes but Flash reverses the Irish whip sending Blackheart instead. Flash Leapfrogs Blackheart, and again, then hit an Arm drag, then a hip toss, then a headlock take down again keeping Blackheart grounded with the hold. Blackheart pulls Flash again towards the ropes and sends him off; Flash ducks a clothesline but cant dodge a hard running knee to the gut, which sends him flying.

Blackheart picks Flash up and dumps him on the back of his neck with a back suplex, he covers 1....2....Kick out!

Blackheart clubs Flash with a few forearms to the neck and follows up with a couple of elbow drops to the same area. Blackheart picks Flash up and boots him in the gut before coming off the ropes with a spinning neck breaker, he covers, 1...2....Kick out! Blackheart puts Flash against the ropes and hits a few chops *Crowd Woooo’s* He sends him off and goes for a back body drop but Flash counters with a sunset flip, Blackheart keeps his balance though and gives Flash a stomp to the face. Flash rolls over holding his face giving Blackheart a chance to hit a well placed knee drop to the back of Flash’s neck.

Blackheart pulls flash to his feet and whips him hard to the turnbuckles so the whiplash takes full effect causing Flash to fall to the canvas holding his neck. Blackheart grabs Flash’s legs and attempts to apply the Cold clutch, but Flash senses it and quickly grabs the rope, this angers Blackheart and he responds with some hard stomps to the head and neck area before applying a front face lock.

Flash fights his way to his feet, Blackheart lifts him up putting full pressure on his neck causing Flash to go back down to his knees. Flash fights his way to his feet again and this time back drops Blackheart out of the move. Blackheart quickly recovers and hits a series of knees and sets up for the Blackout but Flash knees Blackheart and hits an exploder suplex. Both men get to their feet, Flash blocks a few punches and hits his, he puts Blackheart off the ropes and hits a hurricanrana. Flash then hits a spinning heel kick and a springboard head scissors, he covers 1...2....Kick out. Flash picks Blackheart up and goes for his TKO but Blackheart reverses and hits the Blackout. 1.....2.....2.9999Kick out!

Blackheart questions the ref’s count then turns into a flapjack from Flash. Flash still holding his neck slowly climbs the turnbuckle as Blackheart gets to his feet. Flash comes off the top with a front dropkick but Blackheart catches it, quickly turns him and locks on the Cold Clutch. After a few seconds Flash Taps

Winner: Chris Blackheart




“Hate to say I Told you so” by the Hives blasts through the P.A as Robbie Royce strolls down the aisle.

He strokes his long blonde locks as the crowd starts to boo. He gets in to the ring and calls for a Mic.

RR: “I know I know! Take note the UWA board, these people are booing because their hero Robbie Royce wasn’t booked in a main event match! That’s right! The people’s number one wrestler is not in the main event, but when I take a look at the poster who is it I see at the top? Andy Noble *Crowd Pops* Well there's a suprise! Let me tell you something about Andy Noble, Andy Noble doesn’t care about the people, Andy Noble isn’t the one out here in this ring trying to give the people want they want oh no, Andy Noble doesn’t stay behind after the show to sign autographs, No no no, Andy Noble just gets his check and its off to the next town. *Crowd boos to say Robbie is full of shit* But you know what? it’s ok because as the people are always here for Robbie, Then Robbie is always here for the people! That’s why I’m the best of the rest, the king of the ring and most importantly......The peoples choice, Robbie Royce!”


Robbie Royce Gained 1 point of overness



Robbie Royce vs ‘Mighty’ Mike Hughes

Mike Hughes runs straight down and in to the ring immediately starts hitting RR with lefts and rights before unloading with a few clotheslines, a backdrop and finally a clothesline outside the ring.

The ref gets to a 7 count before RR finally gets back inside. As soon as RR gets to his feet he is met with a hard right from Hughes, Hughes then picks RR up into the air and drives the wind out of him with a press slam. He covers....1.....2......Kick out. RR grabs the ref and distracts him long enough to catch Hughes with a low blow, RR then starts putting the boots to Hughes before choking him with his but then on the ropes. RR lets Hughes get to his feet, then he hits the ropes and floors Hughes with a flying elbow, he covers, 1.......2.......Kick out!

RR Picks up Mighty Mike and (only just) manages to hit a suplex on Hughes. RR Picks up Hughes again in the suplex position but this time hits a sit-out face first suplex. RR Climbs the turnbuckles and comes off with a moonsult. He covers. 1.....2......Kick out! RR can’t believe it! He picks Hughes up and signals for the Rolls Royce, but Hughes reverses and hit RR with a powerslam! Hughes Grabs RR by the hair and hits a suplex followed by a leg drop. He picks RR up again and puts him hard in to the turnbuckle with a clothesline follow up and again in the opposite corner before nailing RR with a big side slam.

Hughes starts to stomp the floor signalling for the mighty boot but RR is aware of this and rolls to the outside. Hughes follows and catches up before taking an unexpected chairshot to the arm.

The Ref calls for the bell.

Winner: (by dq) ‘Mighty’ Mike Hughes.

RR isn’t done yet, he raises the chair again and hit a hard shot right on Hughes’s elbow joint causing him to yell out in pain.

Robbie throws the chair to one side and raises his arms mouthing to the crowd “Yes, Yes! I love you all too!”



‘Mighty’ Mike Hughes gained 1 point overness


Dexter Hardaway vs ’The Mincer’ Kriss Sprules vs World’s Most Dangerous Mailman

(First fall wins)

Dexter Hardaway enters the ring first to Weezer’s ‘Dope Noise’. Dexter is a replacement for Bling Bling Chaz Rivell who injured himself earlier today before the show (Neck Injury 9 months).

I guess we won’t be seeing him in the UWA.

‘Y.M.C.A’ comes from the speakers as Melicious appears from behind the curtain wearing her usual gothic crap but dyed pink. Following her ‘The Mincer’ Kriss Sprules is looking rather reluctant with his rainbow colored wrestling attire and fully dyed pink ’Afro’. The crowd laugh as Sprules does a catwalk like strut towards the ring.

A Heavy rock instrumental of Postman Pat blasts from the P.A, as the World’s Most Dangerous Mailman walks down to the ring with a big corny smile on his face. He’s is wearing a mailman’s uniform with out the sleeves and carrying a large mailbag with him.

WMD Mailman grabs the Mic.

WMDM: “I’m gonna keep this short and Sweeeeeeeet! Tonight you two punks are gonna go down at the hands of the WORLDS MOST DANGEROUS MAILMAN!!!!!and ya know WHYYYYYYY?

Because even if it’s pouring with rain! Even if there’s ten feet of snow! Or even if it’s hot enough to cook and egg on the concrete! What ever the weather!!! The MAILMAN ALWAYS DELIVAAAHHHHHS!”

The bell sounds and the match starts.

WMDM and Dex lock up as Sprules stands back in the corner. WMDM takes the advantage with an eye rake but it doesn't last long as Dex comes back with a nice drop kick to the chin. Sprules finally decides to get in on the action by coming up behind Dex and hitting him with some horrible looking forearms. Sprules attempts a sleeper hold on Dex, taking forever to apply it, finally Dex just pulls away and hammers Sprules with a few rights before hitting a nice running leg lariat which cause Sprules to bump like a sack off potatoes, Sprules then rolls out off the ring and to the floor. WMDM gets up and goes for a running bulldog on but Dex launches him and he land crotch first to the turnbuckles stuck and the tree of woe position. Dex see’s this and connects with a baseball slide to WMDM’s Face.

Outside Sprules gets to his feet, Dex grabs the top rope and fly's over hitting a flying body press on Sprules Which ‘The Mincer’ almost botched by catching Dex awkwardly, luckily Dex is ok.

Melicious starts taunting Dex, giving Sprules a chance to nail Dex from behind and roll him back into the ring. Inside Sprules comes off the ropes and hits an elbow drop which looks like he just tripped over, Sprules pulls Dex up to his feet no selling a shot from Dex in the process, Sprules then whips Dex off the ropes and hits the clothesline from Hull, he covers 1....2.....Kick out. WMDM, bleeding from the nose, grabs sprules and gits a reverse DDT before hooking him up and hitting the Parcel bomb but Melicious is on the apron distracting the ref. Dex spins WMDM around and kicks him in the gut, he then sets him up and hits a sitout powerbomb but Melicious Is still on the apron. Dex walks over and grabs Melicious, pulling her into the ring.

Dex pulls Melicious to her feet and threatens to punch her to the delight of the crowd. Sprules comes up behind Dex but Dex see’s him and blasts him with a nice super kick. Melicious then jumps up on Dex’s back trying to choke him but Dex quickly throws her of to the canvas. Dex grabs Sprules by his pink afro, then grabs Melicious by her greasy hair and rams there heads together, Sprules falls through the ropes and out of the ring while Melicious is knocked silly still in the ring. The ref starts to roll Melicious to the outside, meanwhile WMDM has got his mailbag, he waits for Dex to turn around and swings his mailbag against Dex’s skull! Obviously he’s got more than letters in there, with Dex K.O’ed WMDM springboards of the ropes and hits the special delivery, he covers 1......2......3.

Winner: Worlds Most Dangerous Mailman

WMDM Grabs his mailbag and walks towards the exit with his arm raised.



Kriss Sprules new gimmick got a positive responce!(Gay)



GBH vs Cory Diamond and Captain Cutthroat

Captain Cutthroat walks out first to the Sex Pistol’s ‘Friggin in the Riggin’

He’s got the broken Jolly Roger flag in his hand showing it off to the crowd.

‘The Kids aren’t all right’ By the offspring Hit as Cory Diamond walks to the ring to a chorus of boo’s from the crowd. He climbs on the apron and gives a cocky grin to the crowd before climbing in the ring.

Before ‘Rule Britannia’ Can play, GBH runs down the aisle and storms in the ring.

Cory slips out the back before GBH can get his hands on him, but CC isn’t so lucky.

GBH Hammers CC with huge Lefts and drops him with a hard head butt. GBH taunts Cory to get in the ring and ’get some’ but Cory stays on the outside. GBH Slams CC down to the canvas and hit a big elbow drop that shakes the ring, and again, and again! Cory is still on the outside wanting no part of GBH who is just destroying CC. GBH Throws CC in to the corner and follows up with a huge avalanche, and then backs off as CC just flops to the mat.

Cory is finally in his corner but doesn’t look as if he wants to tag in. GBH stares a whole through Cory while CC gets up to his feet, he’s very wobbly, He pulls himself together just enough to hit a chop block to the back of GBH’s knee.

Cory reaches in as CC slowly crawls towards him, he gets inches away when Cory notices GBH is back on his feet. CC goes to make the tag but Cory jumps off the apron pretending to get something in his eye, CC starts yelling at Cory to tag in but Cory ignores him. GBH Grabs CC from behind, turns him around and hits a belly to belly suplex, he then comes off the ropes to finish CC off with the Big daddy Splash as Cory starts to back up the aisle.1....2....3

Winner : GBH

GBH points at Cory shouting “I’ll get you boy! I’ll get you!” Cory just gives GBH the finger and disappears to the back. The crowd knows this isn’t over.



Captain Cutthroat lost 4 points of overness


Stu Odyssey vs Andy Noble

Jay Harman enters the ring with a Mic in hand.

Jay: “Laaaadies and gentleman, this is the MAINNNNNNNNNNNN EVENT!!”

‘I disappear’ By Metallica blasts through the P.A as Stu Odyssey walks down the aisle telling fans to “Shut the hell up!” On his way. He climbs up the turnbuckle and gives everybody the finger then demands a Mic...

Stu: “If all you stupid bastards can shut your mouth for a second I’d like to say something to Andy Noble!”

Stu gives an evil stare to the crowd and wait’s until they calm down before he speaks.

Stu: “Andy Noble! Two years ago in this very building we had a hardcore match for the CGWA world title and if my memory serve’s me correctly, I recall busting you open from ear *points to left ear then move to his right* to ear and beating you so badly that the referee had to stop the match due to YOUR! Blood loss. Noble, we may have travelled together, we made have trained together, but tonight! your gonna be my BITCH!”

‘I get knocked down’ by Chumbawumba plays and Andy Noble comes out to the biggest pop of the night. He walks to the ring and looks up at Stu Odyssey taunting him, telling him to get his ass in the ring, Andy jumps up and down a few times and slides in the ring as the bell sounds.

Wasting no time both men start trading blows, Stu being bigger and more of a brawler gets the advantage and whips Andy off the ropes, Andy ducks Stu’s clothesline and levels Stu with a huge clothesline of his own! And another! Andy picks Stu up in a fireman's carry and starts an airplane spin, He then sets Stu down on his feet who staggers towards the ropes and clotheslines him over the top rope to a pop from the crowd.

The ref gets to a 6 count before Stu climbs back in the ring. They circle each other then lock up, Stu pushes Andy into the corner and breaks the hold, then slaps Andy right in the face.

They circle each other again then lock up again. This time Andy pushes Stu into the corner and breaks the hold, then hits Stu with a stiff chop *Crowd woooo’s* and another, and another. Andy whips Stu to the opposite corner and follows up with a back body drop, a drop kick, then an arm drag into an arm bar. Stu pulls himself to his feet and pokes Andy in the eye; Stu then hits the ropes but gets caught with a spinebuster. Andy Covers, 1......2......Kick out. Andy gives Stu a snap mare to set up a stiff shin kick to the back, then the chest, then the back of the head, Andy then follows up with a big knee drop to stu’s head, he covers. 1......2.......Kick Out! Andy Whips Stu to the corner and charges but Stu backdrops Andy to the outside.

Stu Follows Andy to the outside and slams his head into the ring post, He picks Andy up again and slams his head into the ring post before throwing Andy back in the ring. Stu grabs a Mic and climbs in the ring, standing over the now bleeding Andy Noble.

Stu: “Hey Andy! This seem familiar to you?”

Andy gets to his knees

Stu: “How about it Noble? You want to give up yet? You want the ref to stop the match?”

Stu Rears back and connects with a hard fist to Andy’s forehead.

Stu: “What about now?”

Stu tosses the Mic to the out side and starts punching the crap out of Andy’s forehead until Andy is flat on his back. He covers, 1......2.......Kick out! Stu picks Andy up over his shoulder and sets him up on the top rope, Stu gives Andy a few more right hands and climbs up with him, he hooks Andy up and hits a top rope superplex. He covers again, 1......2.....Kick out! Stu Hooks Andy up between his legs and hits a piledriver, He covers again,1.....2......kick out!, he retries the cover 1.....2......Kick out, and again 1....2.......Kick out! Stu slaps the mat in frustration. Stu calms himself and hooks Andy up for the Tiger bomb, but Andy reverses with a back drop.

Stu is first to his feet but The Bloodied Andy Noble is far behind him, Stu throws a right, Andy blocks it and hits Stu with a right of his own, Stu throws another right, Andy blocks it and hits another right taking the advantage, Andy grabs Stu and sets up for a suplex but Stu reverses and hits a brainbuster, he covers, 1......2.....Kick Out! Stu cant believe it! he complains to the ref about the count for a while, long enough for Andy to sneak in a quick school boy, 1......2........Kick out! Stu is quickly back to his feet and boots Andy in the face, he than gets on top of him and starts punching Andy right on his open wound. Stu pulls Andy to his feet and sets him up in the gory stretch. Stu screams for the ref to ask Andy, but Andy refuses to quit. Eventually Stu cant take the weight and drops Andy to the mat and decides to apply a sleeper hold.

Andy starts to fade, the ref holds his arm up and it drops, the ref hold his arm up a second time and it drops, the ref holds his arm up a third time but this it stays up. The crowd rallies behind Andy as he fights his way up to his feet. Andy hits and elbow to Stu’s gut, and another, and another until Stu breaks the hold. Andy runs off the ropes and ducks Stu’s big boot attempt he comes back again but Stu catch’s him and goes for a tombstone but Andy slips behind Stu and nail’s him with his Double Arm implant DDT but Andy cant follow up with a cover. After a few seconds Andy drapes his arm over Stu’s chest, 1.........2.........2.99999999Kick out! Stu kicked out of Andy’s Finisher!

After a little while both men are just about on their feet. Stu hits a right hand on Andy but takes one right back from Andy as they start trading blows. Andy gets the advantage and whips Stu off the ropes, Stu reverses and try’s to catch Andy with a back drop but Andy catch hims and goes to hit the double arm implant DDT, Stu at the last second forces Andy into the corner, crushing the ref in the process.

Stu hits a low blow on Andy and hooks him up for the tiger bomb, but Andy breaks out and hits a second double arm implant DDT but there's no ref to make a cover. As Andy try’s to revive the ref Robbie Royce runs down to the ring with a chair in hand! He slides in and goes to hit Andy but Andy spots him, ducks and dropkicks the chair back into Robbie’s face. Andy goes back to wake the ref up but Robbie is coming around and try’s to attack Andy again, suddenly Mike Hughes slides in the ring with his arm taped up! Robbie see’s him and rolls out the ring, Mike gives chase and they both in up running to back and out of sight. The ref finally starts to come around; Andy turns around and gets nailed by Stu with a wicked shot from the chair Robbie brought into the ring. Stu quickly sets Andy up and finally connects with the tiger bomb. The ref turns to see Stu covering Andy, 1.....2.......3

Winner: Stu Odyssey




Stu slowly rolls out the ring and stumbles towards the back with his hand raised.

A few minutes later a bloody Andy Noble gets up and makes his way to the back as the crowd gives him a round off applause.

Jay gets in the ring with a Mic

Jay: “Ladies and gentleman, on behalf of the Universal wrestling Alliance I would like to thank you for coming to the show, we hope you had a great time! I’m Jay Harmen and this was UWA Summer Shock!"

End of Show

Edited by khaoz_theory
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Time: 8:21am

Date: Thursday September 1st 2005

Place: My Apartment.

A screeching sound filled my head, waking me up from a deep sleep. Feeling disorientated, I reached out and grabbed the papers from the fax machine, It took a while to focus but eventually I made out it was from Sophie.

To: Steve Taylor

From: Sophie UWA

Good news! Our public image has risen from 30 to 32 this month and we have also made money in our first month. Our funds now stand at $688,900, which means we made $189,900 profit. I must stay Steve, both me and Andy agree that you have done well this month.

I watched through the tape of our last show and through the crowd reactions I have been able to draw up a rough list of our top 5 face’s and Heel’s.

Top Faces

1 Andy Noble

2 Flash Christian

3 Mighty Mike Hughes

4 Great British Hero

5 Amanda Shae

Top Heel’s

1 Cory Diamond

2 Robbie Royce

3 Stu Odyssey

4 Chris Blackheart

5 ‘The Mincer’ Kriss Sprules

It seems your idea to give Cory some time on the Mic was a good idea, he got some great heat from the crowd and I think we should at least push him as a world title contender.

Edited by khaoz_theory
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Time: 10:03am

Date: Friday 9th September 2005

Place: UWA Office

As I walked into the reception area I noticed Sophie was talking on the phone. Not wanting to disturb her, I quietly moved towards the coffee machine and poured some into a plastic cup. I took a few sips while I waited for Sophie to finish up with her call. After a couple more sips I felt a lump slide down my throat, almost causing me to vomit. I looked at the contents of the cup; it didn’t look like coffee, in fact it more resembled oil than coffee. I decided against finishing what was left of my disgusting beverage and tossed it in the trash before turning to Sophie as she finished up her call.

Me: “Who was that?”

Sophie: “That was the owner of the gym, He’s given us the go ahead to do our second show there.”

Me: “Excellent! Any idea when this guy is going to show up?”

Sophie: “Andy is in the office with him right now.”

Me: “Crap! I’m late!”

Sophie: “Don’t worry about it, Andy won’t mind, besides they haven’t been in there too long.”

Me: “Ok, thanks.”

I had been doing well with the promotion so far and I didn’t want to start screwing up by showing up late for meetings.

I walked in to the office and saw Andy sitting at his desk, his forehead still had a few stitches in from the show and I also noticed he had a big grin on his face. Opposite him was a man, he looked about 6’3, 250lbs, not a great physic but not out of shape. His hair looked like he had never heard of a hairbrush, quite dirty and scruffy. Also he seemed to be, well...Twitching.

Andy: “Hey buddy! This is Jethro.”

Me: “What? Just Jethro?”

Jethro turned to me.

Jethro: “N-n-No J-Jethro J-J-JONES! CHA CHA GNAAH!!!”

WOAH! I almost jumped out of my skin. Andy, being Andy, just covered his face obviously trying to conceal his laughter.

Me: “Um...Andy?”

Andy composed himself.

Andy: “Yeah?”

Me: “Uh.... What you think?”

Andy picked up a remote control from his desk and flicked on the VCR followed by the TV.

On the screen was Jethro wrestling another guy in a poorly lit building. Jethro was wearing overalls so I guess he worked with a farmer or hillbilly type gimmick. As the tape finished I realised he could work and pretty well at that. Jethro looked at Andy, then me as he twitched.

Jethro: “S-s-so what you th-think? RAH! RAH! ZEBRA!....s-s-sorry.”

Jeez! I felt like this guy needed an exorcist not a wrestling promoter. But as the tape shown, this guy wasn’t a bad worker, and it’s not every day you can find a decent worker willing to work for a low wage.

I looked at Andy as he nodded in approval.

Me: “Ok man, we‘ll give you a try out. We’ll contact you in a few days with some show date’s and things.”

Jethro: “Th-Thank you. OW! OW! GWAH!....d-damn it, s-s-sorry.”

Me: “It’s ok man, it’s ok.”

I shook his hand before he walked out of the office, closing the door behind him.

Andy: “So, you think we should keep him doing the farmer, hillbilly thing?”

Before I could answer I was interrupted by a loud voice ’Barking’ in the next room followed by Spohie screaming, followed by a “s-s-sorry”

I turned to Andy who was cracking up, again.

Me: “Heh, yeah let’s go with the farmer thing.”

Andy: “Ok, buddy!”

As much as I loved my new job, it just seemed to get weirder by the day. That didn’t bother me though, I was happy and confident that we could pull this all off, well, that’s if Stu didn’t kill me first. Speaking off Stu, I hadn’t heard from him since the show, which was great for me, cause I didn’t need his threat’s ruining my positive mood. In the back of my mind I knew I’d have to face him soon and I don’t think he had forgotten he plan to ’Make me wish I had never came here to begin with’. Whatever the plan was I had to be ready for it and stand up to whatever shit he was going to pull.

I walked over to my desk and turned on my computer. I started browsing the net when I came across an interesting article.

From Wrestlenews.com

Wrestlenews.com has stumbled upon news that wrestling promoter Dale Gagne has started his own small promotion named Crash Course Combat (CCC). Though not much is known about CCC Wrestlenews.com can confirm that independent workers Hi69, Milano Collection AT, Fred La Mesveille and Stu Odyssey have all agreed on verbal contracts with Gagne.

Wrestlenews.com will hopefully contact Dale Gagne in next few weeks for an interview to expand on the direction he is hoping to take his new creation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Road to Glory

Sunday 18th September 2005


Jay Harman is standing in the ring with a Mic to open up the show.

Jay: “Ladies and Gentleman! Welcome to the Universal Wrestling Alliance’s Road to Glory!!!”

*Small Round of Applause from the crowd*

Jay: “My name is Handsome Jay Harman and I will be your announcer for the evening. Tonight we will see eight men battle it out for a place in the fatal four way elimination match at next months show Halloween Hell! Not only that, but the winner of the fatal four way match will be crowned the FIRST EVER UWA WORLD CHAMPION!!!”

*Small pop from the crowd*

Jay: “In addition to the four qualifying matches we will see ’The Mincer’ Kriss Sprules take on a newcomer in the UWA, Jethro Jones!!! But first we are going to start things off with a revenge match from last month’s show!”

‘Dope Noise’ by Weezer Hits as Dexter Hardaway walks from the curtain (Which is just a curtain hung over a fire door) slapping the fans hands as he makes his way to the ring.

World’s Most Dangerous Mailman comes out to his rock instrumental of postman pat. Again WMD Mailman is carrying a large mailbag to the ring. He rolls in the ring and tells the ref to keep Dexter in his corner as he reaches for a Mic.

WMDM: “Ever since my victorious debut last week, everybody keeps running up to me saying “Hey Mailman, what’s in the bag?” So tonight, seeing as you people know, and especially you know,   *Pointing at Dex* That the MAILMAN ALWAYS DELIVAHHHHSSS!!!

WMDM looks out to the crowd laughing as they boo him.

WMDM: “I’m going to show each and ever one of you what is indeed in my mailbag. But only IF! And that’s a big IF! The punk standing opposite me can grow some testicles and beat me tonight in this ring!

The Crowd boo at the Mailman as he tosses the Mic to the outside.

Dexter Hardaway vs. Worlds Most Dangerous Mailman.

The bell rings.

Dex goes straight for WMDM, but WMDM rolls to the outside. Dex give chase, WMDM rolls back in after running half way around the ring, Dex rolls in and gets met by a series of boots to the head. WMDM pulls Dex up and hits a few forearms before whipping Dex off the ropes. Dex ducks an elbow attempted and scores with a spinning heel kick. He covers, 1....2.....Kick out! Dex hits a kick to the gut then whips WMDM to the turnbuckles. Dex goes to the Opposite corner, runs at WMDM and monkey flips him out of the corner. WMDM gets to his feet as Dex charges but WMDM side steps and Dex ends up on the outside. WMDM pulls Dex to the apron but gets snapped throat first across the top rope. Dex follows up with slingshot senton then covers, 1...2....Kick out. Dex pulls WMDM to his feet and whips him to the corner but gets reversed. WMDM Charges straight after but Dex slips over the top of him and into a sunset flip, 1....2.....Kick out! Both men are up quickly but Dex keeps his advantage with a quick clothesline before climbing up and connecting with a leg drop from the second rope. He covers again, 1....2....Kick out! Dex lets WMDM get to his feet and goes for a running enziguri but WMDM ducks and grabs his leg before going for a single leg crab. Dex kicks WMDM off and kips up, he charges but WMDM ducks and pulls down the rope causing Dex to fly out the ring to the floor.

WMDM uses the time to catch his breath while Dex slows rolls back in. WMDM puts the boots to Dex then starts choking him on the ropes, breaking the hold before the ref counts to five. WMDM Pulls Dex up and hits a side back breaker before going for the cover, 1...2...Kick out! WMDM digs his fingers in to Dex’s eyes, again breaking before the ref gets to five. WMDM pulls Dex to his feet and hits a few right hands to stun Dex then comes off the ropes with a high knee, then hits the ropes again and nails Dex with a jumping elbow drop. WMDM goes for a cover, 1...2....kick out! WMDM whips Dex off the ropes and gets reversed but WMDM holds on to Dex’s arm and pulls him into a hard knee setting Dex up for a DDT. WMDM covers, 1....2.....Kick out! WMDM picks Dex up and nails a back suplex, He picks up Dex again in a back suplex but swings Dex forwards and drive him face first to the mat. WMDM picks Dex up for a third time and whips him hard to the turnbuckles following up with a bulldog. WMDM plays to the crowd for a few seconds before spring boarding off the middle rope and hitting the Special delivery, he covers,1.....2......Kick out! WMDM turns to the referee and questions his count, meanwhile Dex is to his knees, WMDM spots him and delivers a swift boot to the face. WMDM pulls Dex to a sitting position then locks in a double chicken wing. Dex screams as WMDM applies the pressure but refuses to give up, he trys to use his strength to pull his arms away but WMDM is has the hold on really tight. The crowd starts to cheer Dex on giving him a rush of adrenaline. Dex starts stamping his foot as the crowd gets even more behind him. Dex gets to his feet but WMDM kicks him in the back of the leg sending him back down to his knees. Dex fights the pain and again makes it to his feet and starts to move towards the corner. Despite WMDM trying to pull Dex back, Dex gets to the corner, runs up the turnbuckles and flips over behind WMDM. Dex charges towards WMDM goes for a clothesline but Dex ducks, jumps on to the middle turnbuckle, jumps off, turning in mid air and hits a hurricanrana on WMDM leaving both men down on the canvas.

The referee gets to an eight count as both men get to their feet. Dex runs at WMDM ducking a clothesline then comes off the opposite ropes with a tilt a whirl DDT, he covers, 1.....2......Kick out! Dex picks up WMDM in a fireman's carry then forward somersaults driving WMDM back first to the mat. Dex then jumps to the middle turnbuckle and back off to hit a moonsault with some serious hang time. 1....2.....Kick out. Dex goes to whip WMDM to the corner but gets reversed WMDM charges but eats turnbuckle. Dex measures WMDM and hits a running enziguri, he covers,1.....2......Kick out. Dex clenches his fists and pounds the mat in frustration before arguing about the ref’s count. Meanwhile WMDM has pulled his mailbag from his corner. Dex goes for WMDM, WMDM turns with mailbag in hand and swings but Dex ducks and hits an edge o matic. Dex goes to the apron and signals for a springboard manoeuvre as the ref turns from the action to get the mailbag out of the ring. Dex springboards and gets caught with a low blow in the form of a dropkick to the groin. The referee turns around a second too late after getting the mailbag out of the ring. WMDM pulls Dex up and hits the Parcel Bomb. 1.......2.......3!

WINNER: Worlds Most Dangerous Mailman

WMDM rolls out the ring to get his mailbag before walking to the back with his arm raised to boos from the crowd as Dex gets checked over by the referee.


Match: 59%

Crowd: 14%

Overall: 32%


Qualifying Match for fatal four way

Stu Odyssey vs. Flash Christian

Flash Christian’s European techno music blast through the P.A. as he makes his way from behind the curtain. Flash looks ready to go tonight as he flips over the top rope into the ring before playing to the crowd.

‘I Disappear’ hits as Stu Odyssey walks from behind to the curtain. He makes his way to the ring insulting the fans as they boo and give him the finger. Stu stops and taunts the fans some more; meanwhile inside the ring Flash charges and catches Stu with a suicide dive through the middle rope.

Flash gets to his feet first. He pulls Stu to his feet and hits Stu with a stiff chop. Flash hits a few right hands. Stu gets away from Flash by rolling into the ring, Flash follows as the bell sounds. Stu runs of the ropes but gets leapfrogged by Flash before getting caught big drop kick. Flash whips Stu off the ropes but gets reversed, Stu holds on to his arm and pulls him back into a hard clothesline. Stu hooks Flash up for his Tiger bomb to end it early but flash slips out and rolls Stu up, 1.....2.....Kick out! Stu rushes to get to his feet but Flash is quicker and knocks Stu to the outside with a front dropkick. As Stu recovers Flash goes for a flying body press to the outside but Stu moves causing Flash to crash straight to the floor. Stu picks Flash up and drives him back first into the apron. Stu then pounds Flash with right hands until Flash slumps down to a seated position. Stu takes a few steps back measuring Flash then scoring with a stiff boot to the head. Stu rolls back in and mouths off at a few fans as the ref starts his count. The ref gets to 7 before Flash gets to the apron. Stu goes to meet him but gets a shoulder to the gut. Flash goes for a sunset flip but Stu grabs the ropes for a cheap pin, 1.....2...... The ref notices Stu has the ropes, Stu lets go and Flash hooks his arms for the cover, 1......2......Kick out! Stu being the fresher man gets to his feet first and stomps Flash around the neck area before choking Flash with his foot, breaking the hold before the Ref gets to five. Stu pulls Flash to his feet and hits a stalling suplex, he covers,1.....2......Kick out! Stu picks Flash up by the hair and whips him to the turnbuckles following up with a hard knee to the chest. Stu drives a few more knees into Flash’s gut then lifts him to a sitting position on the top turnbuckle. Flash kicks Stu in the face and counters with a tornado DDT. Flash takes a few seconds put finally gets to his feet and hits Stu with a standing SSP,1......2......Kick out!

Flash, still a bit groggy, gets to his feet but Stu is also up. Stu goes to attack Flash but Flash hits a drop kick to the knee slowing him down, He then comes off the ropes and hits a shining wizard before going for a cover, 1......2......Kick out! Flash goes to the corner, climbs up and comes off with a frog splash! He covers, 1.......2........Kick out! Flash pulls Stu up, grabs his arm, puts his leg over the back of Stus neck and jumps hitting a nice hurricanrana followed by a lionsault, 1.......2.......Kick out! Flash pulls Stu to his feet into reverse DDT but Stu turns out of it and hits a few punches to the gut. Stu lifts Flash up for another stalling suplex but Flash slips out and drop kicks Stu in the back causing him to land throat first on the middle rope. Flash plays to the fans briefly and then goes for a 619 but Stu ducks, Flash turns around into a boot to the gut, Stu quickly sets Flash up and goes for his Tiger bomb for the second time but Flash counters in mid air and hits a X factor style face jam, Flash covers, 1.....2......Kick out! Flash grabs Stu’s legs and attempts a sharpshooter but Stu rakes the eyes in desperation. Stu gets to his feet and gets a double leg take down before sling shotting Flash to the corner but Flash lands feet first, Stu turns around and gets caught with a cross body from Flash, 1....2......Kick out! Both men get to there feet. Stu almost kills Flash with a hard clothesline but instead of covering Stu takes a few seconds to recover. Stu lifts Flash up and locks him in a gory stretch. Flash screams as Stu really pulls on the hold but refuses to give it up. Stu drops Flash to the mat and starts putting the boots to him before picking Flash up a hitting a big side back breaker, Stu covers, 1.....2......Kick out. Stu hooks Flash up and hits a quick snap suplex. Stu goes to corner and starts to climb the turnbuckles. Flash gets up and catches Stu at the top. Flash hits a high kick to the head stunning Stu and climbs up. Flash signals for a hurricanrana but Stu catches him with a few rights. Stu double under hooks Flash’s arms, lifts him up and hits the Tiger bomb from the top! Stu covers, 1......2........3.

WINNER: Stu Odyssey


Match: 74%

Crowd: 20%

Overall: 42%


As the ref checks on Flash, Stu walks over to Jay and snatches the Mic from his hand.

Stu: “Flash Christian. You’re good but obviously not good enough, So get the hell out of my ring!!! Next month, Halloween Hell, Its going to be four men battling it out in a four way elimination match. I don’t care if its the near four hundred pound giant GBH, I don’t care its the ‘Peoples choice’ Robbie Royce and I sure as hell don’t care if its Andy Noble. Stu Odyssey is walking in to Halloween Hell with one goal and one goal only, and that’s to destroy the competition! I will annihilate anybody who dares step into the ring with me! The road to glory may have started here tonight, but whatever happens it ends with Stu Odyssey becoming the FIRST EVER Universal Wrestling Alliance Champion!.

Stu drops the Mic and goes to leave but stops between the ropes. He turns around and looks at Flash trying to get back to his feet after taking that hard Tiger bomb from the top rope. Stu climbs back in and boots Flash in the face causing Flash to roll to the outside. ‘I disappear’ hits and Stu climbs out of the ring to taunt the crowd before walking to the back.


Overall: 48%

Stu Gained 1 point of overness


The kids aren’t alright’ Hits as Cory Diamond makes his way to the ring. Cory climbs up on the apron and gives the crowd a cocky grin before raising his arms to a chorus of boos and a few ’Faggot’ chants.

Cory grabs a Mic from ringside.

Cory: “Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and Girls. The SUPERSTAR IS HEEEREEEEEE!!!!”

*The crowd boo aggressively*

Cory: “Now, those who bothered to come to this dump last month would know that Cory was involved in a two on one handicap match. And those who bothered to show up may have also noticed that Cory didn’t actually get to step into the ring in that match. But what confuses Cory is that those inbred, fat, lumps of donkey crap that bothered to show up actually think that the reason Cory didn’t step in the ring because he is scared of that big, sweaty, out of shape fat ass, The Great British Hero. Now come on people! Any idiot could see that......well, I guess that kind explains it so let me rephrase that. What all you idiot’s don’t see is that Cory doesn’t need to prove to anybody that he’s the best in the world inside this ring. And to be honest just the thought of putting my hands on GBH’s dirty, hairy, poor excuse for a body make’s vomit ease its way up my throat and ugh!!!*Cory chokes* You know what, forget it. Just talking about that greasy ball of lard is making Cory sick. Basically GBH, Cory is gonna deal with you when Cory sees fit so just think you’re self lucky that you’re not going to be humiliated in this ring tonight!”

Cory again gives a cocky grin as the crowd start throwing trash into the ring.

Cory: “Now that that’s out of the way Cory would like to talk about more important things, Like Cory cementing his Superstar status in the Universal Wrestling Alliance by becoming the FIRST EVAHHH UWA WORLD CHAMPION!!!! You see.......”

‘Frigging in the Rigging’ blasts through the P.A. Interrupting Cory as Captain Cutthroat makes his way to the ring with his Jolly Roger flag over his shoulder. A look of concern comes over Cory’s face as CC snatches the Mic from his hand.

CC: “ARRR Cory!!! Last month you were indeed in a two verses one match, but it be only I that was battling the demon from deep GBH!!! You left me on my own Cory Diamond and for that....you’re going to walk the plank!!!”

Captain Cutthroat advances towards Cory, ready to crack his skull with his flagpole. Cory backs off.

Cory: “Woah Woah Woah Cap-E-Tan!! Wait a second!!! Just hear me out!!!”

Captain Cutthroat lowers the flag.

Cory: “That’s right, easy man, easy. You got a right to be mad, I mean Cory did leave you on own. But Cory didn’t mean to abandon you, oh no, you see Cap-E-tan Cory knows something, and that is that you, Captain Cutthroat, is one of the toughest, most courageous men on the face of this earth. I mean Cory knows you’ve sailed the seven seas, and Cory knows that you’ve wrestled and killed giant squids with your bare hands. So naturally Cory thought that you didn’t need any help against GBH.”

Captain Cutthroat interrupts.

CC: “ARRRR I didn’t need any help is true, GBH got lucky.”

Cory: “That’s right! GBH got lucky. So why waste your anger on me when we can work as a team and take GBH out!”

CC: “AAARRRR OK!!! Tonight we destroy GBH!!!”

Cory: “Woah! Hold on there a second. Cory would be more than happy join forces with you tonight to take down GBH but Cory already has plans tonight. You see Cap-E-tan, tonight Cory has to wrestle Mike Hughes, and if Cory doesn’t beat Mike Hughes then Cory doesn’t get a chance to get the gold. You like gold don’t you Cat-e-tan?”


Cory: “Well then let’s cut a deal. If you help Cory tonight, and Cory gets the gold at Halloween Hell, which he will, then Cory will share it with you and then we will take out GBH!”

CC: “ARRRR and all I got to do is help you tonight?”

Cory: “That’s all you got to do Cap-E-tan, and just let me say, It would be an honour to have a man like yourself in Cory’s corner tonight.”

Captain Cutthroat looks at the crowd as they shout out, advising Cutthroat not to trust Cory.

CC: “ARRRRRRR, You got a deal!!!”

Cory and Captain Cutthroat shake hands as the crowd boo.  



Overall: 38%

Cory Diamond gained 1 point of overness

Captain Cutthroat gained 2 points of overness


Qualifying Match for fatal four way

Cory Diamond vs. ‘Mighty’ Mike Hughes

‘The final countdown’ Hit as ‘Mighty’ Mike Hughes comes from behind the curtain slapping the fans hands as he walks to the ring. Hughes’s arm is taped up due to the chair attack he suffered from Robbie Royce at the last show.

Cory and Captain Cutthroat slide out the ring as Mike Hughes slides in and plays to the crowd. As the music fades out, Cory slides back in and the bell rings.

Both men circle each other before locking up. Hughes easily being the stronger of the two launches Cory across the ring. Cory gets back to his feet and locks up with Hughes again only to get launched across the ring once more. Cory is starting to show signs of frustration as he gets ready to lock up again. As Hughes goes to lock up Cory boots him in the gut and follows up with a closed fist to the face. Cory punches Hughes to the ropes and whips him off only to get reversed and caught with a belly to belly suplex by Hughes. Cory rolls out the ring to recover and gets some words of encouragement from Captain Cutthroat as Hughes plays to the crowd. Hughes gets tired of waiting and reaches over the ropes grabbing Cory by the hair. Hughes pulls Cory to the apron and launches him back in the ring. CC jumps up to distract Hughes but gets nailed with a right hand for his efforts. Hughes whips Cory off the ropes and hits a flying shoulder tackle. Hughes whips Cory off the ropes again and goes for a back body drop but gets a kick to the chest from Cory. Cory comes off the ropes but Hughes catches him and plants him with a big power slam, he covers,1.....2.....Kick out! Hughes waits for Cory to get up then hits then ropes but CC trips him causing Hughes to fall face first to the mat. Cory Stomps on the injured arm of Hughes before draping it over the ropes and puling on it, breaking the hold before the Ref counts to five. Cory puts Hughes’s arm over the top rope, goes out to the apron and jumps off snapping Hughes arm over the top rope. Cory rolls back in. Captain Cutthroat jumps on the apron distracting the ref giving Cory a chance to hold Hughes legs and drive his knee into the groin. Captain Cutthroat jumps down as Cory covers, 1......2.......Kick out! Cory pulls Hughes to his feet before throwing him out to the floor through the middle rope. As Cory distracts the ref, Captain Cutthroat wraps Hughes arm around the post and yanks on it putting strain on the joint. Captain Cutthroat rolls Hughes back in the ring as the ref shouts at him, telling him not to touch Hughes.

Cory hammerlocks Hughes and drives him arm first into the turnbuckle. Cory then grabs Hughes arm and hits a bulldog on it causing Hughes to grab his arm and scream in pain, Cory covers,1.......2......Kick out! Cory pulls Hughes to his feet and twists his arm before hitting a few chops. *crowd wooo’s* Cory whips Hughes and goes for a leap frog but Hughes catches him and hits a reverse atomic drop followed by a clothesline but Hughes can’t follow up because the clothesline hurt his arm. Hughes pulls Cory to his feet and boots him in the gut. Hughes whips Cory off the ropes and catches Cory for a scrap buster but Cory reverses mid move and hits a single arm DDT. Cory Climbs to the top and comes off with a knee drop to the arm as Hughes screams in pain. Cory grabs Hughes arm and locks in an arm bar. Hughes screams as Cory pulls back on the joint. Hughes try’s desperately to reach the ropes as Cory pulls back even harder yelling at Hughes to give it up. Hughes starts to move towards the ropes as the small crowd try to get behind him. Hughes gets inches away from the ropes, he reaches out but still cant quite get there. Cory pulls back even further, Hughes starts to fade, the pain looks like its to much for Hughes to take. The ref lifts Hughes free arm then lets goes, it starts to fall but at the last second stays up. Hughes in a last desperate attempt stretches out and grabs the bottom rope. Cory slaps the mat in frustration. Cory pulls Hughes to his feet, his left arm almost limp. Cory suddenly gets caught in a small package by Hughes but Captain Cutthroat is up on the apron distracting the ref as Hughes clearly has Cory pinned. Cory gets out and stomps the arm of Hughes as the ref turns around to the action.

Cory waits for Hughes to get to his feet, he measures him and scores with the diamond cutter, he covers,1.......2.......Kick out! Cory again slaps the mat in frustration. Cory calls out to Cutthroat for a chair, Cutthroat grabs a chair, folds it and slides it to Cory. Cory puts his foot on Hughes’s arm and raises the chair but the ref, from behind, pulls it out of Cory’s hands. Cory turns and argues with the ref in which the ref responds by telling him if he uses the chair he’ll lose the match. Cory turns around to Hughes and signals for the Diamond Drill. Cory lifts Hughes intro position but Hughes slips out and hits Cory with a reverse neck breaker. Both men lay on the canvas as the ref starts to count. Captain Cutthroat is slapping the mat trying to get Cory up. the ref gets to 9 as both men get to there feet. Cory throws a punch, Hughes blocks and connects with a punch of his own, and another ,and another. Hughes whips Cory of the ropes with his good arm and hits a back body drop. Cory gets back to his feet but eats a dropkick from Hughes. Hughes pulls Cory to his feet and boots him in the gut before hitting a DDT. Instead of covering Hughes goes to the corner and climbs up. Cory gets up to his feet and gets levelled with a top rope clothesline. Hughes takes a few seconds to get to his feet. Captain Cutthroat slides in and charges at Hughes but gets spinebusterd on top of Cory. Hughes goes to the corner and starts stomping his foot signalling for the Mighty Boot! Cory and Captain Cutthroat get to their feet. Hughes Charges at Cory, at the last second Cory grabs Cutthroat and pulls him in front of him causing Cutthroats head to get taken off by Hughes with the mighty boot! Hughes looks down briefly at Cutthroat giving Cory time to roll him up and grab the tights,1......2.......3!

WINNER: Cory Diamond

Cory rolls out of the ring as Hughes, still holding his arm, argues with the ref about Cory holding his tights.


Match: 58%

Crowd: 21%

Overall: 36%



Handsome Jay Harman is in the ring with a Mic.

Jay: “Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the guest ring announcer for the upcoming bout. The Gorgeous Amanda Shae!!!!”

Amanda makes her way to the ring smiling and waving to the delight of the male fans in attendance. Jay holds the ropes open for Amanda as she gets into the ring before handing her the Mic and leaving the ring.

Amanda: “Hey everybody!!!”

*Males in the crowd wolf whistle*

Amanda: “You all enjoying the show?”

*More whistles*

Amanda: “OK! Lets get this next match started! Introducing first the.......”

Amanda is interrupted by ‘YMCA’ as Melicious leads a ‘The Mincer’ Kriss Sprules out from behind the curtain with a dog leash. Sprules climbs in the ring and up the turnbuckle, rubbing his flabby body over to the disgust of the crowd before being yanked off on his ass by Melicious. Melicious snatches the Mic from Amanda.

Melicious: “Listen to me you skank! I’m the only one that introduces Kriss Sprules so why don't you take your anorexic ass back on the street corner where it belongs you slut!!!”

Melicious rears back and floors Amanda with a slap to the face. Jay reaches in to Amanda and carry’s her to the back to get her checked out.

Melicious: “Tonight, my man has the revolting task of getting up close and personal with that slack jawed hillbilly Jethro!!! Jethro, tonight you’re going to face a real man’s man, The Mincer Kriss Sprules!!!”


Overall: 35%

Amanda Shae gained 3 points of overness

Melicious gained 1 point of overness


Jerthro Jones doesn't wait for his theme music to hit and storms the ring causing Melicious to bail. Sprules tries to bail also but Jethro grabs his dog leash. Sprules begs off but Jethro isn’t having any of it. Jethro starts to swing Sprules around before throwing him over the top rope to a small pop from the crowd in which Jethro responds by running around the ring barking Rick Steiner style. Melicious unhooks Sprules from his leash and tells him to get in the ring but Sprules begs her not to make him fight Jethro. Jethro reaches over the rope and grabs Sprules by his pink afro dragging him into the ring as the bell rings.

Jethro pulls Sprules up and delivers a hard head butt to Sprules, which Sprules sells by bumping like a sack of shit. Jethro pulls Sprules to his feet and whips him off the ropes, following up with a big clothesline, again Sprules bumps like a sack of shit. Jethro hits the ropes and hits a big leg drop on Sprules before covering,1......2.......Kick out! Jethro pulls Sprules to his knees and hits a right hand, which Sprules no sells and hits Jethro in the gut with a weak right of his own. Sprules gets to his feet and hits a DDT on Jethro which more looked like Sprules collapsing while applying a front face lock. Sprules covers, 1.....2......Kick out! Sprules goes to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top but he cant balance and falls off. *Crowd laugh* Jethro thinks fast and drops and elbow on Sprules. Jethro Pulls Sprules to his feet and body slams him to the mat. Jethro pulls Sprules up again and whips him to the ropes before taking Sprules down with a hip toss, Jethro covers,1......2......Kick out! Jethro holds Sprules up and hits a left jab, and another, and another then he comes off the ropes with a solid right hand flooring Sprules. Jethro lets Sprules get to his feet then hits the ropes but Melicious pulls the top rope down and Jethro tumbles to the outside. Sprules, who is seriously sucking wind, distracts the ref while Melicious whips Jethro across the back with the leash. The ref turns as Melicious stops her assault and starts his count. The ref gets to 7 as Jethro climbs back in only to get hit with the clothesline from hull! Sprules covers, 1......2......Kick out! Sprules whips Jethro to the corner and follows up with a running belly push causing Jethro to slump down to a seated position. Sprules starts to wiggle his hips signalling for a stink face but as he goes for it Jethro puts his foot on sprules’s ass and launches him across the ring causing Sprules to fall his face into the canvas (because he cant bump properly and protect himself) Jethro gets up and picks Sprules up by the hair. Jethro lifts Sprules up on his shoulder and hits a snake eyes on the turnbuckle. As Sprules wanders around dazed, Jethro comes off the ropes with a big boot to Sprules. Jethro pick Sprules up and backs him up the ropes, He than calls out “Axe B-B-B-BLAARRGGHH!!” Then proceeds to whips Spurles to the ropes a hit an Axe bomber K.O.ing  Sprules. It looks like Jethro is going to finish it but Melicious has climbed in to the ring. She screams at Jethro and threatens to slap Jethro in the face. Suddenly Amanda Shae runs from behind the curtain. Amanda grabs Melicious by the legs and drags her under the bottom rope to the outside where the two woman then get in to a catfight!. Jethro turns around to Sprules, who was planning to sneak attack, And boots him in the gut before hitting the Jethro driver! (Snow plow) he covers, 1......2......3.

WINNER: Jethro Jones

Jethro goes to the outside and pulls Amanda off Melicious. Amanda is kicking and screaming, wanting to beat the hell out of Melicious some more so Jethro picks her up and slings her over his shoulder before walking to the back.


Match: 41%

Crowd: 16%

Overall: 31%

Jethro gained 1 point of overness


Qualifying Match for fatal four way

Great British Hero vs. Robbie Royce


‘Rule Britannia’ hits as GBH walks out to a mild pop from the small crowd. GBH, with the Union Jack flag draped over his shoulders, climbs into the ring and plays to the crowd holding the flag in the air.

‘Hate to say I told you so’ blasts through the gym as Robbie Royce struts from behind the curtain posing to the boo’s of the fans. Robbie climbs on the apron and jumps over the top rope to the inside where he calls for a Mic.

RR: “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is I, The people’s choice, Robbie Royce! *crowd boo* Tonight, everybody’s favourite wrestler has a chance to qualify for the four way title match at Halloween Hell. Now I know what you’re all thinking, you’re thinking “Robbie, your just a lightweight, how are you going to overcome the giant GBH?” Well, well my loyal followers, never fear because as long as Robbie is here for the people, then Robbie knows that the people are here for Robbie, after all, I’m not just the greatest, I’m not just the best, I’m the people’s choice, Robbie Roy......”

Obviously GBH is tired of Robbie’s rambling and decided to cut his speech short with a huge right hand. The bell rings.

GBH goes to work on RR with clubbing forearms to the neck area before planting RR with a big body slam. GBH hits the ropes for a big elbow drop but RR bails to the outside before GBH can drop it. Robbie grabs a Mic.

RR: “GBH! Don’t you EVER interrupt the people’s choice while he is addressing his followers. For that I’m gonna break your.......”

RR drops the Mic as GBH climbs to the outside to get him. RR runs around the ring and rolls in where he waits for GBH. GBH rolls in and RR ambushes him with a few right hands only to get shoved across the ring by GBH. GBH gets to his feet and advances towards RR but RR hides behind the ref. As the ref tells GBH to get to his corner, RR reaches over the refs shoulder and pokes GBH in the eye. With the advantage, RR hits some stiff rights to the kidney area. GBH goes down to one knee as RR hits the ropes, GBH suddenly springs up and catches RR with a big belly to belly Suplex, he covers, 1....2....Kick out! GBH pulls RR to his feet and lifts him in a gorilla press before dumping him on his face, GBH then hits the ropes and drops a huge elbow to the back of RR’s head, he covers, 1...2.....Kick out! GBH picks RR up and hits a suplex. GBH picks RR up again and whips him to the ropes following up with a clothesline, he covers, 1......2.....Kick out! GBH whips RR to the ropes and hits a big power slam. Instead of cover GBH raises one finger before whipping RR to the ropes and hitting a second big power slam, GBH covers, 1......2......Kick out! GBH drags RR to his feet and hits a head butt forcing RR back to the corner. GBH plays to the crowd for a few seconds before charging, but RR avoids leaving GBH to smash his head into the exposed steel. RR took the turnbuckle pad off while GBH was playing to the fans! RR covers,1......2.....Kick out! RR gets up and starts stomping GBH all over. RR climbs up the second rope and hits a diving elbow to GBH’s neck, he covers, 1......2......Kick out! RR pulls GBH to a seated position and comes off the ropes driving a double footed dropkick to GBH’s face busting open his bottom lip. RR picks GBH up in a front face lock and proceeds to knee GBH repeatedly before hitting a DDT, he covers,1.....2.....Kick out! RR picks GBH up and pushes him into a corner before climbing up and punching GBH. Robbie starts counting his own punches as the crowd boo. A few punches in GBH grabs RR and throws him over the top to the outside before going down to one knee to catch his breath.

The ref gets to 7 count before RR rolls back in only to get caught by GBH. GBH whips RR to the ropes and hits a back body drop. RR bounces back up and gets dropped again with a clothesline, and a second, and then big boot to the face. GBH measures RR and drops a diving head butt before covering, 1.....2......Kick out! GBH drags RR to the his feet, whips RR to the ropes, GBH swings but RR ducks underneath, RR comes off the opposite ropes but get planted with a spine buster, he covers, 1.....2......Kick out! GBH pulls RR up and whips him to the corner, crushing the ref in the process. GBH charges and avalanches RR, again crushing the ref in the corner. RR takes a few steps before collapsing in the middle of the ring. GBH takes his chance and hits the Big Daddy Splash!, he covers but there no ref to make the count. GBH goes over to wake the ref but the ref is K.O’ed. GBH walks back over to RR but get caught with a low blow. Knowing the ref is down; RR rolls to the outside and grabs a chair before rolling back in. RR raises the chair to hit GBH but suddenly out of nowhere the chair is pulled out of his hands; RR turns around to see Mike Hughes! RR begs off as Mike obviously is looking for revenge after the beating RR gave him at the last show. Hughes lifts the chair to strike but notices RR looking past him at something, Hughes turns and gets nailed with a Diamond Cutter! Cory Diamond and Captain Cutthroat are in the ring! Cory and CC dump Hughes to the outside before jumping on GBH and beating the hell out of him. RR joins in on the assault wearing GBH down with stiff boots. The three pick GBH up and pound him with punches in kicks. Meanwhile on the outside, Hughes has recovered! He slides in and like a house on fire fights off all three men with a barrage of right hands and clotheslines. Cory and CC bail, RR is left in the ring, Hughes picks up the chair, and RR turns and gets planted with a vicious chair shot! GBH gets to his feet and hits the Big Daddy Splash on RR as Hughes revives the ref, 1......2........3!

WINNER: Great British Hero

The small crowd cheer as Mike Hughes climbs in the ring to congratulate GBH on his victory and celebrate with GBH to the crowd.


Match: 54%

Crowd: 18%

Overall: 32%


Qualifying Match for fatal four way       

Andy Noble vs. Chris Blackheart

Chris Blackheart comes out to the sound of ’Killing in the name of’ by RATM. He walks towards the ring giving a cold stare out to the fans before rolling into the ring and cracking his knuckles, waiting for his opponent.

‘I get knocked down’ hits as Andy Noble comes out to the biggest pop of the night. He plays to the crowd before stopping outside the ring. Andy looks up at Blackheart pointing at him before sliding into the ring. As the music fades out, the bell rings.

Both men circle each other before locking up. Noble grabs Blackheart in a head lock, Blackheart turns out of it in to an hammerlock, Noble reverses, Blackheart hits and elbow and goes behind for a waist lock, Noble reverses, Blackheart reverses, Noble turns out and takes Blackheart down with a drop toe hold and again applies the head lock. Blackheart gets to his feet and pushes Noble the ropes. Before the ref can break the hold Blackheart launches Noble to the ropes, Noble come back and drops Blackheart with a shoulder block and hits the ropes again, Blackheart stays down flat, Noble jumps over him and comes of the opposite ropes, Blackheart catches Noble with an arm drag, Noble bounces straight up and hits an arm drag on Blackheart, Noble goes for a hip toss but Blackheart lands on his feet, Blackheart takes Noble down with a fireman’s carry, Blackheart goes to grab Noble but Noble pushes Blackheart off with his feet before the two men quickly get back to their feet into a stand off.

*Round of applause from the small crowd*

Both men circle each other again before locking up. This time Blackheart grabs Noble in a headlock take down, Noble wraps his legs around Blackhearts head, Blackheart pushes out only to get taking down with an arm drag into an arm bar, Blackheart quickly rolls out and applies an arm bar of his own, Blackheart switches to a headlock, Noble launches Blackheart to the ropes, Noble goes for a leapfrog, Blackheart puts on the brakes and takes Noble down with snap mere, Blackheart applies a chin lock, Noble counters with a hammerlock, Blackheart counters with a hammerlock of his own, Noble counters again, Blackheart takes Noble down with a leg trip before diving on Noble to get a headlock, Noble dodges and dives on Blackheart for a headlock and succeeds, Blackheart gets the head scissors, Noble breaks out, both men get to there feet, and the technical wrestling is thrown straight out the window as Blackheart kills Noble with a stiff clothesline before putting the boots in. 

Blackheart picks Noble up and hits snap suplex. Blackheart picks Noble up again and kicks him in the gut before coming off the ropes with a spinning neckbreaker, he covers, 1......2......Kick out! Blackheart stomps away on the neck Noble a few times then proceeds to drop three consecutive elbows to the back of Noble’s Neck. Blackheart picks Noble up for a reverse DDT and drops him neck first to his knee. Blackheart turns Noble over and comes off the ropes with a leg drop to the back of the neck and again of the ropes but this time with a knee drop to the same area, he covers, 1.....2......Kick out! Blackheart positions Noble for a piledriver but Noble back drops out of it. As he clutches his neck, Noble takes Blackheart down with a flying reverse elbow. Noble waits for Blackheart to get to his feet and charges but Blackheart counters with stun gun causing Nobles neck to snap back. Blackheart, wasting no time, quickly hooks Noble up and nails a piledriver, he covers, 1......2......Kick out! Blackheart drags Nobles to his feet, whips him off the ropes and hits a nice jumping leg lariat, he covers, 1.....2.....Kick out! Blackheart does a cut throat motion and goes to lock in the Cold Clutch but Noble quickly gets away to the ropes. Blackheart puts the boot to Noble before picking him up and whipping him hard to the corner. Blackheart hits a series of stiff chops before hoisting Noble up and sitting him on the top turnbuckle. Blackheart climbs up and goes for a superplex but Noble fights out of it and pushes Blackheart off the top. Blackheart gets to his feet as Noble leaps from the top and scores with a picture perfect cross body, 1.......2.......Kick out! Both men take a while to get to there feet, Noble blocks a Blackheart punch and rocks him with one of his own, and again, and again, Noble comes off the ropes for a clothesline but Blackheart catches him, Blackheart goes for the Black Out but Noble reverses with a northern lights suplex, 1.......2.......Kick out! Noble is just about up first, he boots Blackheart in the gut and follows up with a gutwrench suplex, he covers, 1.....2.....Kick out! Noble slowly gets back to his feet still holding his neck; Blackheart is up but Noble stays on him with a few chops and right hands. Noble hooks Blackheart up for a suplex but Blackheart slips behind and hits a German suplex, Blackheart keeps the fingers locked, pulls Noble to his feet and hits another German suplex, again Blackheart, still with the fingers locked, pulls Noble up and goes for another German but Noble breaks Blackheart’s grip and goes behind hitting German suplex of his own. Noble, keeping his fingers locked, drags Blackheart up and hits a second German suplex. Still with the fingers locked, Noble pulls Blackheart to his feet for a third German but Blackheart breaks his grip and goes behind hitting a dragon suplex!, 1......2.......Kick out!!!!!

Both men lay on the mat exhausted. Black heart start to stir but Noble is still down. Blackheart slowly crawls over to Noble and gets to his feet, he grabs Nobles legs and goes to turn him over for the Cold Clutch but Noble reaches up and gets a small package on Blackheart, 1......2......Kick out! Blackheart gets to his feet and hits a few kicks to Nobles neck. Blackheart slowly goes to the corner and starts to climb the turnbuckles, half way up Noble starts to stir, Blackheart reaches the top but in gets caught with a desperate shot to the gut from Noble. Noble hits another shot to the gut and starts to climb up, Blackheart hits a right hand on Noble, and second right hand, and a third, Noble looks like he about to fall but holds on and in desperation grabs Blackheart and hits an overhead belly to belly off the top! Both men are down as the ref starts to count. The ref reaches 9 as Noble lifts his arm and drapes it over Blackheart, 1......2......Kick out! Noble crawls over to the ropes to pull him self up as does Blackheart. Both men get to there feet and meet in the middle, they start trading blows, Noble gets the advantage and whips Blackheart off the ropes but Blackheart reverses, Nobles comes off the ropes, Blackheart puts his head down and Noble catches him with a double under hook suplex. Noble starts to get a rush of adrenaline as the crowd get behind him. Noble pulls Blackheart to his feet and hits a series of forearms. Noble whips Blackheart off the ropes and catches him with and overhead belly to belly suplex, he covers, 1......2......Kick out! Noble picks Blackheart up hits a suplex, Noble pulls Blackheart up again and hits a brainbuster, he covers,1......2......Kick out! Noble goes to pick Blackheart up again but Blackheart rakes the eyes. Blackheart whips Noble to the corner and charges but Noble gets the feet up and Blackheart eats boot. Noble quickly climbs to the top and goes for a drop kick but Blackheart catches Noble and quickly locks in the Cold Clutch! Blackheart pulls back on the hold with all his strength as Noble screams in pain. luckily Noble is close to the ropes and reaches out grabbing the bottom rope quickly but that doesn’t stop Blackheart making the most of it and releasing the hold as the ref gets to a 4 count. Blackheart drags Noble to his feet and delivers a hard elbow to the back of his neck. Blackheart whips Noble to the ropes and goes for a leapfrog but Noble counters with a spear in mid air! Noble grabs Blackhearts legs and drags him to the centre of the ring before locking in a sharpshooter. the roles are switched as this time its Blackheart screaming and Noble pulls back on the hold. Blackheart pulls himself a few feet towards the ropes but Noble quickly drags him back to the centre. Noble pulls back even further as Blackheart screams! Blackheart lifts his hand up, its looks like he’s going to tap, no wait, Blackheart is pulling himself to the ropes, but he cant make it all the way, Noble pulls back even harder on the hold, Blackheart is inches away from the ropes, his hand is up, he’s going to tap, Blackheart in one final effort stretches out and grabs the bottom rope! Noble cant believe it! Noble pulls Blackheart to the centre of the ring, he rears back and swings but Blackheart ducks and nails Noble with the Black Out! he covers, 1.......2.......2.999999 Kick out!!! Blackheart turns to ref, he cant believe Noble kicked out! Blackheart pulls Noble to his feet and hits a few right hands. Blackheart picks Noble up for a body Slam but Noble slips behind and hits Blackheart with the Black Out!, Noble covers, 1.......2.......Kick out!!!! Blackheart kicked out of his own move! Noble slowly gets to his feet, He walks over to Blackheart and drags him up by his hair. Noble Whips Blackheart off the ropes and goes to kick Blackheart in the gut but Blackheart catches the foot, spins Noble around and hits the Double Arm Implant DDT, Noble’s Own Move!!! but Blackheart cant follow up with a cover.

The ref starts the count as both men lay on the mat exhausted. Blackheart gets to his feet first as the ref gets to 9. Blackheart boot Noble in the gut and whips him off the ropes and follows up with an elbow, he covers, 1......2.......Kick out! Blackheart picks Noble up and whips him to the corner. Blackheart kicks Noble in the gut and lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle. Blackheart follows Noble up, hooks him up, and hits a superplex before slowly making the cover, 1.......2.......Kick out! Blackheart gets to his feet and applies a waist lock, he goes to suplex Noble but Noble reverses and hits a Tiger suplex, 1......2......2.999999999 Kick out!!! That took a lot out of both men. Both competitors get to their feet, Noble grabs Blackheart but Blackheart pushes his hands away and hits a T-bone Suplex. Blackheart crawls over to the ropes and pulls him self to his feet before doing a cut throat motion to the crowd. Blackheart lets Noble get to his feet and goes to boot him in the gut, but Noble blocks and again goes to hit Blackheart with his own Black Out move, Blackheart Reverses and goes for The Black Out his self, Noble turns out of it and hit his Double Arm Implant DDT to a huge pop from the small crowd! He covers, 1........2....... The bell rings! Noble raises his arms as the ref goes to converse with Jay. Jay gets on the Mic

Jay: “Ladies and Gentlemen, due yo the time limit expiring, the referee has declared this match a draw!”



Match: 76%

Crowd: 27%

Overall: 49%


Andy Noble can’t believe it! He thought he had it! As Blackheart pulls himself to his feet, Noble approaches him and extends his hand. Blackheart looks at Noble’s handshake offer, he stares Noble in the eye and turns away before leaving the ring to a chorus of boo’s. Noble plays to the crowd briefly before making his way to the back also. Jay climbs into the ring with his Mic.

Jay: “What a match! What a night! Ladies and gentlemen thanks you for coming out, I’m Handsome Jay Harman and this was UWA Road to Glory!!!”

End of Show

Edited by khaoz_theory
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Time: 13:45pm

Date: Saturday 1st October 2005

Place: UWA Office

The office was usually empty on Saturday so I guess it was something of a surprise to walk through the door and see Sophie sitting at her desk.

Me: “Hey, working on a Saturday huh.”

Sophie: “Yeah, I got a few things I didn’t get time to finish last week so I thought I’d drop in and get it out of the way.”

Me: “Ah, I see. So is Andy in also?”

Sophie: “No, He’s gone out fishing with a few of his buddies for the day.”

Me: “Fishing huh, I never could get into that. How’s your Mother by the way?”

Sophie looked up from her computer screen and took her glasses off. As She leaned back in her chair I couldn’t help but feel I shouldn’t have brought the subject up. Sophie’s Mother was diagnosed with cancer around a year ago. Since then, her mother’s condition had been rapidly switching between good and bad. Last I heard, Her mother was doing well, but by the look on Sophie’s face I could tell that what I heard had changed drastically.

Sophie: “Not good, not good at all.”

Me: “Damn it, sorry, I shouldn’t have brought that up, its just last I heard she was doing ok, I’m sorry.”

Sophie: “No, its ok, you didn’t know, it’s not your fault.”

Sophie looked at a photo of her and her parents on her desk as an uncomfortably silence drifted upon us. I decided to change the subject.

Me: “So uh, what’s this paper work you couldn’t wait to finish.”

Sophie: “Oh nothing important. By the way, I was going to fax you the monthly report but seeing as you’re here I might as well give it you now.”

Sophie handed me a few papers.

There’s some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we made $167740 profit boosting our funds to $854640. The bad news is that our public image dropped from 32 to 31 but it’s still early days and as the old saying goes “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. Also, Andy got Cory Diamond to agree to a written contract for 24 months, which I’m sure you’ll agree, is fantastic news.

I opened a poll on our website to compile an accurate list of our top face’s and heel’s.

Top Face’s

Andy Noble

Mike Hughes

Great British Hero

Flash Christian

Amanda Shae

Top Heel’s

Cory Diamond

Stu Odyssey

Chris Blackheart

Robbie Royce

World’s Most Dangerous Mailman

Still Cory is generating some great heat. I thought Stu would come top of the Heel’s but obviously Cory’s Mic work is really getting the fan’s attention.

Edited by khaoz_theory
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Time: 9:41am

Date: Monday 24th October 2005

Place: My Apartment

I picked my head up off my pillow as an irritating noise screeched through my skull. It was my cell phone. I sat up and took a few brief seconds to collect my self before answering.

Me: “Hello?”

Andy: “Hey Buddy.”

Me: “Hey man, what’s up?”

Andy: “Bad news man, Sophie’s Mother has taken a really bad turn.”

Me: “Damn, sorry man.”

Andy: “We’re on our way to the airport now, we’re flying out at twelve.”

Me: “How long you gonna be away for?”

Andy: “We won’t be getting back until next Monday.”

Me: “Next Monday? What about the show?”

Andy: “Well, you’re the booker Steve, you’re going to have to think of something.”

Me: “But that means I’ve only got a week to switch things around.”

Andy: “Well, that’s the job buddy, I told you it wasn’t going to be easy.”

Me: “Yeah I know. Sorry man, I didn’t mean to sound like an asshole.”

Andy: “It’s ok buddy, I had a feeling you might panic a bit.”

Me: “Heh, yeah. I always assumed you’d be there to help me out that’s all.”

Andy: “Well buddy, I’m not going to be around to hold your hand all the time.”

Me: “yeah, I know.”

Andy: “So you think you can sort things out?”

Me: “yeah, I’ll come up with something, don’t worry about it.”

Andy: “Ok buddy, I’ll see you next Tuesday morning.”

Me: “Ok man, laters.”

Andy: “See ya.”

Damn it! I had the whole show planned and now I had to rearrange half the card! Not having a family of my own often caused me to forget how important a persons family is, so I suppose I sometimes forget that Andy has more important things than wrestling in his life, which I guess means I shouldn’t really get angry that Andy felt he had to pull out of the show.

I pulled my self out of bed and slumped into my computer chair. Lighting up a cigarette, I switched on the computer and started to think up what I was going to do.

With only a week to go, I had a lot of work to do.

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Time: 19:00pm (One hour before the show)

Date: Sunday 30th October 2005

Place: Local Gym

“What do you mean I’m not getting it!!!”

I had just broken the news to Stu about how the Championship match would finish. As I expected, He wasn’t happy with decision. He was pissed.

Stu: “It’s obvious I’m the most over guy here! Fucking hell!”

Me: “Damn it! Why can’t you just think about what’s good for the company for once and not just about yourself?”

Stu: “I am what’s good for the company, not that punk! If Andy were here he’d agree with me and not some clueless prick that just walked in thinking he knows everything!”

Me: “I’m sick of hearing that crap! I never walked in here thinking I know everything! Andy hired me because HE thought it was a good idea and HE thought I would make this promotion money, which I have!”

Stu: “for now maybe, but if it comes to more than one show a month, you wont know what the hell to do!”

Me: “I knew this was going to happen, I knew you would do this when I told you the result of the match!”

Stu: “That’s cause you’re an idiot and your idea’s suck!”

Me: “Well how about this, you can go out there at the start of the show and squash two guys in a handicap match. Just go out and say you need a warm up or something and you’ve hand picked two world class opponents or something.”

Stu: “And where the hell are we going to find two guys at this short notice?”

Shit! He was right, there was no way I was going to be able to find two guys on such short notice. I lent back against the wall, trying to come up with something. As I looked at Stu I noticed Jay grabbing a drink from a vending machine.

Me: “Hey Jay! You got a second?”

Jay took a sip from his drink as he made his way towards Stu and me.

Jay: “What's up?”

Me: “How would you feel about jumping in the ring and taking a few bumps?”

Jay: “What kind of bumps are we talking about here?”

Me: “Just a few kicks and punches”

Jay: “Yeah ok, why you want me to do that?”

Me: “Well at the start of the show, after you open it, you got to come back here, then Stu is going to go out there and say he needs a warm up for tonight’s show and then me and you are going to go out there and job to him.”

Jay: “Yeah, sounds ok I guess.”

Stu: “Woah, hold on a sec, Won’t it look a little stupid with Jay walking out there just after opening the show? I mean, the fans know Jay isn’t a wrestler.”

Jay: “Hmmmm, your right. Wait, I got an Idea, be right back!”

Jay quickly turned around and walked out of the gym door.

Stu: “Where’s he going?”

Me: “No idea, but whatever it is I’m sure it’s going to help......well, hopefully.”

After a few minutes of waiting, Jay returned to the gym. In his hand were two rubber Halloween masks, one Frankenstein and one Dracula.

Stu: “This is no time to go trick or treating!”

Jay: “No man, we could wear these. That way nobody would know its us.”

Me: “That’s not a bad idea.”

Jay: “Hey Steve, Dracula or Frankenstein?”

Me: “I’ll take Frankenstein.”

Jay: “Ok bro.”

Stu: “So, Jay is going to be Dracula and you’re going to be Frankenstein?”

Me: “Yep, I guess so.”

Stu: “Sounds.....Good.”

As Stu walked away to get ready, I noticed a slight grin on his face. I don’t think I had ever seen Stu smile, well outside of the ring at least.

Jay: “Hey man, I got to go make a quick phone call.”

Me: “ok, don’t be to long, the show starts soon.”

Jay: “ok, I wont.”

As Jay walked out of site, I couldn’t help but feel there was something odd with the way Stu grinned as he walked away. Then again, it was probably me just being paranoid. I sat down on a near by chair and picked up the mask, it was the Dracula mask. Damn Jay and his shitty memory, oh well, it didn’t matter which mask we got, we were both going to get squashed anyway.

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Halloween Hell

Sunday October 30th 2005

Handsome Jay Harman and an unknown (and rather chubby) man are standing in the ring.

Jay: “Ladies and gentlemen! My name is Handsome Jay Harman and the man standing next to me is my partner in crime, Joe Wheeler! We are your announcers for the evening. “

Joe Wheeler waves to the fans

Jay: “Ladies and Gentlemen, Tonight Andy Noble was scheduled to take on Chris Blackheart in a rematch which would determine the fourth man in the fatal four way elimination match for the UWA world championship. Unfortunately, Andy Noble wasn’t able to make it tonight, so the UWA board has issued a replacement to take on Chris Blackheart tonight and his name is Mighty Mike Hughes!”

*Small pop from the crowd*

Jay: “As Mike Hughes is wrestling Chris Blackheart and will possibly be in the Fatal four way Championship match tonight, He will not be wrestling Robbie Royce. Instead, Robbie Royce will be facing the young and very talented Flash Christian!”

*The Crowd are not to thrilled as they wanted to see Hughes gets his hands on Royce*

Jay: “Now, without further a do, Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Halloween Hell!!!.”

As Jay makes his way backstage ‘I Disappear’ By Metallica hits and Stu Odyssey walks out from the curtain, threatening to strike a few booing fans on his way to the ring. Stu climbs in the ring and snatches a Mic from Joe wheeler.

Stu: “If you know what’s best for you fat man you’ll get your ass out of this ring right now!”

Wheeler doesn’t hang around and quickly exits the ring.

Stu: “Now as you know, tonight is the night that I walk in to this ring and kick the shit out of three worthless bastards before becoming the first ever Universal Wrestling Alliance world champion. GBH, your giant fat ass doesn’t scare me, Cory Diamond, You little punk bitch I’m gonna break you in two and whether its Mike Hughes or Chris Blackheart, I’m gonna kick either one of your asses simply because that’s what Stu Odyssey does, kick the shit out of people!”

Stu looks out to the booing fans before speaking again.

Stu: “This morning I woke up, got out of bed and watched some TV before drinking a few beers and slapping the taste out of some guy mouth for looking at me wrong. Now if you’re not stupid, which you people are, you’ll know that going in to a world Championship match, you got to be prepared. So seeing I haven’t had the time to prepare today, I’ve called up a couple of world class wrestlers to come here and help me get ready for my match tonight. Count Fang and DR Frank, come on down!”

Two guys appear from behind the curtain. One is wearing a Dracula mask and the other a Frankenstein mask. The two climb in the ring.

Stu: “I see both of you are really ready for Halloween this year.”

The two nod in agreement.

Stu: “Now just in case these people don’t believe me, you two are both tough as hell, world class wrestlers, correct?”

The two again nod in agreement.

Stu: “That’s good enough for me. Referee, Ring that.....”

Before the Ref can ring the bell, Stu nails both men with the Microphone. Stu picks Count Fang up and launches him over the top rope. Stu then turns and hits a few stiff punches on DR Frank before hitting him with a stiff, full-blown roundhouse kick to the head, flooring frank. Stu puts his foot on his chest as the Ref counts, 1.....2.....3. Fang pulls the limp DR Frank to the outside and quickly carries him to the back as Stu grabs a Mic.

Stu: “Thank you boys for that little warm up. Now, all you punks in the back take note. You step in the ring with me and that is exactly what will happen to you! You’re looking at the next World champion.

‘I Disappear’ hits as Stu drops the mic before making his way to the back, cursing at a few fans on the way


Overall: 52%

Stu Odyssey gained 3 points of overness


‘Hate to say I told you so’ blasts through the P.A. before Robbie Royce appears from behind the curtain. Robbie isn’t strutting tonight; in fact he is dressed in street clothes with a bag over his shoulder, looking upset about something. Robbie climbs up in to the ring and asks for a Mic.

RR: “By now all of you must have heard the soul crushing news that Mike Hughes has been given a second chance to compete for the UWA championship instead of your main man, Robbie Royce.”

*The small crowd boo*

RR: “How this miscarriage of justice occurred I don’t know. But I do know one thing, and that’s that the UWA officials obviously don’t care about you people, not like Robbie does. Mike Hughes, you had your chance. You were beaten fair and square by Cory Diamond and then because of sheer jealousy you decide the interfere in my match and rob me of my chance, of the people’s chance. You’re a jealous man Mike Hughes, jealous of me because unlike you I have the people behind me and you have nobody. I was standing tall, the people were chanting my name, GBH was a beaten man and you jump me from behind and hit me with a steel chair. So what happens next? The UWA officials decide to give you a second chance at glory while I get stuck in a second rate match, against a second rate wrestler, Flash Christian. Well Mike, you can have your glory, you can get a place in the fatal four way title match and win. But remember one thing, when you’re sitting there, with that belt over your shoulder, celebrating with your friends, remember that you didn’t earn that championship, you were given it. As for the UWA officials, I hope you’re happy because you have cost the people their hero. Goodbye.”

Robbie slings his bag over his shoulder and climbs out of the ring with a tear in his eye, slowly making his way to the back.


Overall: 42%

Robbie Royce gained 2 points of Overness


Mix Tag Match

‘The Mincer’ Kriss Sprules & Melicious vs. Jethro Jones & Amanda Shae

Melicious makes her way through the curtain to the sound of ‘Y.M.C.A’, dragging Kriss Sprules behind her with a dog leash. Sprules is sporting a purple afro tonight complete with latex gimp attire. As Melicious enters the ring, Sprlues gets on the apron and starts to show off his flabby body to the disgust of the crowd. Melicious yanks Sprules into the ring via the leash and the two wait for their opponents.

‘Cotton eyed Joe’ hits and Amanda Shae walks out to the delight of the male fans followed by Jethro Jones. Amanda is wearing hot pants and a tight tube top with plastic devil horns on her head. Jethro is wearing his usual overalls and has a carved out pumpkin under his arm full of candy. Jethro takes the top off the pumpkin and walks around the ring handing out candy to the kids. The two enter the ring and the bell sounds.

Jethro and Sprules start off with a collar and elbow, which Jethro easily wins by backing Sprules into the corner. Jethro breaks clean and the two lock up again but this time Sprules takes the advantage with a weak knee on Jethro. Sprules rakes the eyes and whips Jethro of the ropes, Jethro reverses and lays flat on the mat, Sprules leaps over but catches his foot and falls face first to the canvas. Sprules gets to his feet and takes a clothesline, which he bumps correctly! Jethro lets Sprules get up to his feet and hits a body slam. Melicious jumps in the ring and on to Jethro’s back, only to get thrown to the mat. Sprules uses the distraction to attack from behind but Jethro fights him off and clotheslines Sprules to the outside. Jethro grabs Melicious by the hair before putting her over his knee. Amanda climbs in the ring, rears back, and slaps Melicious across the ass. Jethro lifts Melicious over his head and launches her over the top rope on top of Sprules. In the ring, Amanda plays to the crowd while Jethro runs rounds around her barking like dog.

Eventually Sprules climbs back in to the ring and locks up with Jethro. Sprules grabs a headlock, Jethro pushes Sprules off to the ropes and catches Sprules with a hip toss which Sprules sells by stumbling forward in to a forward roll. Jethro pulls Sprules to his feet and hits a right hand but Spurles no sells and rakes the eyes. Sprules looks to be going for the E.L.E but takes forever to get into postion so Jethro pushes out and kicks Sprules in the gut following up with a suplex. Jethro hits the ropes but Melicious pulls the top rope down causing Jethro to tumble to the outside as Sprules gets to his knee’s, sucking wind. Sprules distracts the ref while Melicious chokes Jethro with the leash before rolling him back in to the ring. Inside Sprules pulls Jethro to the centre and comes off the ropes hitting a leg drop, getting zero air. Sprules covers, 1.....2......Kick out! Sprules hits a few weak rights and whips Jethro into the corner following up with a running belly push. Sprules stalks Jethro. Jethro gets to his feet and Sprules nails him with the Clothesline from hull!, He covers, 1.....2.....Kick out! Sprules looks out to the fans and calls for a lion sault! He runs towards the ropes, jumps to the middle rope, slips, and crashes to the mat knocking himself out. Jethro crawls over to Sprules and makes it look as if he’s choking when he is actually trying to revive him. Sprules is awake but dazed. Jethro throws Sprules across the ring where he reaches up and tags in Melicious while Jethro tags in Amanda. Amanda takes Melicious down to the mat, Catfight! Amanda grabs a hand a hand full of hair and throws Melicious to the mat. Amanda pulls Melicious up by the hair again and throws her to the corner before following up with a monkey flip, She covers, 1......2......Kick out! Amanda picks Melicious up and goes for a stunner but Melicious pushes Amanda face first to the turnbuckles and rolls her up, pulling her hot pants and exposing her thong to a huge pop from the male‘s in attendance, 1......2......Kick out! Melicious argues the refs count before putting the boots to Amanda. Melicious picks Amanda up and hits a body slam, she covers, 1.....2.....Kick out! Melicious chokes Amanda on the ropes, breaking the hold before the ref reaches 5. Melicious holds Amanda against the ropes and slaps her in the face. Melicious whips Amanda off the ropes and lowers her head but Amanda put the breaks on and hits a DDT.

Both women are down. Melicious is up first with Amanda just coming around. Melicious makes the tag to Sprules. Amanda has crawled over to her corner, she’s inches away but Sprules has grabbed her foot. Amanda gets makes one last effort and makes the tag to Jethro! Jethro storms in and unloads on Sprules with a series of right hands and clotheslines. Jethro whips Sprules to the ropes and connects with a back body drop that just looked awful. Melicious takes a swing at Jethro but Jethro catches her and hits an atomic drop sending her through the ropes to the outside. Sprules charges at Jethro but just eats boot for his efforts. Jethro whips Sprules off the ropes and calls for the “AXE B-B-B-BLARRGGG” before nailing Sprules with the Axe Bomber. Jethro picks Sprules up and thankfully Sprules, despite sucking serious wind, bumps the Jethro Driver properly. Jethro turns to Amanda who is calling for a tag and tags her in. Jethro lifts Amanda up in a gorilla press and dumps her on Sprules, 1.....2.....3.


After the match Jethro lifts Amanda up on his shoulders as they celebrate to the crowd.


Match: 38%

Crowd: 17%

Overall: 27%


Qualifying Match for Fatal Four Way Championship Match.

Chris Blackheart vs. ’Mighty’ Mike Hughes

‘Killing in the Name of’ Blasts through the gym as Chris Blackheart makes his way to the ring. He looks ready for action tonight as he climbs in to the ring and cracks his knuckles awaiting his opponent.

Mike Hughes walks out to the sound of his new theme ‘Ace of Spades’ by Motorhead. Mike is still selling the injury on his arm by wearing an elbow brace. Mike slaps a few fans hands before climbing on the apron and raising his arms to a decent pop from this small crowd. The Bell Rings.

Both men circle each other before tying up. Blackheart, knowing Hughes has an injured arm, goes straight into the armbar before switching to a hammerlock. Hughes goes to reverse but Blackheart cleverly cancels him out before applying more pressure. Hughes tries to think of a way out of the hold but Blackheart stays one step a head at all times. Mike gives up trying to reverse and grabs the rope to break the hold. Blackheart breaks cleanly to the surprise to the fans as Hughes shakes off the damage done to his arm. The two circle each other again before locking up. Again Blackheart quickly grabs the armbar and again manages to stop Hughes reversing the hold. Blackheart again switches to a hammerlock cancelling out Hughes’s attempts to reverse. Hughes waits for the right moment and hits Blackheart with an elbow to the head, he then goes to run off the ropes but Blackheart grabs hold of the wrist pulling him back and attempts to lock in a fujiwara armbar. Blackheart forces Hughes down to his knees but Hughes makes the ropes before the hold can be fully locked in. Hughes again tries to shake the damage done to his arm off but its obvious that it is starting to hurt at this early stage of the match. They go to lock up again but Blackheart changes his tactics by striking with a few forearms to the face. Blackheart whips Hughes off the ropes but gets reversed, Hughes tries to nail the Mighty Boot but Blackheart puts the breaks on by grabbing the top rope and sliding out of the ring.

Blackheart climbs back in. the two lock up again. This time Hughes grabs the arm bar and hits a stiff chop to the chest of Blackheart. Hughes whips Blackheart to the ropes, Blackheart reverses and lowers his head, and Hughes comes of and hits Blackheart with a big running knee lift. Hughes lets Blackheart get to his feet and charges for the clothesline but Blackheart ducks and goes behind for a German suplex, Hughes blocks and goes for an elbow, Blackheart ducks and goes for a northern lights suplex only to receive a knee to the gut and a quick vertical suplex from Hughes. Hughes covers, 1......2......Kick out! Hughes grabs a side headlock. Blackheart gets to his feet and pulls Hughes to the corner by his hair. Blackheart looks to be breaking cleanly but suddenly nails Hughes with a stiff right hand. Blackheart goes to work on Hughes with a few kicks and chops in the corner before whipping him to the opposite side. Blackheart charges but Hughes moves and Blackheart crashes in to the corner. Hughes waits for Blackheart to turn around and swings with a wild right but Blackheart ducks and hits sick German suplex into the corner causing the back of Hughes head to slam into the bottom turnbuckle. Blackheart drags Hughes out of the corner and covers, 1......2......Kick out!

Blackheart stays on the offence by stomping the arm. Blackheart hits a few more stomps before trying to apply a cross arm breaker but Hughes has his fingers locked tight. Hughes doesn’t seem like he is going to break the grip but that soon changes when Blackheart bites down hard on Hughes fingers and successfully locks in the cross arm breaker. Hughes screams as Blackheart pulls back hard on the arm. Hughes using all his strength rolls over on top of Blackheart, 1.......2....... Kick out! Blackheart kicks out and forces Hughes back down to the mat, keeping the hold locked on. Blackheart yells at Hughes, telling him to tap but Hughes isn’t going to give it up. Hughes rolls on top of Blackheart again and this time lifts him up on his arm and falls back, driving Blackheart to the canvas back first. Blackheart recovers quickly and tries for the Fujiwara arm bar but Hughes powers out and hits a few right hands. Hughes whips Blackheart to the ropes and swings for a clothesline, blackheart ducks and comes off the opposite ropes with a cross body, Hughes catches him and plants him with a big fall away slam. Hughes gets to his feet, nursing his injured arm. Blackheart uses the ropes to get to his feet; he turns, takes a few steps and gets hit by a flying shoulder block from Hughes. Hughes covers, 1......2.....Kick out! Hughes pulls Blackheart to his feet and whips him to the ropes. Hughes catches Blackheart, lifting him high for a big spine buster but Blackheart reverses in mid air and nails Hughes with the Blackout! Blackheart cant make the cover as the impact from the move caused Hughes to fly out of the ring under the bottom rope.

Blackheart rolls out of the ring. Blackheart pulls Hughes to his feet and drives him to the ring post shoulder first before rolling him back into the ring. Blackheart climbs in and tells the fans he is going to finish it now. Hughes, sensing danger, starts to roll towards the ropes but Blackheart catches him and locks on the crippler crossface. Blackheart pulls back hard on the arm and neck of Hughes causing him to scream in pain but he won’t give it up. Blackheart starts to get frustrated and clubs the neck area before again locking in the hold. Blackheart pulls back on Hughes’s neck even further. Hughes lifts his hand like he is going to tap but reaches out and just makes the bottom rope. It looks like Hughes decision to roll towards the ropes paid off as he was able to break the hold. Blackheart slaps the mat in anger. Blackheart pulls Hughes to his feet and violently starts punching and kicking him. Blackheart hooks Hughes up and hits a hard snap suplex, he then grabs Hughes leg and goes for the Cold Clutch but Hughes somehow grabs Blackheart in a small package, 1.......2......Kick out! Blackheart quickly gets to his feet and puts the boots to Hughes. Blackheart drags Hughes to his feet and hits a nice German suplex,1......2......Kick out! Blackheart again drags Hughes to his feet and positions him near the ropes. Blackheart goes for a belly to belly but Hughes blocks it and hits a belly to belly of his own, launching Blackheart up and over the top rope before collapsing to the canvas.

The ref reaches a 9 count before Blackheart rolls back into the ring. Meanwhile, Hughes is just about on his feet. Blackheart charges but Hughes has seen him and catches him with a killer clothesline. Hughes pulls Blackheart up and hits another overhead belly to belly suplex. Hughes covers, 1......2......Kick out! Hughes pulls Blackheart to his feet and whips him to the ropes, Blackheart reverses and goes for a leapfrog but gets caught and driven to the mat with a huge spinebuster. Hughes gets to his feet and signals for the Mighty Boot. Blackheart slowly gets to his feet, Hughes charges; Blackheart ducks the Mighty boot and connects with the Blackout! But can’t follow up with a cover. After a few seconds Blackheart crawls over to the ropes, he picks himself up and starts to climb the turnbuckles. Hughes is also starting to get to his feet. Blackheart is measuring Hughes, ready to finish him off. Hughes gets to his feet and turns, Blackheart leaps from the top, and then out of nowhere Hughes connects with the Mighty Boot on Blackheart in mid air! Hughes falls on top of Blackheart,  1......2......3!


Both men lay on the canvas as the fans give a round of applause to both men. Hughes slowly rolls out of the ring and makes his way to the back, slapping few fans hands on the way. After Hughes has left the ring area, Blackheart slowly rolls out and makes his way to the back holding his head and looking very disappointed.


Match: 80%

Crowd 26%

Overall: 52%


Joe wheeler is in the ring with a Mic.

Joe: “Ladies and Gentlemen. Earlier tonight Robbie Royce was supposed to take on Flash Christian, but as Mr Royce decided to walk out, there has been a last minute addition to tonight’s card. So without further a do, let me introduce the two competitors for this bonus match.

‘Dope Noise’ by Weezer hits as Dexter Hardaway walks out from curtain. Dex is carrying a long metal pole over his shoulder as he climbs into the ring. He grabs a Mic and waits for his opponent.

A Rock instrumental of Postman Pat blares though the gym as the World’s Most Dangerous Mailman walks to the ring with his mailbag over his shoulder. He climbs in the ring and snatches the Mic from Joe Wheeler. Before he can speak, Dexter interrupts.

Dex: “Listen up Mailman. Before you start spitting out your stupid catchphrases, I got something I want to say. The last two times we have met in this ring, you have got the better of me. Not because your a better athlete, but simply because your nothing more than cheating scum. So tonight, how about we stick this poll up in that corner over there and have us a little Mailbag on a pole match?”

WMDM: “You want me to take this ordinary, every day, Mailbag and stick it up on a pole for a mailbag on a pole match?”

Dex: “What the matter? Afraid you’ll lose without that thing?”

WMDM: “Me? Lose? Against you? Ha! Your kidding right? If you want to stick this mailbag on a pole then go for it. After all, It’s just a mailbag. Dexy, I’m sorry you can’t handle being beaten by the better man. But I’ll tell you what I’m not going to be sorry about, when you’re laying in this ring, staring at the ceiling for the third time a beaten man, you will finally realise that the MAILMAN ALWAYS DELIVAAHHHHHHSSSSS!!!!!!!”      

The ref takes the mailbag and ties it to the pole, which has just been set up by a member of the ring crew. Joes Wheeler takes the Mic and explains to the crowd that pin falls can only occur after the mailbag has been taken from the poll.


Overall: 39%

Dexter Hardaway gained 1 point of overness

World’s Most Dangerous Mailman gained 2 points of overness


Mailbag on a pole Match

World’s Most Dangerous Mailman vs. Dexter Hardaway

WMDM turns and quickly goes for the Mailbag but Dex catches his hand pulls him back down to the mat. Dex whips WMDM to the ropes and hits a nice jumping leg lariat. Dex hits a somersault leg drop on WMDM and goes for the bag but WMDM quickly recovers and attacks Dex from behind. WMDM hits the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Dex bridges avoiding the move matrix style and catches WMDM with a quick hurricanrana. Dex picks WMDM up and hits few forearms before whipping him off the ropes, following up with a nice spinning heel kick. Dex picks WMDM up and hits a few punches followed by a body slam. Dex goes for a lion sault, WMDM rolls out of the way but Dex lands on his feet and hits WMDM with a stinging chop. Dex whips WMDM to the ropes and goes for another hurricanrana but WMDM reverses and hits a brutal sit out powerbomb. WMDM takes a few seconds to recover and starts to make his way towards the pole. He gets half way up the turnbuckle before Dex catches up with him and pulls him down. Dex kicks WMDM in the gut and picks him up in a fireman’s carry position and carries him to the corner. Dex, with WMDM still on his shoulders, runs towards the opposite corner and flips over driving WMDM back first to the mat. Dex kips up, runs up the turnbuckles and hits a nice moonsault from the top, damaging himself in the process. Dex gets to his feet first and starts to climb for the mailbag. He gets inches away before WMDM catches up with him. WMDM climbs up with Dex and hits a back suplex from the top. Both men lay on the mat hurt. WMDM is up first. He pulls Dex to his feet and whips him to the corner with the pole but Dex reverses, sending WMDM to the corner instead. Dex charges but WMDM catches him and launches him over his head causing Dex to crack his head on the pole. Dex falls back of the turnbuckle and lands right on top of WMDM’s head.

WMDM gets to his feet first, still dazed from Dex falling on top of him. He pulls Dex to his feet and picks him up for a back suplex before swinging him forward and driving Dex face first to the mat. WMDM slowly crawls to the corner where he starts to climb up. Dex starts to move. WMDM is inches away but Dex has caught up with him. Dex climbs up with him and takes the advantage by throwing him off the top. Dex looks at the mailbag above his head then looks out to the crowd. Dex turns and goes for a 450 splash but WMDM gets the knees up. WMDM slowly gets to his feet first. He picks Dex up and hits a double under hook suplex. WMDM then springboards of the middle rope and connects with the Special Delivery! WMDM slowly moves towards the corner and starts to climb. WMDM reaches the top and puts one hand on the mailbag, unaware that Dex is on his feet. Dex, with a sudden rush of energy, runs up the turnbuckles and hits an enziguri on WMDM sending him off the top to the outside. Dex gets to his knees and realises his chance.  He climbs up the corner and grabs the mailbag! Dex stands in the middle of the ring holding the mailbag. He looks at the mailbag, then at the crowd and decides he’s going to find out what is in the mailbag. Meanwhile on the outside, WMDM has pulled another mailbag from under the ring! Dex opens the mailbag, tips it upside down and looks down in confusion as hundreds of unmarked letter fall out of the bag. Dex takes a look inside the bag to check if there is anything else. Dex throws the bag down still confused; he turns around and gets K.O.ed by WMDM with the real Mailbag. WMDM covers, 1.......2.......3!


The World’s Most Dangerous Mailman rolls out of the ring clutching his mailbag. The fans boo as he makes his way to the back with a huge smile on his face.


Match: 66%

Crowd: 18%

Overall: 42%


UWA World Championship Match

Fatal Four Way Elimination Match

Great British Hero vs. Cory Diamond vs. Stu Odyssey vs. Mike Hughes

‘Rule Britannia’ hits as the big man, GBH makes his way to the ring with the union jack flag draped over his shoulders. GBH climbs up into the ring and holds the flag up to a decent pop from the small crowd.

‘I Disappear’ by Metallica blasts through the gym. Stu Odyssey walks from behind the curtain talking smack to a few fans before climbing into the ring and yelling insults at GBH.

‘The Kids aren’t Alright’ Blasts through the P.A. as Cory Diamond makes his way to the ring with Captain Cutthroat behind him, waving his Jolly Roger flag. Cory Climbs up on the apron, removes his sunglasses and looks out at the crowd with a cocky grin. The crowd start a ’faggot’ chant and boo heavily as Cory climbs the turnbuckles to pose.

‘Ace of Spades’ hits and ‘Mighty’ Mike Hughes walks out to a good pop. Hughes’s arm is heavily taped up, selling the beating he took earlier in the match with Chris Blackheart. Hughes climbs in the ring and plays to the crowd briefly before the bell rings.

GBH pairs off with Cory as Hughes pairs off the Stu. GBH easily takes the advantage and pushes Cory into the corner while Hughes struggles with Stu but eventually backs him into the opposite corner. GBH and Hughes both whip their opponents causing Cory and Stu to collide in the centre of the ring before getting knocked to the outside by a pair of stereo clotheslines. Hughes and GBH both turn around and face each other. They lock up, GBH pushes Hughes to the ropes and whips him off, Hughes ducks the clothesline and comes off the opposite side with a shoulder block that barley moves the big man. GBH tells Hughes to try again so Hughes hits the ropes and hits another shoulder block causing little effect on GBH. Hughes tries for a third time but as he hits the ropes he is tripped and pulled to the outside by Cory and Stu where they proceed to beat him down. Cory and Stu slide in the ring and attack GBH who manages to fight them off with a load of right hands and clotheslines. GBH attempts a double clothesline but only nails Cory as Stu ducks underneath. Stu hits stiff clothesline, rocking the big man. Stu comes off the ropes with a second clothesline but GBH is still on his feet. Cory gets up and teams with Stu by hooking GBH up and hitting a double suplex. Cory jumps on for the cover, 1......2...... Stu pulls Cory off and decides he wants the cover, 1.......2.......Cory pulls Stu off and the two start to argue about who should get the cover. Cory slaps Stu around face in which Stu responds by flooring Cory with a hard right hand.  Stu pulls Cory to his feet and whips him off the ropes; Cory ducks the clothesline but out of nowhere gets speared by Mike Hughes. Stu attacks Hughes; Hughes blocks a right hand and hits a few of his own before dropping Stu with a clothesline. Hughes hits a gut wrench suplex on Stu. Hughes whips Stu to the corner. GBH is up and calls Hughes over to the opposite corner to where Stu is. Hughes whips GBH and GBH crushes Stu in the corner with a huge avalanche. GBH plays to the crowd be for turning and getting hits with a big flying shoulder tackle from Hughes. I guess GBH forgot its every man for himself. Hughes covers, 1......2.......Kick out!

Hughes picks GBH and goes for a slam but his arm gives out and he can’t lift him. GBH staggers Hughes with a head butt. Cory has recovered and is on the top turnbuckle. GBH turns and Cory jumps off for a cross body but gets caught by the big man. As GBH is deciding what to do, Hughes charges towards him and nails the Mighty Boot on the back of Cory forcing both men through the ropes to the outside. Stu attacks Hughes from behind and pulls him to the centre of the ring. Stu hits a few knees to the gut before hooking Hughes up and hitting a brainbuster. Stu covers, 1.......2........Kick out! Stu hits the ropes a drop the knee on Hughes’s head. He covers, 1......2......Kick out! Stu pulls Hughes up and into the corner where he lifts Hughes up and sits him on the top turnbuckle. Stu hits a few forearms before climbing up and nailing a top rope superplex. On the outside, GBH is up. Cory is up also. Captain Cutthroat goes to strike GBH with the flag but GBH catches it and snaps the flagpole over his knee. Cory uses this distraction and pushes GBH from behind into the ring post head first, busting him open. Cory climbs on the apron and slingshots to the inside hitting a leg drop on Stu. Cory covers, 1.......2........Kick out! Cory pulls Stu to his feet and hits a Russian leg sweep. Cory climbs to the top and leaps off, connecting with a nice top rope elbow drop on Stu. Cory covers, 1.......2.......Kick out! Cory decides he is going to finish Stu off. Cory lifts Stu up for the Diamond Drill but Stu slips out and tries to hook Cory up for the Tiger Bomb. Cory turns out of it and attempts the Diamond Cutter but Stu pushing him off towards the now recovered Mike Hughes, Hughes swings for the clothesline, Cory ducks, Stu charges towards Hughes, Hughes moves, Stu collides with Cory, Cory falls to the outside, Stu turns and gets Nailed by Hughes with the Mighty Boot! Hughes covers, 1......2.......3!


Hughes uses the ropes to get to his feet; he turns to see a bloody GBH standing opposite him. Hughes hits a right hand, GBH hits one back, Hughes hits a second, and GBH hits a second before both men get into a slugfest. On the outside Stu has come around and is seriously pissed about being eliminated. Stu grabs a chair and slides back in. Inside, Stu swings and cracks GBH’s skull with a vicious chair shot. Hughes goes for Stu but Stu boots Hughes in the gut before he can do anything and plants Hughes with the Tiger Bomb! Stu rolls out of the ring and makes his way to the back, damage done. On the outside, Captain Cutthroat pulls Cory to his feet and rolls him in. Cory, Still dazed, hears Cutthroat and crawls over to GBH before draping an arm over him, 1.......2.......Kick out! Cory turns his attention the Hughes and crawls over to cover him, 1......2......Kick out! Cory gets to his feet and puts the boots to GBH. Cory pulls the bloody GBH to his feet and backs him into a corner where he proceeds to hit a few right hands. Cory hits a stiff chop but GBH no sells and gives Cory an evil look. Cory backs away showing signs of fear, GBH grabs Cory and throws him into the corner where he starts wearing him down with some hard rights and lefts. GBH whips Cory to the opposite corner and follows up with a huge avalanche. GBH pulls Cory to the middle of the ring, lifts him up in the gorilla press position, drops him on his shoulder and drives him to the mat with a big powerslam. GBH covers, 1.......2.......Kick out! GBH stares down at Cory for a few seconds before calling for the Big Daddy Splash. GBH turns to hit the ropes but Hughes is waiting and catches the big man with a big standing spinebuster. Hughes stalks Cory, Cory gets to his feet, Hughes charges but Cory moves causing Hughes to take the Ref down with a hard clothesline. As Hughes looks down at the ref Cory hits a low blow from behind. Cory holds Hughes up as Captain Cutthroat climbs in the ring with the ring bell. Cutthroat swings with the bell but Hughes ducks as Cory takes the bell to the head! Hughes boots Captain Cutthroat in the gut and hits him with a pump handle slam. Hughes turns to Cory and signals for the Mighty Boot. Cory slowly gets to his feet and staggers around. Hughes is about to finish Cory of, but wait! somebody is behind Hughes! It’s Robbie Royce! RR drives his knee into Hughes’s spine and nails him with Rolls Royce! RR quickly rolls out of the ring and makes his way to the back smiling while Captain Cutthroat is reviving the ref. Cory covers Hughes as the Ref comes around, 1.......2........3!


Cory gets to his feet and staggers backwards until he backs into GBH. Cory slowly turns to see the big man and gets floored with a huge head butt. GBH whips Cory of the ropes and hits a belly to belly suplex, landing on top of him and using his weight to its fully advantage. GBH Drags Cory to his feet and whips him off the ropes this time hitting a big back body drop. Cory tries to crawl out of the ring but GBH catches him. Cory desperately swings with a right but GBH ducks and hits a full nelson slam. GBH looks out at the crowd before hitting the ropes and crushing Cory with the Big Daddy Splash! GBH goes for the cover but Captain Cutthroat is on the apron. GBH gets up and punches Cutthroat off the apron to the floor. Cory starts to slowly crawl away from GBH as GBH watches him and laughs. GBH grabs Cory by the hair and picks him up before hitting a short arm clothesline. GBH, still holding Cory’s arm, pulls him up and hits a second short arm clothesline before pulling him up again for a third. GBH pulls Cory to the centre of the ring and hits huge powerbomb on Cory. GBH starts to walks around the ring, soaking in the cheers from the crowd. GBH knows its over; all he has to do is hit the finishing move. GBH calls for the Big Daddy splash but gets distracted by Captain Cutthroat who has rolled into the ring with a chair. GBH boots Cutthroat in the gut causing him to drop the chair and drives him head first to the mat with a DDT. The ref starts roll Captain Cutthroat out of the ring. GBH turns around to finish Cory off but gets nailed with a Diamond Cutter out of nowhere on the chair! Cory slides the chair to the outside side and covers as the ref turns, 1........2.......3!


The Ref hands Cory the Championship belt as he celebrates to the irate fans. Cory rolls out side and makes his way to the back holding the belt high for everybody to see.

Back in the ring GBH is coming around and he is pissed! GBH kicks the ropes before noticing Captain Cutthroat down on the outside. GBH rolls to the outside, grabs Cutthroat and drags him into the ring. Inside GBH slams Cutthroat down before hitting the ropes and crushing him with the Big Daddy Splash! GBH isn’t done yet! GBH climbs out of the ring and checks underneath before pulling a table out to a big pop from the fans. GBH slides in with the table in and sets it up in the middle of the ring. GBH grabs Cutthroat and puts his head between his legs. GBH lifts Cutthroat up and powerbombs through the table to a huge pop from the small crowd, who are obviously loving this destruction. GBH raises his flag high in the air before making his way to the back.


Match: 68%

Crowd: 30%

Overall: 48%

The UWA World title has gained in image


As the ring crew sweep the peices of table out of the ring, Joe Wheeler climbs in with a mic and thanks everybody for turning up.


Edited by khaoz_theory
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