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Sale timeeeee


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So yeh...sales are on again, and there arent really any films I have down as must see's...however a few films have caught my eye, and I was wondering if they were any good...any comments appreciated.

Baseketball: Yes its Matt and Trey, yes south park is fucking awesome, however, soundtrack aside, I have never heard about this...so...is it as good as the rest of their stuff?

Memento: Just...sounds cool.

St. Elmos Fire: Saw the breakfast club when it was on tele a few saturdays back...this anywhere near as cool?

House of Flying Daggers: Was reccomended this by a mate a few months back...I am a fan of asian cinema, but its apparent mainstreamness astounds me.

Virgin Suicides: I cannot decide whether this is a film for angsty teenagers or women. Please tell me which category it falls under.

Being John Malkovich: Reccomended by my Film tutor, who has got me into some really awesome stuff...however he also likes bland French black and white films...so his taste is hit and miss.

Napoleon Dynamite: Yeh...heard very mixed reviews about this one, and its pg rating suggests its for kids...

I'm sure there's more...might edit them in later if i can remember them. Oh and if you know of any other films that are going cheap in sales (in the UK) reccomend away.

Edited by ravenjuice
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Being John Malkovich: Reccomended by my Film tutor, who has got me into some really awesome stuff...however he also likes bland French black and white films...so his taste is hit and miss.

It's clever and well-made, but at the same time really disturbing. Personally speaking, I would just rent it.

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Being John Malkovich: Reccomended by my Film tutor, who has got me into some really awesome stuff...however he also likes bland French black and white films...so his taste is hit and miss.

It's clever and well-made, but at the same time really disturbing. Personally speaking, I would just rent it.

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Guest The Trooper

any essential rock albums in the sales?

Not that I've noticed...unless you have a music zone near you, where you can pick up Peace Sells...But Who's buying? and the not so good, So Far, So Good, So What both by the mighty megadeth for 4quid.

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Napoleon Dynamite: Yeh...heard very mixed reviews about this one, and its pg rating suggests its for kids...

Rent. It's not a kiddie movie, but it's EXTREMELY hit or miss.

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Baseketball: If it's relatively cheap, buy it: It is a funny movie and you won't really be disappointed.

Memento: It's a great movie, but I would honestly say rent it: While it's an excellent film, it's also one of those movies where you can really only watch it once because once you've seen it and know what's going to happen, it's never going to have that same impact again.

Virgin Suicides: It's kind of a film more for angsty teenagers than it was for women. (Personally, I also didn't enjoy it- you might want to rent this one instead...)

Being John Malkovich: Since you said it was only slightly more expensive than a rental, I'd take a chance on buying it: Worst comes to worst and you dislike it, just sell it back for store credit...

Napoleon Dynamite: Either rent this film while saving the money to buy it or buy the film and save the receipt- either you're going to think it was 90 minutes of your life you'll never get back or it's going to be one of your all-time favorites.

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