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The LOST Experience


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The LOST Experience is a kind of game, running between Seasons 2 and 3 in the United States & during Season Two in the United Kingdom.

It is a strange game involving the Hanso Foundation website.

I'm not exactly sure how it all started as I only joined in part way through, but if you want to start participating, and wanna cheat your way around it, here is what I know/have discovered/other people have discovered.


Typing a name in here will get you a message from someone named Persephone, and will 'hack' Joop's Send Message page. You also need to enter the password 'breaking strain'

Send Joop A Message

Send Joop any message you want, you will still recieve the same thing. Connect all the blue blobs, until a red circled one appears. Click it to read a letter about a simian virus being able to pass onto humans.

Click the signature to see the next letter. Wait a moment and Peter Thompson's name will become circled. Click it.

Then click the block of text that is now there to be returned to the main page.

Television Advert

Watch the advert and wait. Then eventually the clock will read 'OB:EY' and when you click it you will be taken to a different website with six screens.

Six Screen Site

You need to click each screen until it turns yellow, then the code 'Heir Apparent' is revealed.


On May 8th, many websites, including Wikipedia & The Hanso Foundation displayed messages such as 'WHERE IS HANSO JIMMY?' and 'TELL US JIMMY.' What this means is unclear, but all messages were removed simultaneously.

Alvar Hanso

Click the date 'October 28, 2003' and Persephone will tell you of Alvar Hanso's movements. Note the dates, and the fact that he moves off the map at one point. When the questions start to appear, wait.

Eventually a blinking green light will appear, which in morse code translates to SAFE 9.

SAFE 9/Thomas Mittlewerk

May 9th was when a small box for entering text appeared on Dr. Thomas Mittlewerk's profile. If you enter 'Heir Apparent' a rip appears on the site, and a movie plays, where Persephone tells you more about Thomas Mittlewerk.

Bad Twin

Sawyer was seen reading this in episode 20 of Lost Season 2. According to an advertisment published in some American newspapers, it contains information about the Hanso Foundation. http://blogs.abc.com/.shared/image.html?/p...d/newspaper.gif

World Wellness Program - Xero Gravity

If you click the link to active projects on the left, then the "worldwide wellness" link, then the world map link near the top, look near where the Bermuda Triangle is located and you can click a hidden dot. Gibberish is in the text box, and I can't make any of it out...

That's all I have discovered, I'm not sure when new information will come about, or what lies at the end of this odd little quiz, but it's a fun thing to do.

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I remember messing around with a few of these sites back when series one was running...abc.com's Lost message boards are great for finding out the little things hidden on them. I didn't know whether or not there was an actual reason behind them or if it was just to add that extra something to the show.

...what's the password that Persephone asks for?


Hahaha...I typed in "I don't know" and she told me to ask the call center...then the fucking screen flashed and I shit myself <_<

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On the homepage there's an option to read a press release about someone hacking the site. If you click that it downloads a .pdf file. If you highlight all the text, it shows there's a hidden line at the bottom. If you copy that to something like notepad, you get this site...


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the password is Breaking Strain... you get some interesting stuff with that. (EDIT: J beat me to it)

they have been going all out with this tv commercials, hanso foundation phone number, newspaper article about the hanso foundation sueing a guy who was on the Oceanic Flight for making the book Bad Twin (the script Sawyer was reading and Jack threw in the fire... you can buy it now... i did today).

Also if you watch the Joop feed thing for long enough a shadow of a man (I guess it is Hanso) appears on the screen.

EDIT: There is also a hidden thing behind the oceanicairlines website that if you select all and paste somewhere you can read it

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The Persephone.hanso bit translated to 'Log in at THF.org is safe May 6' by doing something with ASCII, and then reversing the words. But then the numbers changed and translated to 'May 8'

EDIT: There's lot of hidden stuff on the Oceanic Airlines site, try clicking the Lost numbers for the seats.

2nd EDIT: I also believe the flashing Joop face could be Alvar Hanso, although some people have suggested it may be Walt, but I don't think the Lost characters have any part to play in this yet

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...this guy is pretty obsessive...


If you click the link to active projects on the left, then the "worldwide wellness" link, then the world map link near the top, look near where the Bermuda Triangle is located and you can click a hidden dot. Gibberish is in the text box, and I can't make any of it out...

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...another site to check out...



scroll all the way to the bootom and click the numbers, it'll take you to http://www.bornamerican.com/index.php

...also, when you first talk to Persephone use the same username again, and you get an update.

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Found another text box, but I dunno what to enter, under the Mental Health Appeal, click inquire today, and a box comes up, but like Joop's page before you give the password, on anything you enter the connection times out.

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Something else on the www.Hansorg.com site...in the very large gap between the last letter and the Dharma logo at the bottom, there is a smal bit of text in a dark colour...



2 10 13 18 21 44

...the numbers (just like 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42) add up to 108.

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I think Hans.org, as cleverly constructed as it is, is a fan site and not related to the Lost Experience, as they show the letters there in full etc.

Still quite good to not have to struggle to read the letters though.

Under the electromagnetic Research Initiative, a photo of the sky showing an aurora on October 28, 2001, exactly two years before Alvar Hanso's grainy photo was apparently taken.

Also, staying on the ERI page for a while has also made the website refresh, only now, the 'Persephone' beeping noise is heard along with the regular music.

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those three are somehow connected as well, as they all inter link with Hanso...what the hell any of it means is beyond me, I'd rather leave it to those who will go through with a fine toothed comb to come up with the answers :shifty:

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those three are somehow connected as well, as they all inter link with Hanso...what the hell any of it means is beyond me, I'd rather leave it to those who will go through with a fine toothed comb to come up with the answers :shifty:

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Also on that Valenzetti page, right at the bottom, are 4 'ABC' links. Two of them lead to the ABC network site and 2 of them lead to space science websites, one of them NASA. Seems incomprehensible, but surely it's not just included because of the shared acronym?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Hugh McIntyre (Communications Director for the Hanso Foundation) was on Jimmy Kimmel a couple nights ago. They are really going all out for this. And at the ComicCon some of the Lost writers/directors will be releasing a statement about the Hanso Foundation.

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