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Jack Black to play the Green Lantern

Guest Ringmaster

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Guest Ringmaster

Jack Black has closed his deal. He will be playing Green Lantern in a film that has been described as a “zany comedy version a la THE MASK.” All rights to the DC comic have been worked out as well, so you can expect to start hearing more about this project in the months ahead.

As I understand it, DC Comics tried desperately to dodge this bullet, but ultimately, they don’t have the right to veto something if Warner Bros. really wants to make it happen. This is the problem with the way DC’s deal with their corporate overlords is structured. Their hands are tied. As much as they are aware of the problem with this approach to the material, they just have to sit back and watch it happen along with fans of the character and the rich mythology that has been established over the long run of the various GREEN LANTERN titles.

Credit: Ain't Cool News

Now, I enjoy Jack Black as much as the next guy. But putting him in the role of the Green Lantern and turning what could have been a great comic book movie into the Mask is a big no-no.

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You want to make Green Lantern a fucking joke, use the whole Corps and have cameo/side story with joke characters.

This is utter bullshit, I don't need a great superhero like both the Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner versions of Lantern reduced to a stupid slapstick comedy full of retarded penis jokes, and I'm sure they'll be there

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No. No. NO. Please, god, not this. Not Green Lantern. It's all well and good when you do this kind of stuff on, y'know, the small screen, like that episode of Duck Dodgers. But a movie. A ZANY COMEDY MOVIE. Thanks, WB!

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Why doesn't this surprise me? I know almost nothing about most DC comics bar Batman and Superman, but I know for a fact Green Lantern isn't a "zany comedy version a la THE MASK".

Stupid Warner Bros. Why is it impossible for people to make decent comic book films unless they are Marvel titles?

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I'll echo that I like Jack Black as much as the next guy, Maxx is right. I say that the movie be boycotted, petioned against, re-cast and re-scripted. It's not right to ruin a series that isn't exsactly the most popular, especially since it isn't, because it'll tarnish the image for people who don't know much about the Green Lantern.

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Ugh, bad move on WB's part. The role desperately needs recasting. Jack Black is hilarious, but that's the problem. This movie should be a serious thrill-ride, not slapstick comedy.

And I can guranatee that petitioning/boycotting won't do jack shit, because 1) the entertainment business pays no attention to fan petitions, 2) the boycott won't be big enough to do any signifcant detriment to whoever goes to see the movie and 3) this movie is going to tank anyway.

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I think this could actually work out as well. As horrible as it is to do something like this to the character you have to look at two things:

1) Everyone who already knows about the Green Latern knows the the Hurricane's character is based on him and he has made a comedy out of him.

2) Jack Black has stated on many occassions that he's a comic book fan and a Green Latern fan. He has always been interested in doing a movie like this and that alone will put a peice of seriousness into it whether he realizes he's doing it or not.

Then there's the whole idea they have which is still shit, but those two will have a factor in the movie itself.

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I don't know what Hollywood is coming to First they started to remake films(ex. TCM and the upcoming Superman), Second they are making crappy movies left to right (expect for a few dozen great ones) and Third they are all pinko's commuists.

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