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My lawsuit idea...


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Okay, I have figured just who I'm going to sue to make me my fortune.


Milton Bradley Games!!!

On the basis that the board game "Operation" is sexist.

Now, just think about it. For the past 30 years, kids have only accepted the male patient that comes with the game. Doesn't that teach the wrong kind of value? Doesn't it show that men are above women, that only they should have life saving surgery? Honestly! :lol:

Yes, I'm joking.

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Guest SelfHighFive

My buddy and I will one day play the real-life version of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." You see a car driving too fast in a parking lot, wait until they get near you, and then look the other way and calmy walk out to it, knowing where it is of course so you can make sure you don't actually get pulled under the car.

Money I tell ya. :D

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