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Earthbound 3


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So apparently there is a new EB sequel coming out for the GBA. It was announced the same day as the EB 1+2 game, but since then there has been very little info released on it. So far all I know iiiiiis:

Earthbound 3 Next Year in Japan?

Mother 3 is far away...

According to Shigesato Itoi, the producer of the GameBoy Advance and cancelled N64 version of Mother 3, the game is to 60 percent finished. He thinks that the game will be out in Japan at the end of next year.

A release for Europe or the USA isn't planned.

While I'm glad that the Earthbound franchise isn't dead.... no release for the english speaking community? Nooooooo :angry:

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They better release the game in North America! I love the EarthBound series, and I wouldn't want to do anything illeagal just to get my hands on to it. I'm still waiting the day for Nintendo to make a full 3-D Earthbound rpg for their consoles. Or even better, a Massively Online Pokemon 3-D adventure game, but thats getting off topic :P

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Guest Mr McFarlane


What's the news about Earthbound's 1 + 2? The origional on the Super Nintendo was... just amazing. All the other games were in japanese dammit.

The original was on the Nintendo fool,

Mother 2 (Earthbound) was on SNES.

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Wasn't that in japanese though? I totally forgot about the original.

It was announced the same day as the EB 1+2 game

Makes me think that there's going to be a remake.

EB 1+2 was only released in Japan. It's a collection of Mother (for NES, in Japan) and Mother 2 (Earthbound for SNES), released together on a lil' GBA cartridge.

Apparently they changed a few small things in the conversion, and the sound quality isn't quite up to the original games standards... but still, I'd love to have the collection.

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Guest Mr McFarlane

Wasn't that in japanese though? I totally forgot about the original.

It was announced the same day as the EB 1+2 game

Makes me think that there's going to be a remake.

Yeah but there's an english ROM,



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Guest DynamicJeremyS

Good news.

I loved EB on the SNES and have beaten it countless times.

I always wanted to play EB Zero but it's never been available in the US. I hope this game is sometime released in the US but that's probably not going to happen.

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