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What have you been today?


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Because "what did you play today" is a boring thing to discuss (let's face it, post in the games thread dagnabit!), I thought I'd start a new topic - what have you been today?

Me? I'm cheating on the very first post, I'm counting yesterday, I've been a pro wrestler (SD VS RAW 09), I've been part of a biological warfare unit (Resident Evil 5), I've been the victim of watery watery death (Sonic The Hedgehog), I've been a dwarf (Golden Axe), I've been a mutatable young boy with the coolest shades this side of Velux (Kid Chameleon) and I've been completed a line with L (Tetris).

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Since yesterday I've been a UFC Fighter (UFC: Undisputed), a solider in a post apocalyptic war (Gears 2), the general manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers since 1959 (Baseball Mogul 2010), and Arturo Gatti (Fight Night Round 3).

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Yesterday (since I've only just got back from work), I've been a little king trying to increase his kingdom (Little King's Story), a prisoner trying to escape from his futuristic prison (Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay) and a treasure hunter searching for Drake's hidden treasure (Uncharted).

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I've been a mercenary with malaria tracking down an arms dealer in war-torn Africa while two factions battle it out and I hunt down blood diamonds to purchase more weapons to hopefully get paid and put an end to the conflict by killing said arms dealer, thereby stopping the flow of illegal weapons into the hands of both sides.

Yeah.. Far Cry 2.

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