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These were paired up by me and GoGo Love (:wub:). IMO They're all fairly evenly matched. Vote away!

Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)


I don't know ALL of them but I do know at least one in each match

Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC) (Deadpool is still a badass)

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel) (Silver Surfer is one of my favs

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)


Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC) (Gotta show some love for the nerds)

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC) (Here come the men in black... heh, I love me the batman)

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC) (I don't know who the fuck Deathstroke is, I'm really more of a Marvel man)

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel) (Not that either of them are all that cool...)

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel) (Static? Who the fuck is this jobber?)

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel) (mmmmmmmm... jean grey..... yummy)

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image) (Nerds pwn)

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC) (Venom kicks ass, the whole symbiote thing is perfectly done)

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel) (Both of these guys are so terrible I refuse to take part in either of them winning)


Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)

Punisher > *

Posted (edited)

(Static? Who the fuck is this jobber?)

He's from Milestone Comics. It was sort of a DC sub-company in the early 90's, created to be more "edgy". More or less, all the Milestone guys (Static, Holocaust, etc. etc.) are (imo) rip-offs of the whole Marvel Mutant thing.

If you wanna know more ask Syco, he knows more about Milestone comics ;)

And I figured I'd go ahead and vote as well..

Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Supreme's a badass, but iirc he's not practically invincible like Superman is.

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

Partially because I love me some Marvel and also because, has Batman EVER *killed* anyone on purpose? Deadpool wouldn't hesitate to blow Bats' brains out if it came down to it.

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

Deathstroke's a DC Assassin from what GoGo tells me, but I still vote Punisher...Marvel loyalties y'know ;)

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Not too high on either of them but if I had to choose, it's going to be Silver Surfer. He's just cooler.

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

Electro could whoop Static easy ;)

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

Marvel loyalties again..although I do like WW.

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

According to my sources (Read: GoGo :P ) Invincible is similar to Spidey in attitude and all, but still...it's Spider-Man. C'mon~!

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

Really tough choice because I like both characters. Bane is a badass but, all you really gotta do is take that tube out of his neck and he's a nothing. The symbiote is smart enough to realize that.

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)

Namor > Aqua Man.

Edited by Chemical Imbalance

Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)


Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)


Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)


Punisher > *

I disagree. I think the Punisher is a pretty shitty hero. If he wasn't facing a complete jobber, and was up against... say, MacFarlane's Spawn, he'd get ker-pwn smashed because a unidimensional sack of shit.


Superman (DC) (It's fucking Superman)

Deadpool (Marvel) (Sorry Batman, Deadpool is the shit)

The Punisher (Marvel) (The Punisher's comics were always the most entertaining to me, especially the Jigsaw series)

Green Lantern (DC) (I don't know much about either...but Green Lantern sounds better here)

Electro (Marvel) (This fucker will zap your ass)

Phoenix (Marvel) (Remember the Phoenix saga? She gave the X-Men a few headaches)

Spider-Man (Marvel) (Not so invincible when you face Spiderman, bitch)

Venom (Marvel) (Venom's long tounge will own anybody)

Aqua Man (DC) (Aqua Man, because I don't shit about either of these two)

Where is Ghost Rider? Anybody who's head is a flaming skull couldn't possibly suck.


Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC) -- I know Bane has no shot, but really, this is the battle of the one-note villains who have both completely fallen from grace. At least Bane fucked Batman up big time.

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)

I'll vote until I'm offended and stop. Meaning likely the end of this round. ^_^

Guest Angry Baboon

Superman (DC)

Batman (DC)

Deathstroke (DC)

Green Lantern (DC)

Electro (Marvel)

Wonder Woman (DC)

Spider-Man (Marvel)

Venom (Marvel)

Aqua Man (DC)


Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)


Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Its Supes, and since I don't see the names Doomsday, Batman, or Lex Luthor in the opponent slot, I gotta go with the most overpowered hero to ever walk the planet. Maybe Jimmy Olsen will get killed in it all. We can hope.

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

Deadpool's my boy. I love him like a brother, but in the end, he is just another gun toting, one line throwing, wanna be badass, the type of shit Bats dispatches on a regular basis.

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

GoGo tells me otherwise, but my heart says Punisher. At least till he runs into anyone else in this damn tournament.

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Speaking with GoGo and Cloudy, I have learned it is Hal Jordan, not some bitch ass other GL. Now, I was hoping it would be my favorite GL, Guy Gardner, but facts are facts and Guy would rush his ass into battle and get his ass kicked. Hal, not so much. Hal has a twisted side, and I think he is the ONLY GL that can take Surfer, even with his nigh godlike powers

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

I am the only Static fan in the world, I gotta give him some love. Besides, we're talking ghetto child, Malcom X hat wearing, fry yo' ass Static, not that gay shit on the WB

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

Don't ask me why? Ok... you really want to know? Invisible plane > psychic powers

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

Who? Spidey by default

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

A total mismatch. I would have liked to see Venom vs. Spawn personally.

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)

Aqua calls shark, shark comes, shark eats Namor. Aqua wins


Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Hal Jordan GL > any other GL. Especially that Kyle dude. He was annoying.

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)

Didn't they already have this fight in Marvel Vs DC? I think Aqua Man dropped a whale or something onto Namor immobilising himm thus winning the fight. I'll go with my fairly shaky knowledge, and choose him then.


Winners in bold.

Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel) The Silver Surfer has the best backstory evah, self-sacrificing and surfs through space. That's lush. Fave hero.

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)


Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Unless this Supreme character shits kryptonite, Superman wins easily

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

Its one of the 10 Comic Commandments, No one beats Batman, ever.

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

Punisher based soley on the fact that the new Punisher game is gonna kick ass

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Now here's where I have a problem. Ethics dictate it shouldn't be GL Hal Jordan as he turned his back, and subsequently destroyed, the Green Lantern Corps and became the uber-powerful Paralax, who then expended all his energy to re-light the sun, killing himself in the process.

That means its Kyle Rayner, and Kyle kicks ass, Surfer is bland and underdeveloped and used to be Galactus' bitch so, I pick GL

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

Yeah cause we couldn't have fit Wolverine or Lobo in this tourney :rolleyes:

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

One of them uber-powerful marvel characters

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

Well, he won't live up to that name when throwin down with Spidey

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

Bane, when written correctly, is one of the greatest villians of all time. He's super intelligent, super strong and absolutely merciless. Thus he'd be able to physically handle Venom to begin with and would soon find the symbiote weaknesses.

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)

Again, because we couldn't fit Wolverine, Lobo, Cyclops, Martian Manhunter or many other better heroes in here :rolleyes:



Superman (DC)

Batman (DC)

The Punisher (Marvel)

Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Static (Milestone)

Phoenix (Marvel)

Spider-Man (Marvel)

Venom (Marvel)

Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)


Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel)

Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)

I'm pretty much a Marvel Mark. The Green Latern vs Silver Surfer was really hard.

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