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House of the Dragon (Game of Thrones) Thread


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I enjoyed it. I'm halfway through the second book in the series so I already know where the first season of this is going, but I didn't think at any point that I couldn't be arsed to watch the TV show as well, which is always a good sign when watching something converted from a book I like.

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I've read all 4 books and was eagerly anticipating the start of this show. The first episode delivered and took the numerous POVs in the book and translated them well to TV. I'm not sure whether someone who hasn't read any of the books will be able to keep up as well as I am. I'm hoping this series lives on long enough to put the entire series onto TV. My worry is that Martin won't finish the series by the time the show catches up with him. I did think when I read the books that it would be something to translate into either movies or TV very easily, Martin wrote for TV and it kind of shows in the way he tells the story in the book. I won't be someone to get overly technical with things being left out or added in, I'm just excited this finally happened and hope that the general public catches onto it so the show can last.

Also, I think it's safe to say that Jon Snow, Arya Stark, and Tyrion Lannister are going to be just awesome to watch on TV.

For those who haven't read book 1, stay away.

I also wonder if Sean Bean only will take a role if his character dies. Trevelyan, Boromir, and now Eddard Stark. Just a funny coincidence, I wish they could have had him play someone who doesn't die but that would be impossible now wouldn't it?

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I haven't read the books and I just watched the episode and thought it was good. It isn't that hard to keep up with all the of the characters, but it's definitely hard to care for all of them right of the bat. I think most people are going to pick one or two favorites and wait for what will happen to them and over time get used to everyone.

The show definitely looks beautiful and the climbing scens with Bran reminded me alot of Assassin's Creed, but in a good way.

I'm definitely going to continue watching, especially because the ending was excellent and I want to know what happens next. I'm probably going to check the books out too.

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Just started watching it, I'll update as I go (in spoiler tags so I don't ruin anything, C-Mil I've learned my lesson after the WoT spoiling I did)

The intro

wow, just wow. I loved the start of the book and they've adapted it perfectly. I especially liked the casting of Gared. Whist you feel sorry for the bloke because, well anyone would have legged it in that situation, he's just murky (I think thats the word I want) enough in looks that you can see why Stark assums he's either lying to cover his own cowardice or in league with the Wildings. Plus that beheading was just *shudder*

Ayra! :woot: Sansa :angry:, three seconds she was on the screen as she's already annoying.

Edited by HugoAbs
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Good episode. Never read a single word of the book, so I'm definitely hoping to somehow manage to avoid spoilers as much as possible; I've pulled it off quite a few times, but never over the course of seven years (supposedly this show is going to be seven seasons long?). I'd read the books themselves but I've got so much other shit to get through right now I don't know when I'd start. I was also a bit amused as the episode slowly but surely degenerated into the usual HBO "let's show a ridiculous amount of female nudity because we can" stuff that Boardwalk Empire also loves so much.

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The best part is its like they made an effort to include every scene from the book where there is nudity. And yes, the books are planned to go to 7 (he has consistently raised the number of books the story will take since he started it though) so the TV series would have the equal number of seasons.

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I loved it. Amazing show. The opening scene with the zombie kids were fucking great. Sean Bean is fantastic too, as usual. And I'm loving the King.

Also, everyone should listen to the YoGPoD ( CLICK HERE ) for a hilarious interview with the guy that'll be playing Hodor.

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Sean Bean is great in it. Am I right in saying that the guys who played Fred Flintstone, Sarah Connor and that guy from that firemen show is in it? Also, the young blonde chick looks like Piper whats-its.

But love the presentation so far, ending was wonderful, really can't wait for the next episode.

Also, without revealing too much, can someone tell what the Iron Throne actually is?

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Sean Bean is great in it. Am I right in saying that the guys who played Fred Flintstone, Sarah Connor and that guy from that firemen show is in it? Also, the young blonde chick looks like Piper whats-its.

But love the presentation so far, ending was wonderful, really can't wait for the next episode.

Also, without revealing too much, can someone tell what the Iron Throne actually is?

Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor) isn't in the show.

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