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New Promotion in South East area?

Posted on 07.05.04

There are strong rumors coming out of the south eastern area of Alabama, Florida, and Tennessee that a new promotion may open within the next several weeks or so. While there is nothing known about the promotion, the rumblings we've heard have some strong backing to them as even Dave Meltzer has reported it on the Wrestling Observer.

More on this story as we get it.


MAIN EVENT: Bed of Glass Death Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Sabu vs. Abdullah the Butcher vs. Justice Pain

Special Attraction Match

Ruckus w/ G.I. Hoe vs. JT Smith

Exploding Barbed-Wire Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Corporal Robinson vs. Bull Pain

Electric Fence Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

'Mr. Insanity' Toby Klein vs. Balls Mahoney

Lucha Showcase Match

Super Hentai vs. La Parka II

Taipei Death Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Necro Butcher vs. Damien Steele


MAIN EVENT: Bed of Glass Death Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Sabu vs. Abdullah the Butcher vs. Justice Pain

im a huge Abdullah fan so id be pretty happy if he won here

Special Attraction Match

Ruckus w/ G.I. Hoe vs. JT Smith

Exploding Barbed-Wire Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Corporal Robinson vs. Bull Pain

Electric Fence Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

'Mr. Insanity' Toby Klein vs. Balls Mahoney

Lucha Showcase Match

Super Hentai vs. La Parka II

Taipei Death Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Necro Butcher vs. Damien Steele


MAIN EVENT: Bed of Glass Death Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Abdullah the Butcher

Special Attraction Match


Exploding Barbed-Wire Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Corporal Robinson

Electric Fence Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

'Mr. Insanity' Toby Klein

Lucha Showcase Match

Super Hentai

Taipei Death Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Necro Butcher


BGW I: Night of Pain

Friday, October 15th, 2004

Announcers: Larry Rivera & Steve Prazak

Well, I heard about BGW from a couple of indy websites and decided to check it out. Basically, BGW runs out of the southeast area and focuses on deathmatch wrestling but also mixes in lucha and junior-division style as well. BGW is funded by a company called Coleman Miner, Inc. which is a huge mining company in Alabama and Tennessee so it's safe to say they don't have many money problems. BGW was basically created to bring deathmatch wrestling into a new and previously untouched market of the Southeastern US. I ordered their first show off of Highspots for only $7.99 so it's a pretty good deal. Anyway, here's my thoughts on the show.

- We see a closeup of Dave Prazak's face before the camera zooms out to reveal a smokey bingo hall in Fort Payne, Alabama. Text appears at the top left hand corner of the screen telling us the name of the show, it's date and location, and the announcers which really helps me out. Larry Rivera and Steve Prazak welcome us to the first ever BGW event and hype it like Jesus is back. Dave Prazak, who I assume is Steve's brother -- or am I wrong, tells us that BGW is something new for wrestling fans in Alabama and all the other southeast states. He says that this isn't the candy crap they see on WWE every week. This is hardcore! Prazak informs us that he will oversee everything involved in BGW and that tonight we will see buckets and buckets of blood being spilt all over the place! Prazak then introduces the first match, which is apparently part of the DeathCore title tournament. 50% - Prazak gained.

- Taipei Death Match: Damien Steele v. Necro Butcher. For everybody who isn't into deathmatches, a Taipei deathmatch is where the opponent's fists are taped up and then dipped in glue and glass. Steele and Butcher start things off as if they're boxing, taking punches and attempting to duck the other man's swings. Steele finally catches Butcher with a hard shot to the gut and the crowd explodes at the sight of blood. Butcher catches Steele on a crossbody attempt and drops him across his knee with a backbreaker before driving a fist right into his forehead! Steele is bleeding pretty bad early on, but manages to catapult Butcher to the outside where they begin to exchange hard rights. Butcher swings and Steele ducks, causing him to hit the ring post. Then as Butcher is tending to his hand, Steele drills him from behind with a chair and then dumps him back first onto the guard rail. Back in the ring, Steele goes for the cover but it only gets two. Butcher takes another hard shot or two, but stops Steele in his tracks with a lowblow. Butcher tries to hit Steele in the balls with his glass-covered hand, but Steele kicks him in the face instead. Leg drop gets two and it's obvious that Steele wants to end it soon. Butcher drives a knee into Steele's gut and kidney-punches him, sending blood everywhere. In the corner, Butcher catches Steele with 10 fists as the crowd counts along and by now both men are bleeding heavily. Steele hits a lowblow though and drives out of the corner with a Sit-Out Powerbomb on Butcher. He brings a chair into the ring and hits a Cradle Piledriver to end the match at 8:17. Afterwards, Prazak congradulates him as officials check on Butcher. Alright, I guess.

- Lucha Showcase: La Parka II v. Super Hentai. This is not the original La Parka! Original now goes by L.A. Park and this is apparently a copycat, I guess. You know how it goes in Mexico. Hentai hits a suicide flip as Parka is making his entrance to start. Inside the ring, Hentai hits Parka with a series of kicks in the corner before whipping him into the opposite corner. Splash attempt, but Parka moves and hits Hentai with a DDT instead. Pin gets two, but Hentai's foot gets to the ropes. Parka tries for a Chokehold, but Hentai kickflips over him and hits a slam instead. Leg drop off the middle ropes gets two. Parka rises right into a Hurricanrana that sends him to the outside. Of course, Hentai hits a HBK-esque dive but Parka moves and he dives into the guard rail. Parka tries to finish it off with a Russian Leg Sweep, but Hentai counters into a Fisherman's Buster and the 360º Moonsault for the win at 5:15. Boring for a lucha showcase. Lots of blown spots, too.

- Electric Fence Death Match: Toby Klein v. Balls Mahoney. The announcers inform us that the barbed-wire ropes have 40,000 walts of electricity flowing through them and that if one of these men touch them it'll all be over. Klein is a regular in IWA: Mid-South and Mahoney is making his return to wrestling after a slight hiatus from what I hear. Big brawl to start, until Mahoney whacks Klein with a barbed-wire covered chair he brought with him. Mahoney tries to whip Klein into the barbed-wire but Klein stops himself and hits a DDT on Mahoney instead. Uninspired brawling from both men. Mahoney catches Klein with a hard right and bodyslams him onto the canvas. Strangely, he doesn't slam him onto the barbed-wire as that would end the match too quick. Mahoney drives the chair into Klein's throat and chokes him with it. Klein makes a quick recovery -- almost too quick -- and locks Mahoney into a sleeper. He powers out in a matter of seconds though and hits a Sideslam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Mahoney pulls Klein up and bodyslams him right onto the electrified barbed-wire, which gives way as we see Klein shake, rattle, and roll all over the place. He's wrapped up in the barbed-wire, but that doesn't stop Mahoney from hitting an elbow off the top with the chair for the cover at 7:59. A letdown for me, as they only had one fence spot.

- Exploding Barbed-Wire Death Match: Corporal Robinson v. Bull Pain. I'm confused as to what the difference between this and the previous match's stipulation is but apparently, this barbed-wire explodes instead of shocking you. Great. I wonder where they got those C-4 packets because I've got these damn rabbit holes all over my backyard... Pain starts the match with a forearm to Robinson's visage and then throws him into the corner, oh so close to the barbed-wire. Shots to the gut from Pain, but Robinson hits him with a lowblow and then a clothesline. Bodyslam gets two but we're not ending it without some explosions! Pain kicks Robinson across his head and then spits in his face, calling him a motherfucker. Stiff right from Pain, who hits a beautiful Stalling Suplex on him. Pain retreaves a chair from an attendant and makes quick work of Robinson, blooding him up for good measure. Pain then tries to slam Robinson into the barbed-wire but he slips over his shoulder and hits a Reverse DDT onto the chair! Corporal Robinson is pissed and hits the fuck out of Pain with the chair as he stands. Robinson takes to the top rope and leaps off with a chair shot on Pain. He tries it again, but Pain moves and Robinson flies into the barbed-wire! Big boom and the crowd gasps as flames and smoke cover the ring. Robinson is shown laying on the outside, screaming in pain. The tape then cuts ahead about a minute to show Robinson back in the ring and layed out as Pain ascends to the top rope for a knee to the head to end it at 6:42. Bland and very bad match, but I did like the explosion at the end.

- At this point, Ruckus is accompanied to the ring by the lovely G.I. Ho. I swear, I'd rather bang her than the majority of WWE divas. Ruckus gets on the mike and quickly establishes himself as a heel, saying how much he hates Alabama and the hicks that live in it. He then tells us that the lovely lady beside him is G.I. Ho, his personal slut. Ruckus says that she is the best he's ever had in bed and just to prove how good she is, he's going to give the fans a treat. Ho then lifts her camo skirt to reveal a matching thong. Hey, gotta get some T&A into the show somehow right? Crowd pops for this, but it's interrupted by JT Smith for our next match of the night.

- Ruckus w/ G.I. Hoe v. JT Smith. Smith enters the ring quickly and takes a swing at Ruckus, only to miss as Ruckus ducks. Clothesline from Ruckus drops Smith, but he's up quickly to drive Ruckus back into the corner with a spear. Ruckus manages to floor Smith with a series of forearms to the back of the head and then lays him out with a knee to the back of the head. G.I. Hoe yells and claps for him on the outside as Ruckus pulls Smith up and whips him into the corner for a nice clothesline. Smith counters a Brainbuster into a Snap Suplex for two. Both men are up quickly, but it's Smith who gains the advantage with a Drop Toe Hold. Ruckus still rises to his feet just as fast and races at Smith before taking a boot to the gut. Huge Belly to Belly and both men are down and out. The crowd claps them on and Smith is up first, driving a boot into Ruckus' gut for a DDT. Pin gets two. At this point, Smith calls for the end but G.I. Hoe distracts him as Ruckus stands. Smith then turns right into a Flatliner from Ruckus to end the match at 10:12. Decent match.

- DVD BONUS: This isn't a cookie and it isn't in the Extras section but it is only on the DVD/VHS event. Abdullah the Butcher is shown in a press conference of some sort, talking to Japanese reporters and I'm sure I hear BJPW mentioned once or twice. However, there's a disturbance at the door and as the camera swerves off to the side we see Justice Pain rushing in and diving on Abby, who falls over onto the floor! Pain immediately goes after him with rights and lefts as the reporters scream for help. Abby tries to fight Pain off, but he is much younger and faster than Abby and thus has a huge advantage here. Pain retreaves a chair and wallops Abby across the side several times with it before looking at the reporters and telling them that 'Justice Pain said to go back to Japan and take Abby with them.'

- Bed of Glass Death Match: Justice Pain v. Abdullah the Butcher v. Sabu. The first five minutes of the match, Abby is nowhere to be seen and the announcers tell us that it's because of Justice Pain's brutal attack earlier today. In this match, four boxes filled with broken glass from bottles, windows and the like are placed around ringside and the object of the match is to throw your opponent onto one of them. Pain and Sabu, as I said before, are the only two men in the ring for about the first five minutes and are thus left to entertain the fans without the help of Abby. Pain dominates Sabu in the corner for a good minute or so, laying into him with stomps and the like. Finally, Sabu powers out of it and drives Pain back with a football like tackle before drilling him with several hard chops. Pain uses the ropes to regain his balance but Sabu comes right at him! Sick bump here at 4:12 as Pain ducks and then pushes Sabu over the ropes and onto a box of glass. Crowd groans and even I'm looking away as we get a closeup of Sabu's red back, covered in shards of glass. Pain poses in the ring with a smirk, but here comes Abby with a huge carving fork in hand! Pain attempts to exit the ring, but Sabu is back in and catches him with a dropkick as Abby enters. Headbutt to Sabu and Pain stands right into the fork. FORK FORK FORK FORK FORK FORK! Blood goes everywhere, but here comes Sabu to lay out Abby with a chair shot. Pain exits the ring and checks on his butchered forehead as Sabu continues to battle with Abby. Finally, Pain reenters with a weedwhacker in hand! The crowd explodes as we hear the sounds of the weedwhacker  and Pain makes quick work of Sabu, ramming the weapon into his gut. Blood goes everywhere as Sabu drops to his knees in pain but it's Abby that Pain really wants. In the corner, Abby attempts to get away but Pain drives the weed whacker into his face and holds it there. Finally, the whacker's motor burns up and smoke goes everywhere. Tossing it aside, Pain pulls a bloody Sabu up and lifts him up before throwing him over onto the bed of glass! More gasps from the crowd, but Pain isn't done yet as he rolls Abby to the outside and begins rolling his head around in the glass. Pain lays Abby in the glass and then hits a splash off the apron onto him and you can actually hear the grass break under him. Sabu returns to the ring with blood all over him and tries to attack Pain, but cannot pull it off due to his blood loss. Pain then hits Sabu with a Tombstone Piledriver onto a chair to end the match at 17:14. **¼

Well, I can't say it was the greatest event in the world but it was pretty good if you're a blood mark. I was bored at some parts but on the edge of my seat at others so it really depends on your tastes in wrestling for this show. I'm looking forward to picking up BGW's next show and for a price of only $7.99, you really can't go wrong. I'll give this show a thumbs in the middle. Reportedly, BGW had an attendance of around 1,400.


Pretty nice show. Although I'd be careful of the side slam/Nash comment. IIRC that was one of the things one of the EWR reporters said. Don't want this diary to be closed on a false accusation of copy/pasting.


BGW News & Notes

Posted on 11.01.04

- Just a month in, BGW has reportedly already had some financial troubles and were forced to request a whopping $1,000,000 upfront from their investors, Coleman Miner, Inc. As a result of this, BGW will stick with competitors who don't call for such high rates per appearence for the next couple of months until they can turn a profit on their own.

- BGW II is shaping up nicely, as Ruckus and Justice Pain have already been signed for the show. Hardcore Ninja #2, Jerrelle Clark, and Oman Turtoga are also signed for the show that will be held on November 17th from Baton Rogue, Louisiana.

- Despite the rumors of financial troubles, BGW has been in contact with several new faces that they hope to bring in within the next few months -- John Kronus, Mustafa Saed, and Joey Matthews. Burchill was also preparing to apply for a US visa for a few shows with BGW but all four men have been told that for now they aren't needed.

- As we all know, the DeathCore Title tournament will come to a head at BGW II but the rumors are that once a DeathCore champ has been crowned, BGW will announce a 10-Man Battle Royal to crown a BGW Heavyweight champion.


BGW releases final card for 11/17 BGW II

BGW has released the final card for BGW II, which will be held from Baton Rogue, Louisiana on November 17th. It is as follows:

MAIN EVENT: Bed of Gore Death Match

DeathCore Tournament Final

Match 1 Winner vs. Match 2 Winner

Rattrap Board Death Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Justice Pain vs. Damien Steele

Nail Bat Death Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Bull Pain vs. Balls Mahoney

Jr. Division Match

Hardcore Ninja #1 vs. 'Mr. 360' Jerrelle Clark

Ruckus vs. Oman Turtoga

BGW II is being held at Jake's Bar and Grill, just off I-95 coming from Lafayette. Tickets are $8 at the door for general admission. Drinks are half off.


Rattrap Board Death Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Justice Pain vs. Damien Steele

Nail Bat Death Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Bull Pain vs. Balls Mahoney

Jr. Division Match

Hardcore Ninja #1 vs. 'Mr. 360' Jerrelle Clark

Ruckus vs. Oman Turtoga

MAIN EVENT: Bed of Gore Death Match

DeathCore Tournament Final

Match 1 Winner = Steele vs. Match 2 Winner = Mahoney


BGW releases final card for 11/17 BGW II

BGW has released the final card for BGW II, which will be held from Baton Rogue, Louisiana on November 17th. It is as follows:

MAIN EVENT: Bed of Gore Death Match

DeathCore Tournament Final

Justice Pain

Rattrap Board Death Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Justice Pain

Nail Bat Death Match

DeathCore Title Tournament

Balls Mahoney

Jr. Division Match

'Mr. 360' Jerrelle Clark


BGW II is being held at Jake's Bar and Grill, just off I-95 coming from Lafayette. Tickets are $8 at the door for general admission. Drinks are half off.


BGW II: DeathCore in Baton Rogue

Wednesday, November 17th, 2004

Announcers: Larry Rivera & Steve Prazak

BGW is back this month with its second event, entitled DeathCore in Baton Rogue. Last month we saw the opening round of the DeathCore tournament and tonight, the first Champion will be crowned. Once again, you can order BGW tapes from Highspots and now Smart Mark Video for only $7.99 so hurry up and do so before they close down and you're forced to purchase them for twice as much!

- Rivera and Prazak welcome us to the show and hype tonight's card. They review last month's show, focusing on Justice Pain and Abdullah the Butcher so I assume they're setting up a program between the two. They inform us that Dave Prazak, the BGW Enforcer, has the DeathCore title with him and will award the belt to the winner of tonight's tournament finals. But first, it's a Jr. Division showcase match.

- Jerrelle Clark v. Hardcore Ninja #1. Generally, you'll hire Hardcore Ninja #2 but I guess BGW forgot to do so. Anyway, Clark gets things going with a tieup into a generic headlock. Ninja takes Clark over with a dragon whip and then a shoulderblock. Mr. 360 trips Ninja up and then floors him with a stiff kick, but misses a spear and eats the turnbuckle post. Ninja takes Clark by the legs and begins spinning him around and around before tossing him halfway across the ring. Baseball slide connects on Clark, but Ninja goes for a moonsault instead of the pin and it misses, of course. Northern Lights Suplex from Clark gets two, but it's just not enough to put Ninja out. Clothesline from Mr. 360 misses and Ninja goes for the Yakuza Kick, but Clark counters by grabbing his leg and then hitting a Spinning Heel Kick. 360 Summersault from Clark, but Ninja rolls away! Ninja grabs a drowsy Clark and hits the One Man Pearl Harbour for the win at 8:53. Bad match here and I know Clark can do better. DUD

- Nail Bat Death Match: Balls Mahoney v. Bull Pain. The basic premis of this match is as follows - a baseball bat with nails hammered all through it is layed in the center of the ring and both men will start on opposite sides of the arena, running towards the ring. Whoever gets there first and gets the bat will have the advantage to begin. And probably have the match in the bag, too. Of course, these two will more or less work there way through a bar so yeah. We count down from ten and then both men take a run for the ring. Pain gets there first with about 5 seconds to spare and nails Mahoney across the back with the bat as he enters. Mahoney attempts to push Pain away, but takes a shot from the bat to the back of his head. Pain beats away at Mahoney with the bat for a good minute or so, before pulling him up and slinging him into the ropes. Pain swings like he's Sammy Sosa or something, but Mahoney ducks and levels him with a boot-DDT combo instead. Mahoney now has the bat in his grasp and takes it to Pain with several hard shots. Pain stands right into a bodyslam onto the bat and he sells it like crazy. Leg drop gets two, but this ain't over. Pain manages to snatch the bat from Mahoney and it flies out of the ring. They both make a mad scramble for it, but Pain gets there first and drives the bat into Mahoney's gut. He then whacks it across his back and begins rubbing the bat across his face like crazy. Back in the ring, Bull Pain hits an elbow drop on Mahoney with the bat and gets two. Pain retreaves a chain from ringside and tries to choke Mahoney with it, but Balls has the bat and lays Pain out! Balls uses the chain to tie Pain to the ropes and then has his way with him. DDT onto the bat and the match is over at 14:59. **¼

- Rattrap Board Death Match: Justice Pain v. Damien Steele. We actually get some wrestling here. Pain starts things off with some slugging right hands and throws Steele into the corner. He lands some chops and tries to dump Steele over the ropes, but he's having none of it and kicks Pain in the head instead. Nice dropkick from Steele followed by a headbutt that nearly ends the match prematurely. Pain manages to duck a clothesline from Steele and hits a Reverse Neckbreaker instead. He teases tossing Steele into the box of rattraps, but hits a Snake eyes onto the ropes instead. Steele lands on his feet on the apron and just manages to duck an oncoming Pain, who goes flying head first to the outside just inches from the rattraps! Steele ascends to the top rope and hits a double ax handle smash onto Pain and both men are down and out on the outside. Steele is up first and attempts to slam Pain onto the rattraps, but he slips over his shoulder and clips his knee. Pain lifts Steele onto his shoulders and throws him into the turnbuckle post before landing a DDT on the concrete! Chair shot lays Steele out and Pain tells us that it's time to end things. He tries to throw Steele onto the traps, but he evades Pain and levels him with a chair shot instead. Steele lays the chair across Pain's face and then hits a leg drop off the ring apron with a sickening thud. Back inside, Steele goes for the Cradle Piledriver to end it but we're gonna get at least a couple spots with the rattraps first. Steele brings in some barbed-wire and bodyslams Pain right onto it! Pain flops about like a fish, but manages to move out of the way of an oncoming Damien Steele who flies right into the barbed-wire! Pain hits another Snake Eyes on the ropes and Steele falls onto the ring apron. As he stands, Pain comes at him with a dropkick and Steele goes flying off onto the rattraps! We hear several loud snaps and then a scream from Steele, who rolls away quickly as he tries to get them off his back. Pain brings Steele back into the ring and hits the Pain Thriller! One, two, three and this one is finally over at 17:19. **½

- Oman Turtoga vs. Ruckus w/ G.I. Hoe. Slow start here, with Ruckus keeping Turtoga grounded for the most part. Turtoga comes off the ropes with a nice Crossbody and then hits a dropkick to take Ruckus off his feet. Ruckus rushes at him for a clothesline, but gets taken down in an armdrag. Turtoga spears Ruckus to the outside and they begin to exchange fists with one another. G.I. Hoe tries to get involved, but Turtoga pushes her away and then gets floored by a right from Ruckus. He checks on Hoe before bringing Turtoga back into the ring and hitting a knee to the throat for two. Sleeper attempt and we go through the raise the arm once, twice, and it shoots up on third. Turtoga rises and whips Ruckus into the ropes for a dropkick. Michinoku Driver attempt from Turtoga as he stands, but Ruckus slips over his shoulder and connects with a boot to the gut. Stalling Suplex connects and Ruckus calls for the end here. Leg Drop connects and that does it for Turtoga. Afterwards, Ruckus calls for a mic and tells us that no one can beat him. He then tells Dave Prazak that next month, he wants a shot at the BGW Heavyweight title and he doesn't care who he has to go through to get it.

- We cut ahead a minute or two to find Dave Prazak in the ring holding a large golden belt with BGW's logo on it. The word 'DeathCore' is written in the middle in large, bold red letters and is covered in golden barbed-wire. Prazak tells us that this is what BGW is all about and that in just a matter of minutes, we'll have a new Champion. Prazak says that next month, at BGW III, there will be a battle royal to determine the first ever BGW Heavyweight Champion and that Ruckus will be a participate, but so will 9 other BGW competitors. In any case, this is now and that is later. So let's crown a DeathCore champion!

- Bed of Gore Death Match for BGW DeathCore Title: Justice Pain v. Balls Mahoney. Inside the middle of the ring is a huge sandbox filled with thumbtacks, glass shards, staples, fish hooks, and needles. The ropes are also strung with exploding barbed-wire and we're sure in for a classic here. Pain enters first with a barbed-wire covered chair in toe and next comes Balls, who has the baseball bat from earlier with him. As he enters, Pain swings the chair but he ducks and takes Pain down with a boot to the gut. Mahoney swings the bat at Pain but he blocks it with the chair and then drives the chair into his knee, taking him down. Justice lets Balls have it with several chair shots, ripping the side of his tights away to reveal a bloody mess! Mahoney plays possum and drives the bat into Pain's stomach, pushing him away. Mahoney rushes at Pain, but he ducks and backdrops him into the bed of gore! Let's get a Bee Gee Dub chant going, damnit. Mahoney sells it like a bitch and rolls around in pain. Nice zoom-in shot of his bloody back as Pain rips his shirt away and begins rubbing the barbed-wire of his chair across his back. Pain drives the chair into Mahoney's neck and calls for the end, but Balls somehow evades the Pain Thriller and drops Pain with the DDT into the sandbox! Pain rolls away and frantically scrubs at his head which is covered in blood from the glass and thumbtacks. Mahoney tries to slam Pain into the barbed-wire ropes but he hits a lowblow on him instead. They tease several rope spots, including Mahoney doing a drunken man selling and almost falling into the ropes. Pain drills him with the baseball bat and then drops him throat first across the ropes with a Snake Eyes! BOOM! Huge explosion and smoke goes everywhere as Mahoney just lays there in pain. He tries to move, but he's hung up in the ropes and sets off another mine on accident. Pain simply yanks him out of the barbed-wire and hits a Pittsburgh Plunge onto the Bed of Gore. Pin, but he's somehow out at 2.99999. How the FUCK did he kick out? Oh yeah, because Pain has to take a fucking hardcore spot. Pain goes for the Powerbomb but Mahoney kicks the shit out of him and then drives him back into the corner. Bodyslam right onto the barbed-wire and holy shit, 5 or 6 mines are set off! Blood's pouring everywhere and no one is moving. Mahoney is out on the inside and Pain has fallen to the outside, wrapped up in barbed-wire. Mahoney crawls to the outside and brings Pain back in for the Nutcracker Suite. It connects, but Balls can't make the pin for a good minute or so. Because of this, the pin's only worth 2.99999. Damnit, I'm wondering how Pain can keep going at this point. He's bleeding everywhere. EVERYWHERE. His face, his back, his stomach, even his fucking legs. Balls ain't much better either. Smoke is still rolling around the grill, mixing in with the cigarette fog. Balls uses the bat to pull himself up and unfolds the steel chair. He sets Pain in it and goes for a Crossbody from the top but Pain moves at the last second! Holy shit!!! Mahoney isn't moving at all but Pain has enough energy to pull him up and hit a Powerbomb onto the bed of gore. Top rope attempt, but Pain stumbles and falls right onto the barbed-wire ropes! BOOM BAM WHAM BOOOOMMM!!!! Pain is on the outside and he isn't moving. Balls is on the inside and he isn't moving. The crowd is speechless. Mahoney finally stirs after a good minute or so. Pain is attempting to reenter the ring. Balls yanks him on in but can't do much else. They both lay there for awhile, before climbing to their feet. Pain gets up first and hits Balls with a strong boot to the gut. Chair shots drops him to his knees and by god, the Pain Thriller connects onto the Bed of Gore! Pain covers and it's over at 34:51!! ***½

- After the match was over, Dave Prazak made his way to the ring with the DeathCore title in hand. Pain retreaved a chair from ringside and sat down in it as he snatched the belt from Prazak and raised his arms into the air. Afterwards, Prazak congradulated him and asked if he'd like to say anything. Pain then told Abdullah the Butcher that he hoped he was watching this and that when he returned to BGW, he would be waiting on him. With that, the show came to an end and Prazak thanked us for coming.

A solid event that lagged at times, but was mostly on the up and up. Justice Pain really proved himself worthy to be the Deathcore Champion and I'm looking forward to his program with Abby. Next month's show should be just as good with a Heavyweight champ being crowned, but as you can see, the DeathCore title is going to be the main focus of BGW for now which is a good thing in my eyes. There was around 1,200 people at the event, so Jake's Bar & Grill was filled.


The jobbing of Damien Steele makes me cry, but then again, he's never really been a deathmatch worker, even in XPW. I would have given the belt to Balls, because I just can't see Justice Pain being the Champion of a Deathmatch division. Oh well. I would pay to see a Balls/Abdullah feud. Justice/Abdullah will be good aswell, I'm sure.

Hold an event in Tennessee already :shifty:


BGW News + Notes

Posted on 12.07.04

- GWB have fallen to a Regional level, and are now viewed as a large regional promotion in the 70% to 80% area by their fanbase. Even so, they were able to turn the corner and make money last month due to their cost cutting measures that basically cut off all advertising and and merchandising, but are expected to raise their advertising campaign within the next month or so.

- GWB III, which will be held on December 10th from Nashville, Tennessee, will be the event that crowns the first ever GBW Heavyweight Champion in a 10-Man Battle Royal. GBWrestling.com has the competitors for the match listed and they are: Ruckus, Gary Wolfe, JT Smith, Apocalypse, Joey Matthews, Chris Stylez, Derrick King, Adam Booker, John Kronus, and Steve Corino! This will be the first GBW event for several of the competitors in the Battle Royal but needless to say, they are all worthy of a shot at the Heavyweight title.

- Abdullah the Butcher has made the announcement that following GWB III, he will retire from active competition and because of this, GWB has signed Justice Pain vs. Abdullah the Butcher for the 12/10 show in Nashville! The DeathCore title won't be on the line because this isn't about titles -- this is about respect.

- On an interesting note, Super Dragon has checked into the Bakersville Rehab Center in California for his cocain addiction. Dragon apparently sent an e-mail out to all the promotions he had upcoming tour dates with and said that his health was the most important thing to him but that he would repay everyone by showing up for their shows once he was out of rehab and clean.

- Corporal Robinson and Bull Pain will face off for the second time in a rematch at BGW III. Robinson requested this match from BGW officials, claiming that he would destroy Pain and who are we to deny the fans of some blood and guts? With an already stacked card for the 12/10 show, Robinson vs. Pain has been added in a Lighttubes Death Match!

- James Hendrix, Damien Steele, and the Altar Boys have all been signed to the 12/10 show but in what role we don't know. Last month Steele was involved in a brutal semi-finals match against Justice Pain that he came away the loser of, but he has told BGW that he wants a chance to redeem himself and he'll most-likely get it tonight.


BGW III card for 12/10 Nashville show

We're gearing up for the third BGW event held to date and it'll be live just days from Christmas in Nashville, Tennessee! Tickets are $8 for general admission and the show begins at 8/7 CT at the West Nashville High School Gymnasium. Not only is this BGW's debut in Tennessee but this will be the last time Abdullah the Butcher graces a ring and it's sure to be a spectacle!

MAIN EVENT: Exploding Ring, Barbed-Wire Rope Death Match

Abdullah the Butcher vs. Justice Pain

10 Man Battle Royal for the BGW Heavyweight Title

The competitors are: Ruckus, Gary Wolfe, JT Smith, Apocalypse, Joey Matthews, Chris Stylez, Derrick King, Adam Booker, John Kronus, Steve Corino

Lighttubes Death Match

Bull Pain vs. Corporal Robinson

Tag Team Showcase

The Altar Boys vs. Outcast Killahs

#1 Contendership for the BGW Heavyweight Title

Damien Steele vs. Sonny Siaki vs. John Walters

James Hendrix vs. Mustafa Saed w/ Vanessa


MAIN EVENT: Exploding Ring, Barbed-Wire Rope Death Match

Abdullah the Butcher vs. Justice Pain

10 Man Battle Royal for the BGW Heavyweight Title

The competitors are: Ruckus, Gary Wolfe, JT Smith, Apocalypse, Joey Matthews, Chris Stylez, Derrick King, Adam Booker, John Kronus, Steve Corino

Lighttubes Death Match

Bull Pain vs. Corporal Robinson

Tag Team Showcase

The Altar Boys vs. Outcast Killahs

#1 Contendership for the BGW Heavyweight Title

Damien Steele vs. Sonny Siaki vs. John Walters

James Hendrix vs. Mustafa Saed w/ Vanessa

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