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Posts posted by illroxursox

  1. The best episodes are Trapped IN the Closet and the one where are the parents are freaking out about child molesters/abductors, Where they get the Chinese guy to build like a great wall around south park, and the Mongolians keep invading.

    Goddamn Mongolians break down my chitty wall.

    Best Permanent characters are Randy Marsh ( Stans Dad ) and Mrs/Mr Garrison

    Best On/Off characters are Towlie/Mr.Slave/ R.Kelly

  2. I think its a great way to keep interest going out the way it did. I think Peter is becoming more and more interesting to watch, not only is he able to mimic other peoples powers but also he appears to have premonitions. I can just see him being like "The Messiah" The only one who can stop Sylar, chances are he can use any of the powers Sylar has so hes really the only one who can stand up and fight him. I believe the headache's and ect are the result of using powers his body isn't used to. So I figure he will work against the vision and learn to harness the powers and control them. But the way the vision was it seemed to show him as kind of an outsider. He will probably need the help from the rest to avoid that disaster.

    And it does really suck that Claire seems to be all alone, I think somehow she will go to Peter because he seems to be the only one there for her now.

    Eden dying was unexpected for me, I thought her and Mohinder would bump uglies. But she did seem to be the least popular character.

    Damn I can't wait till it comes back on!

  3. Theres only 3 good characters in my opinion Peter,Claire, and Hiro. Nikki bores me, Michael well hes becoming a bit more interesting so I doubt it would be him. Nathan really doesn't seem to be too strong of a character to be around long unless they give him more lines. I would say it was Issac but his power seems vital to the future so I'm not sure. I hope if anyone its Nathan, although killing Nikki would be a good idea so I don't fall asleep watching. Nathan just seems the most "disposable" so I would go with him. I mean... Wow he can fly.....blah

    I am curious to see how they're powers will grow, Maybe Peter will be able to absorb power for a long period, maybe able to use other powers absorbed away from the owner for a set time. Sounds like that would be possible. And Hiro would be alot cooler if he could take a set number of people with him when he bends time/teleports. and Claire.... Well where can she go from there? She can't be killed very easily. Anyway, Any thoughts people? I would love to discuss possible story lines.

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