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Posts posted by Bloody

  1. WWE Championship

    Edge© vs. Rob Van Dam

    Great fight you have here, but RVD just not good enough. Maybe in Summerslam.

    World Heavyweight Championship

    Triple H vs. Kurt Angle©

    Kurt Angle with title much-much better, the Tirple H with title. And my opinion - HHH need feud not for a lWorld Heavyweight Tlitle.

    Maybe for another lower titles, like for raise prestiege, lmaybe, U.S. Title with Benoit or Orton?

    Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge

    Shelton Benjamin© vs. ???

    Shelton loses. I' don now way extacly.. maybe because his attitude?

    United States Championship

    Chris Benoit© vs. Randy Orton[/b[

    My Pick here - Randy orton. Because he cock Legend Killer, because he cool Legeend Killer. Because he, maybe, chalenge Angle for Title.

    Money in the Bank Ladder Match

    Chris Masters vs. Carlito vs. Kane vs. John Cena

    I'm bad man anyway. Kill Me. John. Cena. Yeah. I pick this. I do it in my diary. And then Cena do this Like-Edge-Thing on Edge and turn heel.

    The Undertaker vs. The Boogeyman

    If you want "kill" The Undertaker charackter (i want, and i do it - in my Armaggedon whe Randy Orton RKO'ed Daed Man) The Boogeyman win.

    Street Fight

    Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon

    No comment. I'm think mr. "Zero Tolerance" wint this match,

    WWE Tag Team Titles

    MNM© vs. Brian Kendrick & Paul London

    Good push.

    Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk

    i'm don't like this match. Hardy - lower midcarder. bad idea fo rme.

    Keep work. I enjoy your Diary. (Y)

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