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Posts posted by phillip2272

  1. As long as it was a road trip to Vegas, or somewhere awesome like that, no one can blame ya, lol

    Well I live in Manchester, England so that would have been an amazing road trip to make it to Vegas and back in a weekend by car! But you know what they say...Scotland is the Vegas of The UK...If your blind, poor and stupid!

    >Did not know you were from UK. Should of read your profile better. Im sure Scotland would be fun to visit to. It has the drinking of Vegas but not the other stuff. Or Maybe im thinking of Ireland..... :/

  2. As long as it was a road trip to Vegas, or somewhere awesome like that, no one can blame ya, lol

    Well I live in Manchester, England so that would have been an amazing road trip to make it to Vegas and back in a weekend by car! But you know what they say...Scotland is the Vegas of The UK...If your blind, poor and stupid!

    Did not know you were from UK. Should of read your profile better. Im sure Scotland would be fun to visit to. It has the drinking of Vegas but not the other stuff.

  3. I really dont remember Taka Michinoku to much, so I guess im one of the few that didnt give a.... about him. I only know of Funaki cause of his idiotic Kung Funaki thingy, lol. I dont know if that team was before me watching or not, I did watch the later part of the Attitude era, so if they were early attitude Era, or featured mostly on Heat/Velocity(I didnt watch either), then that could explain it. On 2nd Thought, I agree with Boogeyman, lol. Like I said, I loved that character.

  4. Boogeyman was awesome. Dont care what everyone thinks. However, its suppose to be an all-star scenario. So the big names should be the only ones added, the all stars that did something, like MVP. He at least won titles, and Boogeymans claim to fame was... eating worms, not exactly all star status.

    Maybe Steph and Sunny to Attitude Era?

    Modern Day divas would be easy, just add anyone currently on the roster, lol, along with the names currently there.

    Dont know much about the 80s diva roster. I know it had Rockin' Robin and Wendi Ricter, other then that, dont know, didnt watch until the Attitude Era.

    Think Kennedy shouldnt be in any WWE! He has had what 2 title reigns in TNA and Zero(other then a US i believe) In WWE. He is imo, much more suited to TNA and they could use him more then a stacked WWE roster.

    And whats with the addition of two jobbers to the attitude era roster? Boogeyman did more then they did, imo, why the heck were they added. Just wondering why them? I mean Owen hart makes since as he can be a future star, Virgil can act as a manager, so hes fine. And the Brawler can just job to everyone, lol. But Funaki and Taka? Who would they face every night other then themselfs? Seems like their is no reason to include them. Looking at the roster, its really good without them and they really arent needed as most of the roster is a bunch of heavyweights/tag teams.

  5. I think Hogan should go to WCW. Though he should fit in original WWF as well. Angle in Ruthless Aggression WWE? He really isnt attitude era, and he did not last to present day WWE. If u use Open Contracts, you can put Angle in TNA and Ruthless Aggression.

    So Maybe 3 WWEs then?

    Ruthless Aggression/Modern Day

    Attitude Era

    WWF/1985-95/Pre Attitude Era

  6. I can live without AWA and WCCW, lol

    Sry, this is like the first Scenario I ever wanted to play and I really dont even need those two promotions. Also no ROH?! LOL.

    I Mean if its done up to AWA and WCCW, and they are the only two missing, Im sure some people, other then me, wouldnt mind not having them.

  7. Im not sure of this one myself, but I will mention it just to see what is said about it. I think it is stupid, but I think a lot of stuff WWE does is stupid.

    Rename Raw Supershow to Monday Night Raw Starring Brock Lesnar

    Its part of the storyline, I know, but you renamed Raw to Raw Supershow as part of a storyline, so... Maybe wait till they advertise it for the first time?

    Dont hate, but if they rename it in real life to that shouldnt we rename it in the game? Just wondering what the course of action should be in this case.

    And I wasnt sure if spoiler tags should of been used, so better save then sorry. I dont think it requires it.

  8. Anyone have the Wrestler Joker(Not the Batman Villian) AKA Colt Cabunny? I searched this thread and couldnt find him. I searched under both names and still came up with ZIP. A good Background and good quality would be nice, but Id take anything. Thanks in advance...

  9. Not sure if this has been mentioned. But Lucha Libre USA should have Two Titles

    Lucha Libre USA Heavyweight Championship

    Lucha Libre USA Tag Team Championship

    They have tournaments for both, but no title holders yet...

    Id say 60 image for Heavyweight and 40 image for Tag Team. Based on ROH's Title belt Images and projected first champions...

    Also add Carlito to the LL USA Roster on an open contract and Rename him Carlitos Colon(I would of said just call him Carlitos but it is taken by someone else, so add the Colon part as well)...

    Maybe also up RJ Brewers overness to around 44???

    Please and thank you...

    TNA: Maybe rename Hardcore Justice as Hard Justice. As far as I can see, it was an one time event, next year it should go back to Hard Justice...

  10. -Kane was amazing on the mic on tonight's episode of Smackdown. I'd raise his charisma to the 86-88 mark.

    I 3rd, or 4th that request. His Charisma is so low cause he didnt speak much up untill the last few months, but his words come out so smoothly, and beliveable, that I almost think that Taker really is his brother, and that Taker really is in a vegetative state. Most wrestlers mess up from time to time, but he says all of his promos without flaw, and his expressions are great as well. Id say more like the 90 mark for him...

  11. I think Sting should be changed from a "non-wrestler" back to a Main Eventer.  He is working a lot of TV lately.  

    I second that, but I always change him before I start the promotion myself anyways. If he is a non-wrestler, then Nash, Hall, Jarrett and possibly a few others should be non-wrestlers as well...

    While we are on to TNA, why is Mick Foley still on their roster exactly? He hasnt been on TV since March or so, since the loser gets fired match with Double J, and he is still a main eventer. If he is still under contract with them, he should be changed to Non-Wrestler, atleast for the time being...

    Also Lacey Von Erich deserves a Charisma Bump. Maybe it just me that loves her voice, and she really isnt that bad on a mic, and lets not forget that half of charisma is in ring mannerisms, I dont know about you, but I found that moment last week with the little person from pint sized brawlers freaking funny. I always raise it to 72 myself, somewhere around their...

    • Like 2
  12. Personally, I'd lover Kaval's overness at least 5 points.

    He's currently listed as having a 63 overness in the game. If we had to lower Daniel Bryan's overness to be on WWE NXT, then we definitely should lower Kaval's, as right now he's not at all more over then Daniel Bryan, he hasn't even appeared on tv long enough for a reaction yet!

    Bryan (if I'm not mistaken) has 61 overness right now? If so, I think 58 is fine for Kaval.

    EDIT: Also, I saw in the original EWRevenge data, Daniel Bryan's gimmick was unique. I think if he once had the gimmick he should deserve to have it again.

    I think "Man on a Mission" Would be a better gimmick then "Angry Young Man". Unless you give him Unique back, which I would be all for. Im saying he should have Man on a Mission, as he is on a Mission to prove Cole and Miz wrong that he is really as good as he really is. Angry Young man, to me is a heelish gimmick, but Man on a Mission is face, to me, even though I think both can be used for either Heel or Face. Or go back to "No Gimmick Needed", as he has never needed a Gimmick before...

    Also, I agree with Kaval being lower then Bryan in overness... Maybe Raise Bryan to 63 Overness(He just beat The Miz on Raw!) and lower Kaval to 60, I heard he got a huge pop on NXT last night...

    • Like 1
  13. I dis-agree with Rhinos overness being lowered. Just a few years ago he was world champ, what 4 or 5 years ago, I forget. Why would his overness be lowered for? I have only seen it take a nosedive in recent updates...

    If you lower his overness, Lower Sabu, DDP, Monty Brown, Buff Bagwell, Roddy Piper, JBL, Ken Shamrock, just to name a few as well...

    I dont want you to lower any of those peoples overness... Im just making my point. Just cause Rhino hasnt been on TV for awhile, like the ones mentioned above, doesnt mean his overness should be dropped...

    So...Rhino overness should be at about 77, same as Ravens...


    On to another topic. Can we raise TNA's PI to 10 Global? Not that I think they should be global, Infact I feel they are only National in real life, however, with them having a good roster and a TV show, they get risen to Global within a month or two every time...

    That means your whole overness system gets thrown out of whack just a few months in as everyone on the TNA roster gets an overness boost when they reach global. So all the time you have spent getting everyones overness just right goes out the door within few months...

    Another way around this would be to lower everyones overness by 2 or 3 points each on the TNA roster. Im just sick of getting the message "TNA has risen to Global" within the first few months of my new promotion, and then finding out Ric Flair, Kurt Angle are both 100% over and I dont have anyone 100% over...

    • Like 3
  14. Also someone said earlyier that "Stiffness is how hard you hit." Which makes me scratch my head. I always thought it was a bad thing to have a high amount of stiffness. As with someone like Kaval who has 75 Stiff, I get a email from someone I put him against complaining that "He was working to stiff, so I could of gotten hurt"...

    So I think how hard you hit/how strong you are should all go under Brawling, and Stiffness is more of a reflection on how well you pull your punches, or how well you work with weapons without hurting people. If stiffness is a reflection on how strong you are, how come people complain about "Possibly getting hurt"...

    While I am on the topic. How come Kaval has so high stiff for? 75? Really? Their is no way he hits that hard, that is HIGHER then big show. So if stiffness really is how hard you hit, then one would think Big Show, whos main finisher now is a Knockout Punch, would have a higher Stiffness then Kaval...

    Im just saying, I have always considered stiffness a bad thing, and it is in no way reflecting how hard you throw a punch...

  15. Why is he apologizing for? I found the movie rather enjoyable(Up till the ending didnt make any since). It was a good action comedy that reminded me why I liked the original Indy movies in the first place. Yeah it wasnt as good as those were, but he did a really good job in it, he has become one of my favorite actors right now...

    I liked the "Peppys Vs Bikers" Sock Hop Fight. Even though that was the biggest cliche in the whole movie, it made me laugh so hard as I was all like "Yep, thats Indy Movies for you."

    It isnt his fault the Direction and writing in this movie wasnt as good as the other Indy movies, his acting in it acturally saved the movie for me...

  16. I don't think FSW Vegas is big enough to be added to the game, but that might change in a few months.

    You can find info @ http://www.myspace.com/futurestarsofwrestling

    From what I hear, the godfather and Van Dam showed up in April. I hear they have a tv deal in Vegas that starts on May 29th. (Cox Cable 48 @midnight) Raven is the next big star they're looking to land. They're aso opening a training facility with Mike Modest.

    EDIT: Also, they're trying to land Tommy dreamer.

    At least I got the name right, lol...

    If they landed a TV deal and have the Support of Raven, Dreamer and Van Dam(Assuming RVD). Then in 2 or 3 months they should be added, buy I think I have to agree with you that this "request" is a few months to early at the present time...

  17. I live in Las Vegas. Smackdown airs on MyNetworkTV, which you already know, anywho, they show local commercials like crazy, and they had a commercial for Future Superstars of Wrestling - FSW(I think that was what it was called, I cant remember. Anyways, they have Kenny King and Disco Inferno, among others, and I dont think they are in the game. I think they started in Las Vegas, so Low-end Regional/High-end Small would fit...

    Does anyone know if they have a website? Or I might have got the name wrong so if someone could correct me that would be nice. Also what are the chances that they get added to the game in future updates. They promoted a live show on a Smackdown TV episode in Las Vegas. I think it was 10 bucks a ticket, and I doubt I will go see the show, but it is a real life promotion, just dont know if I have the name right. They are a year old cause the show it was promoting was the 1 year anniversary show...

    Thats all the info I know, hopefully someone else lives in LV and saw the commercial and can correct me if I got the name wrong, or have seen them promoted in another area and can provide me with more information about them. If we get a correct name and roster info, could they be added to the game, thats why it is posted here and not on the general board???

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