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Jeff Jeffries

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Posts posted by Jeff Jeffries

  1. I bought a Wii when they first came out and have only like 6 games now. I haven't played it in over two months. I'd play it more, but there just aren't enough games out that I feel the need to play. IMO, if the Wii had a bigger game selection, it'd sell more games.

  2. Pip, Million Little Fibers & the current one are my least three favorites.

    I'd like to say Season 1 was also bad, but at the time it was absolute hilarity, even though it doesn't hold a candle to the newer episodes (Season 4 onward).

  3. To be fair, it was way, way better than the Family Guy season premier. This episode definately isn't one of the best they've ever made, but it was still absolutely hilarious.


  4. I hate the parts of the game where there's no clue at all as to where to go, the Crag Level where you have to go to the top of the pillar, I didn't even know there was a hidden block/ladder thing up there until I got bored and frustrated and was randomly hopping around.
  5. Hornswoggle's theme <_<

    Seriously, though:

    Godsmack - Serenity...not sure why I include this song. But, I dig it. I'm not a fan of Godsmack, either.

    Bellamy Brothers - Old Hippie....one of my favorite songs ever. I joke that one day there's gonna be a remake "He's just an old gothic punk and he don't know what to doooo"

  6. This problem expands past European Football, too. I've heard of several local high school boys stroking out on the Football (american) practice field lately and a couple of band students.

    I had an old coach explain it to me as best he could and he says alot of it has to do with conditioning. When he was playing football in the 50s, they didn't get water breaks or anything, but they also didn't have stuff like air conditioning and gatorade to help hydrate them growing up. With the introduction of those and other innovations, certain conditions need to be made to ensure these athletes' safety.

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