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Silent C

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Posts posted by Silent C

  1. The Long Halloween is the best damn comic I've ever read. It's BRILLIANT.

    I'm halfway through The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and I'm enjoying it a lot. Just finished Marvel Civil War: X-Men, and I was distinctly underwhelmed. I enjoyed the standalone Civil War book, but the X-Men one was just....... meh. I wanted to collect the set (for no other reason than I'm a completist, and the set'll look good on my shelf), but I'm having second thoughts now, unless Spider-Man and Iron Man can redeem the series.

    Spidey's is good as far as I can remember (if you can forgive a bit of "why we're right" monologue for the pro-reg side that is way outta character for its speaker), but the Iron Man tie-in has what I personally thought was one of the more touching scenes in recent Marvel memory.

    Tony disconnecting Happy Hogan from life support as the Lord's Prayer is juxtaposed over shots of him, Spidey and Reed Richards.
  2. SS, this is the story following Messiah Complex:

    The X-Men have gone their seperate ways, with Cyclops pondering disbandment (and telling Tony Stark that they already have disbanded, as to avoid registration with the SHRA).

    Wolverine, Colossus and Nightcrawler went on a European road trip to the latter duo's home countries ,which ended with them captured by Russian authorities, who want to know how it is that Russia has lost all of its mutants on M-Day while the X-Men still have their powers.

    Angel, Cyclops and Emma Frost are in San Francisco, which has been transformed into its '60s-style counterpart by someone being called the Goddess. Angel, like the rest of SF, has been turned into a hippie, and Cyc & Emma have come to his rescue.

  3. This diary gets a good amount of ~LUV~ from me. From a Manabu IWGP campaign, to a Blond Outlaw reunion... and I doubt you're gonna bring in any Global Standard baggage. This has my NJ-fanboy seal of approval (Y)

    One note though, the CBO Dogs name is a mouthful. You can make a good name of any two words in it, but cram it all together and it's a bit too much.

  4. Thumbsucker is a cute little vehicle that just worked on all cylinders for me. It's quirky and fun and touching and makes you think as well.

    I'm on quite a roll when it comes to movies, as I just watched Pirates of the Caribbean 2 yesterday and Superman Returns two days before that. Pirates is all-around fun (even if Knightly is over-exposed) and Superman was also enjoyable, even if because of my lower standards.

  5. Maybe it's because I was sleepless/grumpy at the time, but I didn't like it all that much. Apart from the Timon and Pumbaa stuff and stuff like Scar's "A monkey's uncle" line, I really felt like it lacked something.

  6. Comedy/unconventional? I'd say you're testing the waters for a return of Wrestling's Finest. DISAAAAASTEEEEERRRRRRR~! ^_^ Hey, I'd be hyped if it were that.

    It's a pity to see this really end, even if it's been inactive for months, and months before the most recent "re-launch" as well. I believe this was the first diary I've read, and it continued to be a favorite over the time. Top notch writing and build-up towards the important events (Shangrila/WM98 for the two most recent events). Not to mention that it's because of this diary that I'm a Tenzan mark in real life too.

  7. In addition to the first NewsRadio episode after Phil Hartman died, I'd put the David Strickland tribute episode of Suddenly Susan. Granted, Strickland wasn't Hartman and Susan wasn't NewsRadio, but it was just as emotional for me back then.

    Another emotional moment for me was the season finale of Desperate Housewives, when Bree finally breaks down. I know EWB isn't exactly full of DH fans, but that one was truly heart-wrenching.

  8. From what I could gather from the BabelFish translation, Trent and crew fled to their hotel as rain began to pour, and it was security that lowered the backdrop onto the NIN guitars in fear of the drawing storm.

  9. Dwight is already dressed in time for the swirlie, TRS. He exits through the window, fully (well, as much as he will be) dressed. Mysterio2000X was right about the opening though.

    Still, Hartigan does have a naked scene in which we would've seen Bruce Willis cock, but lets just thank G-d we were spared that, shall we?

  10. The most notable is the lack of nudity, but you'd have to be a total dweeb to think they were going to take an NC-17 for Clive Owen cock or convince Alba to run around naked half the film. :(

  11. Cool :) Along with To Hell And Back, which features none of the already-known Sin City characters (Delia notwithstanding), Dame is the only long story left (Family Values is really too short on its own, and Booze, Broads and Bullets is a collection of shorts), and was one of my favorites, even though anyone I've talked to has disliked the Dwight stories up until now.

    Clive Owen and Micky Rourke ruled here, so I'd love to see them again in SC2. Both surprised me as I've seen little of Owen in the past and none of Rourke, and I was very impressed with both.

    Bruce Willis was a great Hartigan, but Alba seemed wooden throughout That Yellow Bastard, and only somewhat normal in her Hard Goodbye cameo. She felt like a more grown-up Nancy there, something I was left without in TYB (And is actually normal with The Hard Goodbye occuring around 4 years after Bastard's end).

    Rosario Dawson is a superb Gail. I came in expecting nothing of the character and the actress for some reason, and was left speechless. I'd love to see her again in SC2 as well.

    Oh, and sweet little Elijah Wood now scares me half to death.

  12. I should probably criticize this and say how this wasn't realistic even in the BVS scope of things... but this was too damn enjoyable to do so. Kudos to ya, mate.

    Oh, and ditto on the Corino thing, in the hopes this was just a tease to gauge our responses or something...

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