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Posts posted by alancer

  1. One of the best qualities of this diary are the consistent updates that you provide. I always know that just about every other day or so there will be a new update for me to read.

    There are a couple of concerns I have about the diary. One is that it is a very gimmicked way of telling the story. Now obviously that is what everyone including myself praised in the begining. Just be careful to get stuck in one exact way of telling the story. It seemed thats what was happening although the more recent updates changed. I liked the whole, we all remember Nov. 11th ... Shhhh ... bit because it was different. Try to keep it changed up a bit. You picked a concept which can either make this an AMAZING diary long term, or kill it long term.

    Some of the things you do that really help this diary are talking about the signs people would hold up, and about other aspects of the war then just the shows.

    Also, beware of killing the TNA flavor. You've added Jericho and RVD, both guys who can work great in TNA. Sean O'Haire is another good edition. But if this just becomes a WWE ripoff of its good workers, it'll jsut be like the formerly popular smackdown brand during the Fab 6 period when Heyman was booking. (Thats the best example I can come up with.) At the same time, WCW stole half of WWE's workers and made it work. Remember to build your own talent away from WWE. Not just giving oppourtunites to guys like Carlos, but remember Samoa Joe and AJ Styles, people who helped give TNA its distinct flavor. If you over fill the roster, you are going to get more TNA shows like the one you had. Great in a sort of smark dream way, but there were no titles, and lots of gone mainstream TNA stars.

    SHarkboy was never given a push, but he was a cult favorite among the x divison.

    It seems like you are suffering from too many talented workers, as a result people aren't getting pushed, or even making it on air.

    Anyway your diary is still one of the two or three I read every update for.

    Here are my opinions on what I would do with certain guys. Again this is your diary and Id rather read what YOU would do with them, but still ... I cant help myself.

    RVD- X division, he can revitalize that division. A high profile feud with RVD and another well known guy. FOllowed by lots of feuds with home grown TNA talent or a few indy guys could build that division back to where it was ... side by side with the TNA World Title. I love the Motor City tag team, because they are absolutely amazing in the ring together in real life. But at the same time both of them would have sick feuds with RVD for the X division title.

    Kurt Angle- I know he has more of a backseat job to make TNA stars look up to his level, but Id love to see him dethrone the Jackel, at least at some point getting another TNA title shot. Your feud with AJ Styles can be amazing, treat it right and it can be a classic.

    Daniels at some point probably deserves a high profile TNA title feud.

    Dont let former Champs like Christian and Styles fall into the background.

    Finally, I dont know if your going to make Samoa Joe the face of TNA. His image on the front cover of the book would hint at that. But maybe his job is already over, only being in the begining of TNAs rise. But if you are, he needs to get some big pushes. Maybe a feud with an on air Eric Bischoff, and all of the guys he pulls out to fight him. Who knows?

    Good luck I really want this diary to make it big.

  2. Uve gotten urself another fan.

    My Predictions

    TNA Slammiversary 2007

    Basham & Damaja vs. Voodoo Kin Mafia in a Tables match

    Robert Roode vs. Eric Young with Young's contract on the line

    Chris Sabin © vs. Jay Lethal vs. Sonjay Dutt for the X-Division Title

    The Steiner Brothers vs. LAX vs. Tomko & Giant Bernard in a Contender's match

    Christopher Daniels vs. Sting

    Jeff Jarrett vs. AJ Styles

    Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage vs. Rhino vs. Samoa Joe vs. ?? in a King of the Mountain match for the TNA World Heavyweight Title

    WWE Vengeance

    Predictions welcome

    Snitsky vs. CM Punk

    MVP © vs. Chris Benoit for the US Title

    Randy Orton vs. Ric Flair

    Deuce & Domino © vs. Cade & Murdoch for the WWE Tag Titles

    Edge © vs. Batista in a First Blood match for the World Heavyweight Title

    Melina © vs. Candice Michelle for the WWE Women's Title

    Lashley © vs. Umaga for the ECW World Heavyweight Title

    John Cena © vs. The Great Khali in a Last Man Standing match for the WWE Title

  3. I think this diary is going in the right places. I hope to see more of it.

    Also, i think Hogan WILL job to Orton in real life. Hogans only an asshole around other people from his era, ala michaels. He is a good boy when he's wrestling younguns.

  4. FINAL Clash of the Champions Card [3 Days Away!]

    • World Heavyweight Title: Booker T © vs. Goldberg

    You know i looked at Jairus' predictions, and thought, hell these could be mine. So in an effort to stray away from waht I consider the obvious, I predict thru some sort of very controversal ending ... Booker T retaining, more reasoning will be seen below in the US title match.

    Sting vs. Kurt Angle

    Giving it to Sting here, ANgles had the advantage for most of the feud, although I am hoping like Jairus that Angle gets the win later in the feud.

    • Torrie's Choice: Big Poppa Pump (w/Stacy Keibler) vs. ??? (w/Torrie Wilson)

    Come on, you cant lose on your debut ... even if your a returning star

    • WCW US Heavyweight Title: Booker T © vs. Kanyon

    Something tricky will happen here, Flair ... maybe Stasik will come and interfere, but there really is no reason for Booker T to be US champion, Kanyon needs the push.

    • WCW World Tag Team Titles: NC-17 © vs. The Impact Playaz (w/Dawn Marie)

    You know this was a hard one. On one hand the Impact Playaz shouldnt be rushed into their title reign, al la all new WWE tag teams. But on the otherhand, they are an old team, and it just seems this is how its going to go.

    • "Undeniable" Mike Sanders vs. Diamond Dallas Page

    Definitely another tough pick, Im going with DDP, although it is very likely perhaps more so, that Sanders wins.

    • "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett vs. Rob Van Dam

    RVD is a huge star, and has been treated that way in his debut, taking offers from both WWF and WCW. He needs this win, RVD is going on to big things in WCW.

    • WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Titles: Rey Mysterio & Billy Kidman © vs. The Hardy Boyz (w/Lita) vs. Kai En Tai

    Hardyz win, Hardyz vs. Rey and Kidman has been the main feud here, and i think it will keep going. Hardyz will also probably pin Kai En Tai, to further the trying to be friendly but accidents are causing them to be enemies thing going on between Misterio/Kidman and Hardyboz.

    I am more pysched for this then I was for the WWF pay per view.

  5. I on the other hand do know who Cael Sanderson is, I was skeptical at first thinking hey, Cael hasnt even won his first olympic gold in this time period yet why would he quit, but ur rumors fixed that dillemma. I enjoyed the angle, and it definitly could lead into Angle picking up an amateur wrestling stable in the future, as he does in real life.

    I for one am really pysched for the WCW ppv. Although I agree I got less of that hard sell feeling at certain points.

    The WCW card is well filled out, with a slew of wcw mainevers mixing it up with younger stars. How big is WCW's roster at this point. You really have about 5 or 6 guys who take up most of the card, so its hard to tell about the midcarders, unless the midcarders are champions then, they to get tv time. Your doing a good job balancing the WCW roster. I keep reminding myself this is WCW's first ppv, and the best is yet to come, its really seems like a starting point ppv, a place to build from. Although personally I would have an inaugrial ppv be more of a supercard.

    Either way I enjoy your diary and check it daily, even if I dnt always respond. Its well thought out and I look forward to future shows. BTW, a lot of these WCW ppv matches could go either way, so it will be intersting to see how you play it off.

  6. If u want to keep with realism, Angle has got to be out of the picture. He worked WM with the chance of paralysis, not that I need to inform anyone of that I am sure. And underwent surgery following this ... which kept him off TV untill post Judgement Day. Although u did cancel the tag match, a two or three weeek break would still not be enough.

  7. Backlash was worth the wait. It was a messy ppv, and the heels seemed to come off with the advantage, but Backlash has always been a transitioning ppv. I predict, since Rock was pinned, that Taker goes for Austin at this point. Its a bit early (in real life time) for Michaels to come back as an everyday wrestler, and the Rock does have a movie to shoot. But does no one else think Michaels vs. The Rock wouldnt be amazing. Those two could talk circles around eachother.

    Looking forward to WCW and their time to shine now. I hope Sting and Angle have more then just one run around on PPV. Angle sure has a lot to offer to WCW. I always thought the crusierweight tag titles were a waist of space and dentrimental to the real tag division, but you've been pulling it off well. I expect to see the WCW PPV matches get announced a lot more frequently that were over the Backlash hill.

    I am guestimating that we will be seeing WCW's 6 ppvs with more of these familiar names, like Starrcade and Great American Bash, maybe some Halloween Havoc since if the two companies go bi-monthly ppvs, WCW will be getting October.

    Either way keep me guessing, I am really enjoying this diary.

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