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Posts posted by tNc

  1. Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I checked the GFX forum but I didnt see anything game related there so I thought Id post here. Anyway, I was playing the other day and decided to make something a little darker than the normal backgrounds. Its a black version with a updated title screen and a different loading screen. The internet banners that are normally in that folder were updated too. I think they came from a BlueGlass version of the graphics? Anyway I thought Id share if anyone's interested. Again sorry if its the wrong spot for this.



  2. Umm, not so much, because like I said I'm a bit biased but I Arseniced my game, and put his brawl at 68, and his tech at 43. He was a better wrestler in the 80's and I think he started slowing down going into the 90's, but he still could do it. And his charisma I put at 82, because he's constantly talking, and moving and everything. Even out of character he's that way.

  3. Just wanted to point out that in all the EWR games I've ever played Bill Dundee's always been underrated. I dont wanna come off as biased, but Im a wrestler myself and Bill trained me, along with a few other people, so it's irritating to see his stat's so low. Bill, back in the day, was one of the best workers in the Mid-South, if not anywhere, and he had charisma out the ass (and still does today). So I was thinking his tech should be higher, and and his charisma should be way higher. In '90 he would've been past his peak, but not so much as his stats indicate. I guess the wrestling stats are subject to opinion but if you don't believe me on the charisma part, just look him up on Youtube lol.

    Oh and I wanted to say, I'm enjoying the game, it's really good, just that one thing bugged me lol.

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