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Posts posted by Phleanix

  1. Using Bill's September Update as a base, I tried to create a Split WWE Brand Database.

    Here are the results:







    Uploaded to multiple sites for easy downloads to all :)

    Cool. I was thinking about doing this. I will give it a try and see how it goes.

    If you hold off for a few days, I'll be trying to do the same thing with the Brand New October update :)

  2. Saw the Gaslight Anthem video on Q this afternoon, during my channel hopping. My brother said it was a good tune.

    Also, the new Pussycat Dolls tune. The video would well be worth a wank to, but the fact it's impossible as you have some form of epileptic fit. Yeah, shit tune too.

    Erm...what else. Miley Cyrus...I quite like. :shifty:

    Also, who the fuck are The Saturday's or whatever...who are just literally a carbon coppy of Girls Aloud, only their song is the absolutely DRIZZLING SHITS!

    It's the girls from S Club juniors, with some other chick.

    They're now legal, and hot.

    So I don't mind the video ;)

  3. Has the displeasure of working behind the bar when the played 12Bar in Swindon.

    Sound awful live, and just like on CD, the guy can't sing.

    NO, it's not my taste in music Anyway, but as a barman at a music venue, I hear a lot of bands in this, and many other Genres, and if a band, that I don't like play well, I'll be honest.



    12Bar, Swindon - the website.

  4. Heard about Arshavin, just flicked on SkySports News hoping to hear it from them.

    Thanks for confirming though.

    Manchester City have moved for Israel international Tal Ben Haim from Chelsea for an undisclosed fee. rumours are saying a figure of around 5mil.

    He's on a 4year contract.

  5. I voted no,

    Simple Explanation: the question asks if he's one of the biggest SPORTS stars. And, although he IS a sportsman, it is not that which he is most recognised for.

    He is more known and celebrated for his bravey in over-coming obstacles, and going through the pain barrier.

  6. My only problem with the 1 upfront is that it would mean bringing someone new in.

    As I can't see Berba doing too well in a lone striker role.

    Saying that, if AD is right in his assumption of tactic changes, I'd agree, although would Swap Dos Santos and Modric.

    I feel Modric is much more creative from the left, and Dos Santos can be a much more prominant AMC, thus more than making up for the lone striker, and therefore making Berba a viable option up to.

  7. As a Yid, I've always fancied Bentley as a Spurs player.

    He was always one of my first signings on Football Manager.

    And now to see him coming across in real life, it superb.

    Lennon's not been on song in recent months, and Bentley is a different kind of player which will give us a new dynamic, and also push Lennon to up his game.

  8. Johnson is a strange one - I've read that it's supposed to be just under £8m up front, with £3.3m in installments and another £2m (approx) dependent on appearances/goals. Can't believe he's potentially going for £13m though.

    yeah, Sky sports confirmed it was DEFINATELY an overall 8figure deal.

    With 13m the rumoured amount.

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