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Posts posted by golfrfan

  1. Aagh! I am a Rams fan and this year has just been amazing. But come on the Rams defense needs to step up now late in the game at Seattle. All game the BACKUP for Seattle has been having his way with the secondary. They need to step up for the last ten mins and hold them down. Give Bradford and Jackson the ball so that they can score.

  2. Well they did it. Gino Aurriema is one of the greatest head coaches in college basketball men or women. You cant compare this to the men's streak but it sure is close. This record I feel will not be touched. At least not in my lifetime. Too much parody on the men's side and the women's game is getting there in the sense of parody. It was a great thing to watch though. I applaud Aurriema and the UCONN Huskies they deserved it.

  3. St. Andrews is the home of yet another unofficial leaving of the Open Championship. I hope he comes back but Tom Watson is getting up there. Watson on the bridge was very touching. Watson has always loved this tournament just as much as he loved the US Open. Its sad to see him playing the eighteenth hole for the last time.

  4. Im a huge Rams fan and they won. But sadly they didnt prove anything. They proved more in their losses to the Vikings (where they had their largest offensive output but only ten points) and to the Jaguars (great defensive game until the fourth quarter and ot). Bulger is a good quarterback with a horrible attitude. If he would grow up he would be one of the better quarterbacks in the league but a little to late as the Rams will more than likely not resign him at the end of the year unless he and the team break out and have a good run to end their season.

  5. St. Louis Rams lose to Jacksonville 23-20 Final/OT

    Now I know Im a Rams fan Im gonna admit that now. But I still think the NFL needs to change their OT Rules. Im not just saying this now Ive felt this way for a long time. I like the idea of the a full kickoff and all. But I think it needs to be fifteen minutes full quarter. Most points at the end of the OT wins. Its just a five quarter game. Your guys opinons?

  6. Well since giveemwar disappeared if anyone wants to do the XPW Monday Nightmare that would be great. It needs to look extreme yet be generic no superstars on it please. Also make a generic sig for a ppv called Genocide how you do that is up to you.

  7. I would like to ask for a signature banner with mainly just the XPW logo. Also have Juventd Guerrera and Psychosis on there.

    Next I need a XPW Monday Nightmare banner. That is completely up to you since I wont have any superstars on it.

    Lastly, for now, I need a banner with Genocide and have Juvi Guerrera on one side and Danny Doring on the other.

    Thanks to everyone and anyone who help I have to gfx experience so I will ask for more banners later. Thanks once again. :)

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