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The Judas Factor

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Posts posted by The Judas Factor

  1. Good work on trying to get this as accurate as possible but I am noticing a LOT of things are still wrong. Here are some things that I have noticed.

    • No relationship between The Hardy Boys
    • Hardy Boys should possibly have Friendship with Shannon Moore, Gregory (Shane) Helms, Joey Matthews and Steve Corino. The group worked together in local promotions that the Hardys ran.
    • The Nasty Boys had left WCW by April of 1997. Their last match in WCW is listed as March 1, 1997 at a house show. Prior to that they had only wrestled 2 matches in 1997 (Jan. 1, 1997 at a WCW Pro television taping). They ended up leaving WCW with (I believe Jerry Sags) got injured in a shoot with Scott Hall. He retired in late 1996 early 1997. Knobbs later returned to WCW as part of their hardcore division but that wasn't until 1999.
    • (As per above) Jerry Sags should be listed as a Non-Wrestler.
    • The Nasty Boys should be listed as inactive
    • From everything I have seen I believe by 1997 The Giant had distanced himself from the Dungeon of Doom. According to several sites I have seen he is only listed as a member through 1996.
    • Jacqueline should be a member of the Dungeon of Doom. She managed Kevin Sullivan until Bash at the Beach '97
    • John Tenta should be removed from Dungeon of Doom
    • Robert Eaton should be removed from the Blue Bloods. His last match as "Earl" Robert Eaton was in August of 1996. He quickly began feuding with his former blue blooded friends.
    • Remove Blue Bloods as a stable Keep them as a tag team.
    • Add Masahiro Chono to the game roster (unless I missed him). I don't see him. I am not great at stats so I wouldn't know what to put there. He should be on an open contract with WCW and touring with NJPW.
    • Add Masahiro Chono to the nWo as he joined in Dec. of 1996
    • Jeff Jarrett should be added as a member of the Four Horsemen. Jarrett joined in 1997 and stayed a member until he was kicked out in July of 1997.
    • Rename Big Bubba Rogers to Ray Traylor. He started wrestling under his real name as soon as he was kicked out of the nWo "contractually" by J.J. Dillon.
    • Remove "Big Bubba Rogers" from the Dungeon of Doom. He left them when he joined the nWo.
    • Remove Michael Wallstreet from the nWo. He was kicked out of the group by WCW Commissioner J.J. Dillon. Dillon said that Wallstreet and Big Bubba Rogers were not contractually eligible to join the nWo. As best I can tell this happened sometime late Jan. to early Feb. of 1997
    • Consider upping the talent of Bobby Heenan. He has long been considered the greatest color commentator of all time and 83 (though high) seems a bit low, but this may be a personal thing.

    I've adjusted these things in my own game, and you may not be interested in correcting them, but I figured I would mention them just in case.

  2. Thanks for your feedback!

    Hogan's story is he put the AWA on the map in around 1983/84 when Gagne pulled the trigger on his popularity. This, Hogan never goes to the WWF and never becomes the face of their company. Instead, he is one of the franchise faces of the AWA, stays with them throughout their transition into WSW, and eventually jumps ship to HCW when he realizes that he isn't being used the way he wants and feels he should be treated. Since 1988, he had only one the WSW World's Heavyweight title once (in August of 1993, which was put on him just to satisfy his perhaps legitimate complaints). I wouldn't say his role is diminished at all. He's on Monday night television with a new company that is pretty popular considering he's alongside guys like Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash. Just imagine Hogan was offered such a larger sum of money from Richard Branson and his HCW company, that he couldn't really turn the offer down and instead became the face of a brand new organization.

    The Austin 3:16 thing is what it is. I love the character and angle, and think it's much more fun to book than a "Superstar/Stunning" Steve Austin character that has been done multiple times in different alternate reality scenarios. It's the only legitimate angle that one could imagine could save this "new" WWF considering it's perhaps the hottest character in wrestling history.

    In real life, the Undertaker joined WCW in 1989 after floating around the territories. It would be just like him joining the NWA around the same time and achieving success there, eventually having been repacked as this "undertaker" character, and going on to win the world title.

    I understand your comments but honestly, this was a lot of work in itself, and creating all these brand-new characters for all these wrestlers just because history is different, would have been too much of a workload, and would take too much explaining to do. I'd rather players are able to open up a game and understand who-is-who pretty easy, instead of having to constantly check some .pdf file with workers names in the scenario and their counterpart in real life. I wanted familiarity and ease-of-play to override an entire agenda where I'm trying to show and prove how creative I am with these new characters and such (which most people would be in disagreement about anyway.)

    Take Kane for example, as you said. Why would I want to choose one of his shitty gimmicks before he was given the Kane one and act like it would be super over? iDOM already has him as his dentist gimmick, which is the most common other gimmick associated with him. I'm not going to give him a brute gimmick and rename him something else and have everyone wonder who the guy is, or look around the data set looking for Kane himself. Kane would be a great gimmick in any company, and he's still in the WWF in this data. He has a different manager in James Vandenburg (who is 10x better than Bearer), and is a brute masked demon who destroys people. The only thing missing is he's "the Undertaker's brother". Do we really have to change his complete gimmick just because The Undertaker isn't in the WWF? Doesn't make sense.

    I know it's a lot of work, I actually debated whether or not to post my opinion because I know the work that goes into something like that.

    The Hogan/Savage/McMahon thing I understand a bit more now. It doesn't change my opinion on it but I at least understand what your line of thinking was.

    The Kane thing I'm not so moved by. Him being repackaged as this monster doesn't bother me so much. The Steve Austin thing is what really left me scratching my head because I felt that was just such as stretch to get him into the Austin 3:16 gimmick.

    You've put a lot of work into this and that doesn't go unappreciated by me.

    • Like 1
  3. First of all let me say that the reason your owners file is corrupted is because the first staff member has to be an owner (if I remember correctly) so when that is changed it corrupts everything else.

    Secondly, I applaud the work that you put into this scenario. Writing up all the backstory and everything takes a lot. I know because I had a similar idea that never got off the ground because I couldn't find time to do all of the work.

    With that being said I'm going to give my honest opinion. I give this a 5/10. It's a good idea with some interesting twists, but some things just don't make sense to me.

    For instance you changed Hulk Hogan's major role in WWF to being Randy Savage. That's cool because I liked Savage, moreso than I ever did Hogan, but Savage bodyslamming Andre doesn't make sense. The scenario seemed to center around Vince getting found guilty and going to jail which would mean logically that most everything prior to that would be the same. So Hogan would have played a major part in WWF.

    Another thing I didn't understand was where Hogan went? I see him in HCW as the "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan character but again that doesn't make sense to me really. Hogan seems to play a very diminished role in this scenario so his "shocking" turn wouldn't have had the impact that it did.

    Lastly there seems to be times that you mimick real life things just to do it. For instance Steve Austin. You had him adopt the Austin 3:16 attitude era slogan, but that doesn't make any sense at all. When Austin 3:16 broke out he was feuding with Jake Roberts who was using a "preacher" type gimmick that mimicked his real life acceptance of Christianity. Roberts used John 3:16 frequently so when Austin did it, he was mocking Jake. In this scenario he gave the same speech to Shane McMahon who, unless you just didn't put it in there, wasn't using any sort of religious gimmick. Therefore it makes the entire catchphrase confusing and I'm not sure that had it not been for Jake Roberts playing a great heel at the time, Austin 3:16 wouldn't have taken off as it did as a catchphrase.

    The Undertaker is something else that confuses me. You have him in WCW with his undertaker gimmick but it was Vince McMahon who gave Taker his gimmick, something that would have been largely the same since his debut happened in 1990, a full 6 years before the scenario takes place.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that there was a lot of room for you to get very creative with how things could be different and yet in many ways you just took the same gimmicks and moved them around. Even using WWF names (i.e. Umaga) instead of coming up with something original or using versions of older gimmicks they had. Kane is another example of using a WWF inspired gimmick that probably never would have come about.

    I'm not trying to completely bash the scenario as I am playing it and it is fun to play, but I wanted to be honest and say that I was disappointed with how things turned out from a creative standpoint.

  4. The only thing that I noticed is some salary issues. There are some workers and staff making $1000 and some others that seem to be making a bit more than what they would have been in 2000. That's more of a "tweeking" thing. Not a lot of workers but that's quite okay since I think there are too many in some of today's updates. Especially since we most of us use the same handful of workers. Everything looks good to me though.

  5. This request should have gone into this thread.


    On the plus side... HELLS YEAHS!!! This shows back on next week :shifty:

    Thanks, I saw this but I wasn't sure. And I know! I can't wait. Probably my favorite show on TV right now. I am using his picture for a new authority figure in TNA. Probably going to write a diary about it, I'm tossing around the idea right now. lol

  6. I am looking for a KyKy pic Bo Rotunda. I did a search and didn't see one so I'm sorry if I missed it.

    Thanks for your help!

    Just a few pages back dude


    So I was curious as to why my search didn't come up with this picture. I'm not new to EWB so I hate it when I come off as a newbie you know? Well I was searching for "Rotunda" not "Rotundo" not sure what I was thinking, wasn't really paying attention I guess. Anyway thanks for pointing me to the picture

  7. Okay so I am asking this question for a friend of mine. He has a DVD that someone burned him of a concert he played in. He wants to use that DVD and edit it in Windows Movie Maker; however, we can't figure out how to get it INTO the program. We put the DVD in and the only thing it will do is play. I don't know how to rip the DVD or anything. I'm sure there is a program he can get to convert the DVD into a MPG or something so any help someone can give me would be great!

  8. I've tried countless times trying to download the KyKy_HIJKL and for some reason it isn't allowing me to do it.

    So i was wondering if anybody can help me.


    Thank you in advance.


    I got your PM this morning but I was on my way out for work at the time. I downloaded it just to see if it worked and everything came out fine on my end. Try 2 things for me to see if they help and if they don't then I will upload it somewhere else.

    1) With Rapidshare a download will time out after so long so you really have to click "Download" right away otherwise it times out.

    2) Try clearing your cache and/or temporary files. Sometimes that helps.

    If you do those and it doesn't work let me know. The only reason I say try that first is . . . its a pain to upload those things lol

  9. i have no problem downloading it or extracting it, must be only you funker

    Am i talking to you? No, now shut your cock sucking mouth

    That was completely uncalled for. He was simply answering MY QUESTION about whether or not anyone else was having problems. You better hope that they get uploaded to ewinventory because I will not . . . under any circumstances upload them to a different site for you now. Not after that.

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