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Andrew is Good

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Posts posted by Andrew is Good

  1. http://www.lordsofpa...ommentator.html

    Put JBL on Written contract.

    low Brad Maddox's speed to 32 and technical to 30. his matches in FCW didn't show anything good. He doesn't deserve the stats that he has now

    I completely disagree, but I guess that's me. I've always enjoyed his matches, and his stats are fine the way they are.

    Also, in regards to the road agents thing, Road Dogg is a road agent now, though he could come in and out of retirement, so there could be that issue. Why not make him an agent, unless it's in the new update, which I need to download now.

  2. Maybe it's because she doesn't wrestle very often, but I think Nattie Neidhart could have her stats upped a bit. The girl is pretty crisp in the ring. Maybe up her technical to 70 and her brawl to 60. She has to be one of, if not the most talented girl on the roster.

    An underrated wrestler though has to be Michelle McCool. I know she's married to the Undertaker, but she has been doing a lot better. Maybe up her brawl to 45 and her technical to 55. Her charisma is also really low, especially for someone who's been shown to be a pretty good talker recently, so maybe a boost to 75 at least?

    Also, thanks again for the update. Look forward to it every month.

    • Like 2
  3. Add Rob Conway to OVW, and give him a staff member gimmick. Rob Conway talked in an interview about still being apart of OVW, but right now, he doesn't wrestle for them on tv. Though he will be appearing at an upcoming show.

    Add friendship between Trish Stratus and Sinn Bodhi. They trained together at the start of their careers, and Sinn says they're still good friends to this day.

    Lower Big Daddy Voodoo's stiffness to about 55-60, due to Colin Delaney bringing up in an interview that Colt Cabana did with him that Big Daddy V was the lightest guy he's ever worked. Jerry Lynn in his rf shoot talked about how he worked with a lot of bigger guys, and found them to be incredibly light in the ring. Not only that, but obviously, a guy like that legit falling on you would be damaging, so he takes usually good care of his opponents, except that one time he kinda crushed Undertaker's face, having him to wear a mask in 95.

    Change Cliff Compton's gimmick to city slicker, being Mr. Media in OVW.

  4. Matt Hardy basically confirmed he was not sent home and pulled of as the reports stated. His comments were to the idiots online that needed a story I guess? I don't see why he needs any decrease in anything.

    The article that PWInsider ran with the Hardy video:

    As PWInsider.com reported yesterday, Matt Hardy was sent home from the WWE European tour on Sunday after a backstage incident the night before. Matt Hardy took to the web to respond to that report, with his primary defense being that he was still in Great Britain at his hotel.

    Hardy did not address not working the last night of the tour, nor did he respond to any other aspect of the report, blaming "a stooging punk" for the story making the rounds.

    In regard to his condition backstage at the event, which we reported was the mitigating factor in officials' concern, resulting in Hardy being sent home, Hardy stated that he had never felt better, claiming he had dropped over 20 pounds since changing his diet to eliminate red meat.

    Hardy also did not address leaving a house show in White Plains, New York last Sunday where he was scheduled to work a tag match. WWE sources indicate that Hardy left the building after speaking to officials and never returned, forcing WWE to change the match to a singles bout between R-Truth and CM Punk.

    Judge for yourself.

    The default position shouldn't be, the side of the sheet writers. Nothing should change until more things come out, or there is actual punishment of the guy, or something happens to the guy, whether anything comes out about fines, suspensions, etc. Again, maybe Matt Hardy is completely making it up and I should believe everything I read on the internet. But again, if there are two conflicting stories between the guy, and other people reporting about the guy, it's not fair to take the side of the sheet writers automatically. Though I'm sure with some people if PWInsider reported that Matt Hardy shit a live chicken in the parking lot of his hotel, they'd believe the internet writers over the guy saying, that's ridiculous.

    I'm not saying, raise his behaviour or attitude or anything. As for the game, no side should be taken and no points lowered (he hasn't done anything in particular to have them raised) until something more concrete comes out. But, taking the side of the reporters over the guy, especially with the way the sheets can be, it's seems a bit unfair. The burden of proof is with the sheet writers, and not Matt, so it's unfair to just assume, he's done such and such.

    The problem is this, how can you prove it either way. Look at the whole Michelle McCool is dating Undertaker rumors that came out and were talked about because of celebrity photos that came out of those two walking and eating out. The relationship was added even before they admitted to it, which they only did when they got married. WWE don't have to admit the Matt Hardy story at all and Matt will deny it like anyone else. Taking the side of the worker means Invader should have 100 behavior because he says he "killed Brody in self defense." Being fair because this is another "dirt sheet issue."

    The point is Matt Hardy allegedly left a show before he was suppose to wrestle last week and got benched this week. I am tempted to believe that does not warrant a 90 in behavior which he currently has. If he had say a 50 and I wanted 5 points more off, it's a moot point but the guy has a high behavior.

    But what what happened with Brody, there were multiple items and reports from other people. Again, maybe Matt is completely wrong, and is lying to make himself look good. What I'm saying is everything is all speculation. It is possible that he may've been hurt, pro wrestling isn't ballet. It's the sheets vs Matt. And not changing anything isn't taking Matt's side or the side of the sheets. Bringing down his behaviour is simply taking the side of the sheets, and because everything is all speculation, instead of taking anyone's side, just leave his stats be, until more information comes out. It's not fair to take the default position of the sheets are always right, when right now, it's Matt vs the sheets. It's he said, she said.

  5. Matt Hardy basically confirmed he was not sent home and pulled of as the reports stated. His comments were to the idiots online that needed a story I guess? I don't see why he needs any decrease in anything.

    The article that PWInsider ran with the Hardy video:

    As PWInsider.com reported yesterday, Matt Hardy was sent home from the WWE European tour on Sunday after a backstage incident the night before. Matt Hardy took to the web to respond to that report, with his primary defense being that he was still in Great Britain at his hotel.

    Hardy did not address not working the last night of the tour, nor did he respond to any other aspect of the report, blaming "a stooging punk" for the story making the rounds.

    In regard to his condition backstage at the event, which we reported was the mitigating factor in officials' concern, resulting in Hardy being sent home, Hardy stated that he had never felt better, claiming he had dropped over 20 pounds since changing his diet to eliminate red meat.

    Hardy also did not address leaving a house show in White Plains, New York last Sunday where he was scheduled to work a tag match. WWE sources indicate that Hardy left the building after speaking to officials and never returned, forcing WWE to change the match to a singles bout between R-Truth and CM Punk.

    Judge for yourself.

    The default position shouldn't be, the side of the sheet writers. Nothing should change until more things come out, or there is actual punishment of the guy, or something happens to the guy, whether anything comes out about fines, suspensions, etc. Again, maybe Matt Hardy is completely making it up and I should believe everything I read on the internet. But again, if there are two conflicting stories between the guy, and other people reporting about the guy, it's not fair to take the side of the sheet writers automatically. Though I'm sure with some people if PWInsider reported that Matt Hardy shit a live chicken in the parking lot of his hotel, they'd believe the internet writers over the guy saying, that's ridiculous.

    I'm not saying, raise his behaviour or attitude or anything. As for the game, no side should be taken and no points lowered (he hasn't done anything in particular to have them raised) until something more concrete comes out. But, taking the side of the reporters over the guy, especially with the way the sheets can be, it's seems a bit unfair. The burden of proof is with the sheet writers, and not Matt, so it's unfair to just assume, he's done such and such.

    • Like 1
  6. WWE Smackdown star Matt Hardy was sent home from the ongoing WWE tour of Europe today, sources within WWE have confirmed.

    There was concern about Hardy's condition that manifested themselves backstage at an event on the tour yesterday. Those issues follow an incident at last week's house show in White Plains, New York where Hardy was scheduled to team with R-Truth against CM Punk and Luke Gallows. Sources indicate there was concern about Hardy's condition at that event as well. Hardy was said to have left the show after officials spoke to him and never returned, not working the house show

    Drop Matt Hardy's behavior and attitude by 10 for no-showing, credit to PWInsider.com

    Matt Hardy has been responding to the rumours from his youtube channel, including a recent video.


    Due to potential legitimacy issue, I think the behaviour should not go down by 10, as it would not be fair to change his behaviour for potentially false reasons. It shouldn't go up, as I don't see any reason to change anything, but just 0 change for Matt Hardy's attitude and behaviour.

  7. This might end up being open for debate, but here goes.

    Vickie Guerrero needs her charisma upped. She is one of the biggest heat drawers in all WWE, and probably all of professional wrestling. She is a solar panel. I'm proposing a jump of 81. Sometimes she's not perfect with her verbage, but her hissy fits, her arrogant demeaner and the way she acts draws an incredible amount of heat from the crowd. Some people with higher charisma then her draw a bit of heat as heels, but nothing compared to the level of Vickie Guerrero, who in my opinion is the Bobby Hennan/Jim Cornette/Paul Bearer/name your manager of this generation, and definitely deserves a better charisma rating then she has already.

    So, maybe it could be aruged, maybe not, but Vickie definitely deserves better then what she has.

    • Like 1
  8. Some more FCW information:

    -Change Tyler Rek's primary finisher to Burning Hammer

    -Change Cable Jones' name to Dr. Cable Jones. I'm guessing give him the evil gimmick, which was the same as Dr. Stevie, as he seems like he's a twisted evil chiropractor, or something.

    -Change Johnny Curtis' finisher, his primary one, to the Johnny Kick and it's an impact move.

    -Add the team of Johnny Curtis and Derrick Bateman, under the name, Curtis and Bateman. Give them 1 exp.

  9. WWE

    -Add Norman Smiley to the roster. He's a trainer in FCW, so he could be put down as a trainer. Or has this been discussed before?

    -Add Bunkhouse Buck to an open contract, as he seems to be a recurring character on WWE television as Jack Swagger's dad.

    -Add Billy Kidman to the roster, under the staff member gimmick, as he's in the same boat as Norman Smiley.

  10. TNA

    -Raise Beer Money's tag team experience from 40 to 80. When was the last time that was updated. But yeah, they've become really strong tag team partners as of late, so I think a strong raise is due for them.

    -Add the team of Desmond Wolfe and Magnus as London Brawling, and start them off with 4 experience.

    -Raise Ink Inc.'s experience to 10.


    -Drop Titus O'Neil's selling to 35. Though that maybe a bit harsh, did anyone see his selling of MVP's drive by kick. I'm surprised MVP didn't shoot on him right there.

    -Luke Gallows is definitely someone who is underrated, and I don't think his stats have changed since his Festus days. He's lost considerable weight, so maybe up his speed 29 and he's getting better in the ring. He's not perfect, but his technical is a lot better then 7. Maybe, a 22 and see what happens from there. Up his selling to 70 as well, guy's been selling very well against Big Show in recent outings. Very underrated I think Gallows is in the game.

    -Add friendship between CM Punk and Luke Gallows. Punk specifically requested Gallows as his bodyguard, and is currently his riding partner. He also talked strongly about him on a podcast he did with Colt Cabana, and how he runs a lot of things by him.

    -Raise Alberto Del Rio's speed to 65. He doesn't wrestle much like, but when he was a babyface in FCW, he did plenty of the lucha moves you would see guys much smaller then him do.

    -Change Jacob Novak's gimmick from Blue Chipper to Arrogant

    -Change Derrick Bateman's gimmick from Man in Black to Ravishing. I was thinking suave, but the guy kinda has a stripper type gimmick, and ravishing is close to Rick Rude, and I think that's a better comparison.

    -Change Johnny Curtis' gimmick from none to No Gimmick Needed.

    -Change Tyler Reks gimmick from Dude to Ice Man, though that could be debated. He has an interesting look to him.

    -As much as it pains me, remove Jay Bradley from the roster. Bradley talked on his facebook about how he wasn't signed.

    -Tick off menacing for Jackson Andrews. Change gimmick to monster and change his primary finisher to Sit out chokeslam.

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